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About ab1kenobee

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  1. Hello, jono129: Here is a Google search which may be helpful: Evernote legacy compatibility Windows 11 I am close to firing Microsoft and Win 10... and buying a new LAPTOP (~ AMD Ryzen 7 CPU, 32GB RAM, 1TB SSD, WIN 11)... then I will partition and install Zorin 16 OS Linux (which I understand from Members of this forum, reliably runs EN Legacy using WINE). I hope this may prove a little helpful. Positively, ~ Alan
  2. IDOC: This is PRACTICAL due to DEPENDENCE. If there were truly comparable or viable alternatives to EN... without the PAIN factor... I think it reasonable to assume there would be a MASS MIGRATION away from EN. It is EN's job to satisfy its customer base and bring LOVE to the table... not the customer base to bend over backwards to make things work with a BETA-level release that NOBODY is happy with based on past product. To date, there are many functionalities broken or missing from v10 vs. 6.25. USERS don't work for EN... EN works for its USERS measured by performing as represented! Thank you. ~ Alan
  3. I did try it... much with an open mind... however with the loss of features that I depend on and use every day... v10 was simply not a working option... and within 10-MIN I returned to Legacy.
  4. Hi PinkElephant. Glad to hear someone is happy with v10... however a NEGATIVE sentiment among experienced users appears to be prevalent by a large margin.
  5. Thank you. With all EN issues, I will not even consider v10. When forced before EN issue have been resolved... my notes will have to find another home.
  6. Hello idoc and all May I assume my version is the 6.25 you refer to vs. Legacy? (309198) Public (CE Build ce-62.6.10954) THX.
  7. Thank you to @gazumped... I've have initially set "type delay" from 50 to 5... my EN has frequent brain freeze throughout the day... so we'll see how this goes. Hope to hear back from @idoc as well. THX.
  8. Hi Idoc: Interested to know if you have discovered what SETTINGS eliminate FREEZE and NOT RESPONDING... and how to implement if successful. THX.
  9. SOURCE: https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/104432-native-linux-client/?do=findComment&comment=627323 | FYI: I can live without the TASK feature missing from action for now
  10. I just educated myself a little more. I hope this may prove helpful to others. ~ Alan You Can Now Install Official Evernote Client on Ubuntu and Debian-based Linux Distributions Last updated March 3, 2021 | By Abhishek Prakash | itsfoss.com/install-evernote-ubuntu YT-SEARCH how to dual boot zorin os 16 and windows 10 | Zorin os 16 pro replace windows 11 | Download Zorin OS: zorin.com/os |
  11. Hello all: I have fired MS and replaced all their software except the Win 10 which came bundled with my laptop purchase in 2018. Now I am seriously considering giving ZOIN OS 16 a virtual go. Thank you for a confirmation that EN Legacy will satisfactorily behave on WINE "without major problems"... which is now the only WIN application hold-out in consideration of making an OS transition to Linux. Positively, ~ Alan
  12. Thank you, I have looked at Joplin and receive their forum updates as well... however Joplin comes with many shortcomings as well... not compelling enough. THX.
  13. I would migrate to another app in a heart beat due to EN's subscriber and support mindset... however I have not found a Win 10 / Android note app that currently provides the comparable features available in Android Legacy v.8.13.3. Finding another app to migrate to is now a matter of SURVIVAL for my business needs... however irrational abondonement is not an option either.
  14. Hello, agsteele: Thank you for responding. Regarding my comment about "100 CERTAINTY"... I have already made the ERROR of allowing ANDROID to update ALL apps... so I would like to AVOID making a 2ND error. I decided to give Android EN v10 an unbiased chance... however its SYNCING is so delayed... 10-30 minutes... v10 is simply impractical for my purposes. I would migrate to another app in a heart beat due to EN's subscriber and support mindset... however I have not found a Win 10 / Android note app that currently provides the comparable features available in Android Legacy v.8.13.3. Finding another app to migrate to is now a matter of SURVIVAL for my business needs... however irrational abondonement is not an option either. I will UNINSTALL v10 and REINSTALL v.8.13.3... and report back in this thread. Thank you much, ~ Alan
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