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Mike P

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Everything posted by Mike P

  1. I can't reproduce this. On my system there is no change to teh behaviour. Selecting an image and hitting enter inserts a line. The arrow keys go between images. 10.9.10-win-ddl-public (2439) Editor: v119.1.15375 Service: v1.30.2 © 2019 - 2021 Evernote Corporation. All rights reserved
  2. Not hard at all which is why there is the option to disable it. Open the keyboard shortcuts (ctr-/ or the keyboard icon at the bottom of the sidebar in the latest version). Click on the three dots and choose disable.
  3. It has been well documented in this forum and was raised way back in the preview and beta stages. We have no indication as to whether it is something that EN plan or do not plan to reinstate. If I was a betting man I would say that as it is a Windows specific issue it is unlikely to be reinstated anytime soon as the drive is to make the app as similar as possible on different operating systems. The workaround will not help with current links and is probably not as convenient for most people. In Windows create a windows shortcut to the file or folder you want to link to. Then simply attach the shortcut to your note. Any attachments demand a line of their own so you will not be able to have the link inline. You can put the attachemt in a table which may help.
  4. It is always worth keeping an eye on the "coming soon" section of the release notes. There is a short version in the app (Help -> Release notes) and a fuller version in the forum version of the release notes. It is rare, but not unknown, to get any other feedback on specific issues.
  5. I can confirm that it's the same for me on Chrome. This appears to be one of the differences between the web client and the desktop. On the desktop version you have 4 different views and the ability to switch on or off different fields (tags, image preview etc). In the web version you essentially have "snippet view" with no options.
  6. You don't seem to be on the latest version (10.9.10) but I don't think that is important. It does seem that sometimes EN gets fixated wuth a particular start up view or search. Something that sometimes works is to clear the search and go to All Notes (Notes in more recent versions). Then close EN including closing it from the elephant icon in the task tray. Then reopen EN or preferably reboot and reopen. Basically avoid shutting down your computer with the elephant icon in the task tray while you have the undesired search. Not guaranteed but worth a try.
  7. That is odd. You are right that on a chrome browser on a pc there are no options (as @PinkElephant pointed out) and you are stuck with the snippet view. I'm not that familiar with chromebooks but I thought they ran everything in a chrome browser so I would have expected the snippet view. On the desktop versions you have four choices accessed from the view options icon at the top of the note list.
  8. You don't say what version of EN you are using. @DTLow's answer will work for any version. In V10 if you start in the notebook you are wanting to search and click in the search box underneath the text input area you will see the name of the notebook and the words "add filter". Click add filter and then search. Alternatively you can filter on the notebook using the filter icon after doing your search.
  9. There have been quite a few issues raised on the forum about printing (which surely is a core feature). Once those get solved (sensible pagination etc) then it will be very easy to export to pdf using an external pdf printer (like primopdf) even if the original pdf export functionaility is not restored.
  10. I don't use the legacy version that much because I find I can do most of what I need in the new version and am keen to contribute through the forums to what I still consider to be an "extended beta". You can run both systems concurrently but you must be very careful about syncing issues. Make sure you manually sync the legacy version when you come back to it and when you leave it. There is no way of knowing whether V10 is up to date with it's syncing. It should do it automatically but sometimes it doesn't. The nightmare scenario is obviously that you end up with multiple versions of the same note. Clipper will be fine because it clips directly to your online database and then syncs from there to the desktop clients I think in your situation I would initially concentrate on legacy and the web client. Remember that when you use the web client you are seeing what is in your online database without any complications caused by syncing issues.The web version is essentially the same as the V10 desktop client but missing a few features. You need to gain some confidence that the numbers being reported by the two systems are the same, you are finding the same notes and all your attachments are ok. You should be able to view pdf attachments inline and image attachments should be fine. Other attachments should download when you double click them (which is one of the differences between web and desktop). Only when you are confident that what you are seeing in legacy is the same as what you are seeing on the web would I progress to V10 desktop. When/if you do progress to the V10 desktop remember that it takes a long time for everything to sync and get up to date. Expect it not to fully reflect reality (reality = web version) for some time. Days if you have thousands of notes. I know this is rubbish but in my experience once it does all sync properly it then works fine and keeps up with changes reasonably quickly.
  11. I think this would be a useful feature. If it doesn't get implemented anytime soon then you can use the "monospace" font inside a grey single cell table. This gives you all the same formatting available for regular text. The hardest thing is creating the table because []x1 doesn't work! Maybe a template?
  12. ctrl 1-9 aren't assigned to random notes they are assigned to the first 9 shortcuts in your shortcuts list. You can change the order of the shortcuts by dragging them around in the sidebar. I've never found this very useful because I don't normally remember the number and I'm quite happy to point and click. I guess it does help those people who like ot do everything using the keyboard and not touch the mouse at all.
  13. One thing to try is to make sure you not only close the app but you also close it fully from the elephant icon on the system tray before you shut down your computer. Forcing the background stuff to close by shutting down your computer seems to behave differently from closing the app fully before shutting down your computer. No guarantees but it has worked for me for similar issues in the past.
  14. Sorry, I didn't read that properly, you were perfectly clear! Might still be worth looking at the web version for the reasons I outlined.You can also look at history and see if there was some point where the attachment has been corrupted. Failing that I would raise a support ticket an see if EN can work out what has happened.
  15. The only workaround I know of is to create a windows shortcut to the file or folder you are interestred in. You can then attach that shortcut to a note. Attachments demand a line to themselves but you can get round this by using a table. It works well for new shortcuts although probably not as easy or convenient. Obviously it won't work for your existing shortcuts.
  16. I don't understand why you can't download legacy but the the other approach would be to look at your account on the web version. This looks drectly at the server so you will see exactly what is in your account on the server with no complications due to syncing.
  17. You can download the legacy version. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314
  18. The handling of html files has changed in V10. You can now have html files as attachments. Provided it is a complete html page with no reliance on external images etc double clicking the attachment will open it in your default browser.
  19. That is a 94 Byte pdf file which certainly says there is a major problem. Can you download it? Is it an existing file that views correctly in legacy?
  20. You have quoted a very old post. To check the current keyboard shortcuts you can use ctrl-/ or you can now (from 10.9.10) press the little keyboard icon at the bottom of the sidebar. The numbers work logically down the sidebar alt-ctrl-1 Home alt-ctrl-2 (all) notes alt-ctrl-3 is missing (probably reserved for tasks when that is released) alt-ctrl-4 is notebooks - currently not working for me alt-ctrl-5 is tags
  21. What is your source of this data? A relatively small number of vocal users of these forums does not constitute "the vast majority of users". I agree with @ehrt74 they'd just complicate things and if you want a hierachical structure tags do a really good job.
  22. alt-ctrl-V is the new global shortcut to paste into EN. When it works it creates a new note containing the contents of the clipboard even if EN is in the background. It's a really useful tool (as it was in the legacy version) but it seems to be inconsistent. The release notes says it pastes text. However in my experience sometimes it pastes images but will not paste text. Here are my observations so far: Copying a chunk of text or an image from a website normally works fine. Copying a chunk of text and an image - nothing happens Copying text from a pdf doesn't work Copying text from a word doc works Copying text and an image from a word document only pastes the text Copying an image from a word document doesn't work Copying fixed width text from a local html file doesn't work In all these cases manually pasting into a new or existing note works fine. The text only examples can even be successfully pasted into notepad. Is this reproducible by other users or is just me?
  23. You've probaby already tried this but the editing menu only appears if you click into the note.
  24. If I wasn't optimistic I'd have left months ago 😃
  25. That's always been an option in the "advanced options" drop down. I still can't believe that a bug, which deletes users data, is not being addressed with more urgency. For me it's a "cancel all shore leave and don't work on anything else until it is fixed" kind of issue!
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