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Everything posted by PinkElephant

  1. The planet is spinning, the wheels are grinding .... Compared to other ages, we live in the best of all worlds.
  2. ... yourself a favor: Get the right glasses ! Let me tell you my story: With age the eye will adapt less to watching things in different distances. So I have gotten myself variofocal glasses. And a stiff neck and strong headache, when working a lot in front of a screen. Why ? Because the area needed for the screen distance is placed low on the glass. To see a sharp image I had to raise my head, which created stress to the neck. Whenever I worked long hours like that, everything stiffend up and gave me all sort of trouble. Little exercises to loosen things up helped, but not for long. Then I got myself new variofocal glasses, just for the screen work. They are not set to „infinite“ on the far end, but to about 3-4 m, and the low end is document viewing distance. When I look at the screen, the head has a natural angle now, and the stiffness and sore is gone. They make good reading glasses, too.
  3. My solution for scanning on my i-devices is ScannerPro by readdle. It is fast, reliable even under low light conditions etc. The best feature is the possibility to create own workflows, without coding. I have created several workflows related to repetitive scanning & importing tasks. They take the scan (can be set to jpeg or pdf), tag it with a set of standard tags assigned to the workflow (like ScannerPro, 2019, Music, Events) and import it as a new note to the designated Evernote-Notebook. Often this is it - the note is there, tagged and available to search and retrieval without further effort.
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