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Everything posted by PinkElephant

  1. When you have activated this function (to grab pdfs as they are), there should be a small Green elephant button somewhere at the right hand margin of the pdf document, lower third of the screen. Click on it, and the whole pdf will be transferred into a new note and saved. This is part of web clipper, but it can not be accessed through the web clippers main window.
  2. Stop freaking, you most likely just created a new, empty account by accident. Check your login credentials, make sure they are correct, log into the correct account and your notes will be back.
  3. To merge pdf-files, I use PDF Complete (Windows). It does a good job on merging, and it is free. Beside it’s additional functions it is a pdf reader as well.
  4. Oooops - now I am getting shy. Back into the woods, then ....
  5. You use a service by a company that does NOT use your data to make a buck FOR FREE. Maybe you should see your attention as the price you pay for not paying. If you spend 15 Minutes a month seeing the stuff, pushing it to trash, writing in forums about it etc., and compare it with the 6 $/€ a Premium account would cost, you really come CHEAP. I do not work for 24€ an hour ... So stop whining about getting an E-Mail from time to time. Make up your mind, go for a Professional use of EN, or take it as it is. As an elephant I am allowed to say it openly ...
  6. Well, if I drive a Mercedes, it will not show me the way to the next BMW Dealer either ... From my memory, FF will ask you during installation whether you want to make it your standard browser. One click, and you are done. If I remember it correctly, you can set this later on as well. It is in Win10-settings, System, standard apps - there you can pick your browser of choice from those installed.
  7. Yes, I would like to get markdown editing as well. I have voted in favor of this some time ago. Since it seems not clear what is meant: For my usecase, I am collecting stuff in EN. Then I go and prepare some publishing in a blogpost or on my website. I would prefer to be able to write this down directly in EN using markdown, then copy and paste into the web editor without a need to touch it there. This would streamline the research - collect - write - edit- publish- process for me. But if I do not get markdown, the world is still turning, the sun rising, the birds singing ... And EN is still my tool to organize information for me. So, markdown please, because it would be nice to close this thread for good.
  8. Maybe just give another browser a try. If the problem is gone, you can maybe solve the issue with Chrome as well. Sometimes uninstalling, restarting the PC and reinstalling solves an issue. Maybe try Microsoft support - you could claim it is an update issue. Or try EN support.
  9. Frankly I have no idea - and should I when WebClipper works as it should ? I was touched by the same problem as everybody when Apple force-released Safari 13 in September. As a work around, I used Firefox more than before on my Mac (FF is my standard browser on my Win10-PC, I had it on my Mac as well, but rarely used it). There WebClipper was never defunct. I installed WC as Safari Extension when the new release came, set the privacy stuff in the settings, and it worked fine from the start. Got the new release then, thumbs up on this as well. The Update Problem I face IMHO is related to try to unlock an install with my Apple Watch, whenever I am logged in with my non-Admin-account. I will go back to Apple support on this - maybe it is as it is, but I want to know. When trying a few things today, AppStore again got stuck on an install, and again it had nothing to do with EN. With my admin account, it went through later on.
  10. To which browser the link should place a call to open the web content ? Clicking on the link should activate this browser (set as standard in Windows), and then the browser usually handles the connection to the outside world. Since with recent OSes (MacOS as well) the handling of security related issues was enforced, probably it is a security issue that stops the browser from launching. In my case it is the latest Win10 with Firefox as standard browser. I have not noted any problems after updating Windows, but my PC is down for the night. So maybe I can give it a try tomorrow.
  11. When as a kid we refused to eat our dishes, our mother said „Eat, or it will rain tomorrow“ ! Did you refuse to eat your plate recently ? Because for some (like me) it works, for others not. Instead of complaining with a lot of words and emotion, but nearly bare of useful information, maybe issue a support ticket. I can assure you from my personal experience (MacBook Pro, Catalina 10.15.1, latest Safari and EN, no betas) that there is at least one working installation under the sun - mine ! And probably there are many more, so if yours is not doing as expected, there should be a reason, and a fix for it.
  12. Always = the same lag, when on WiFi or in mobile mode ? From my experience there may be a short lag when something is still in the search field when coming back to the app. In all other cases the app is quite responsive (iPhone 11 Pro Max, 256GB, iOS 13.2.3, EN 8.24.2). The standard next steps would be: Switch the phone completely off, wait a minute or so and switch it back on. This will clean out all residue in the phones memory. If it still does not work, uninstall the app, go through switch off / wait / on and reinstall. If you are still unhappy, open a support ticket.
  13. Recently I had a Problem with then AppStore as well (Catalina 10.15.1). The Updates started, when the „circle“ of the fastest one reached „one minute before 12“, all downloads stopped, and could not be reactivated again. This had nothing to do with EN, it was the download of the most recent release of Numbers, Pages and Keynote. After restarting, it was back to „Update“, but stopped again. Since I have Apple Care+, I called and was handled through to second level support pretty fast. IMHO this means there is a problem Apple support is aware of. They came onscreen and talked me trough a series of steps, which I can not easily replicate. To sum it up: I have 3 users on my MBP, usually I work with a non-admin user, the 2 others are admins, but not often used. Basically it was getting all 3 out of iCloud, restarting each one, setting the memory back (some key combination on restart) and then reactivate iCloud, using one of the admins to run AppStore and update.
  14. Yes, no change on my side: Got the uninstall (completely !) / reinstall message, did so (still under Mojave), upgraded to Catalina, upgraded EN, reinstalled Web clipper etc. The spotlight issue still did not come back (keep my fingers crossed). This is what I can contribute from my experience, which of course depends on my Mac, my other apps and installations and my use case. Good luck !
  15. My impression is that this discussion is kept alive (zombie-like) by one forum user, and has run it‘s course. Off to greener pastures 🐎
  16. EN does not refuse to do something like stacked notebooks, they simply don’t do it. And that is for a reason, because they would need to take the whole EN structure (apps, sync and server) apart and rebuild it from scratch. As a user, if you think you need a „deep“ notebook structure, you have simply not understood how EN works for you. EN works for you when you use it the way it is designed. And this is notebooks for very general organisation, plus control of local / offline notebooks, sharing etc. The real, multidimensional note organisation in EN is done by tags - and these can be nested etc., all you probably want to do, and then some more. Simply think of a tag like a folder, and if you put more than one tag on a note, you put it virtually into more than one folder at a time, without needing a duplicate. If you use this EN principle, you will be able to organize your information in an optimal way. If not, you better switch to another app.
  17. For me it is GoodNotes 5. Excellent handwriting engine with a super „flow“ of virtual ink, very good OCR of the handwritten stuff, complete search of what was written, import and modification of pdfs etc. Sync is through iCloud, and just a few weeks ago they have launched the GoodNotes app for the Mac. So the handwritten stuff is not restricted to the iPad any longer, but is fully synced to the Mac as well. The collaboration with EN goes through an export from GN5 into EN as a pdf (flattened or editable). When I export into EN, the pdf stays (unless I unselect this option) fully searchable as well. The search index is generated by GN5 and is then used by EN - this means it will find a certain word in plain handwriting within the pdf that was exported to EN. So I am very happy with GoodNotes 5. However especially with something very personal like handwriting, I think everybody should do his own test, and then stick with the app that gives the best feeling while using it. A handwriting app is like a glove - if it does not fit when you put it on, it will not serve his purpose.
  18. Hello Peter, yes, the watch can work for a certain time alone, but it can not be operated without an iPhone. This has nothing to do with the EN app. In itself restrictions are that the eSIM is strictly local - there is no roaming available. At home you can go for a walk watch-only, and can be reached by phone, but abroad, the eSIM does not work. By the way, using the watches phone is much better when it is connected to a pair of AirPods. Then I use the iPhones camera quite often. There is no camera on the watch, but (and I love this possibility) you can remote control the iPhones camera from meters away through the watch. I can see the picture on the watch, and I can trigger when the situation is right. So at the moment, the watch is a super extension for the iPhone, but still no replacement. Plus the watch does some things the iPhone can not do. Have fun !
  19. 1) EN on the Watch has a reduced set of functions, as it is true for many watch apps. It depends on the connected iPhone to perform certain operations. So when the iPhone app is not active, a new note stays on the watch. 2) To Sync you just need to open the app on the iPhone. It makes contact with the watch and syncs. When I tried, the new note showed in a blink on the iPhone in the EN app, and a few seconds later it already appeared on my iPad. This transfer happened through the EN server, not by direct sync between devices. 3) You can take new notes whenever you want to - if you are for example in a training just with your watch, just grab what crosses your mind. To move it to the server, just open the EN app on your iPhone. Everything happens then automatically.
  20. If you can’t remove them, maybe you could copy what you want to keep, and then format the card. Or just scrap it physically, a SD card should not represent that much monetary value.
  21. Do you request it for desktop or for mobile platforms ? Both handle their data quite differently. And how should EN notice you have lost focus ? No user action in XX seconds ? Could you elaborate your sketchy idea a little further, please ?
  22. Web Clipper (as all other apps under Catalina) needs to be authorized in the Mac's settings and in the Browsers: Settings - security - privacy, then authorize all EN and WebClipper items. Then the same with Safari settings - extensions. For Chrome I do not know where to find the settings, because I do not use it. That done Web Clipper (and all other EN apps like Helper and Skitch) work fine under Catalina, be it Safari or Firefox.
  23. Was this happening close to the initial upload ? Then maybe the OCR on the server had not yet taken place. My impression is EN is doing it pretty fast, but depending on workload there may be a lag until the OCR data is available.
  24. Old paper looks and smells - old. Because it does not need to be filed in any way, just collected, it is not really work to do so. After scanning, the question is „tax relevant ?“. Then it goes into the box, else it goes into my shredder (unless it is one of the rare docs I keep in paper as well).
  25. In this respect our legislators prove real digital phantasy: If the document is originally issued by electronic means, and signed by the issuer, ONLY the electronic copy is valid. If the document came in paper, ONLY the paper copy is valid. So the same bank account slip has to be archived in paper, when I went to the bank and printed it there - but I have to file it electronically when I downloaded it from the same banks web site. The electronic stuff is no problem in my workflow, because when I archive it in EN, the signature continues intact. Regarding paperless workflows, of course one can create a workflow that meets requirements. You need an archive software that is certified against tampering, plus you have to introduce a workflow with all the bells and whistles about how to handle paper documents that enter your place by mail. Then you have to have this workflow audited and certified as well. For a company this can be done, for an individual it is the box with the paper.
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