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Mike P

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Everything posted by Mike P

  1. I think you must be in the wrong forum. The mantra here is everything about V10 is bad and everything about the legacy version is good 😉. In my opinion progress is being made although there are still bugs/missing features which mean I do not yet have 100% confidence in using V10 all the time. It is still not fast enough in both the speed that it executes commands and the ease of doing stuff (e.g. number of clicks). The steady flow of releases is encouraging (12 releases since Oct 28th) although the continued failiure to address some bugs (that I consider serious) is disappointing. I think in a year EN will have morphed from being just a note keeping app to a full blown productivity app which includes seamless integration between notes, tasks etc. It will pull together everything you need to do with all the information you need to do it. Much more like Notion than OneNote, but still fundamentally note based and familiar. That won't please some people and if they just want a note taking app they should probably jump ship now.
  2. I must be blind this morning because I can't find this option in the legacy version. I thought that you have always had to use the elephant icon in the system tray if you want to close EN completely.
  3. You can change all of the Evernote global keyboard shortcuts. Either press ctrl-/ or use the little keyboard icon at the bottom of the sidebar (the icon is new in 10.9.10). You have only quoted part of the sentence. If you read the whole sentence is clearly says "in older versions of Evernote". It would be useful if they had explained what to do in V10 but there is nothing incorrect in what they have said.
  4. I agree 100%. Canned templates can only be a starting point. 99% of the time I will want to make some change, however minor, and then save it as my own. Even if I wanted one of their templates who is to say that it will be in the 8 they list out of the 57 available. I think we should be able to customise the drop down list to have whichever ones we want including a mixture of theirs and ours.
  5. I can confirm that the issue seems to be resolved with 10.9.10. One bug down only 24,456 to go! With every new release, like a small child at Christmas, I open the new version and excitedly see whether I can actually copy an image from EN into word (or anywhere else). Disappointment once again. Sighs. (It is a bug not a missing feature because if I right click an image I get the option to copy).
  6. I guess the development effort is broadly divided into solving bugs, restoring old features to the new app and genuinely new stuff (e.g. Home and Tasks). For my mind there is not enough effort being put into the first compared with the third. More worryingly we have now got to a stage where each new version seems to create as many new bugs as it solves - I exagerate but you get the point.
  7. I assume you are searching for a word using the main search function. This obviously brings up a list of notes which contain that word once or multiple times. If you click into a note of interest and press ctrl-F the "find in note" box appears, pre-populated with your search word. As far as I can see everything you want (and more) is there. The search box displays the number of hits, each hit is highlighted (different colour for the active one) and if you expand the search box using the 3 dots you can access arrows that will cycle though the hits. The only problem I can see is that you do need to go into each note separately rather then be able to continuously cycle though all the notes. EN has always been note based so I think that might be a findamental limitation.
  8. The good news @agsteeleand @Catreva is that 10.9.10 seems to have solved it. So far my changes are sticking! Still no way to change the default behaviour but at least the "elephant remembers" now.
  9. The auto update process is absolute rubbish! I always end up manually updating. We are now on 10.9.10 - there was a new update last night. Jumping all the way from 10.1 to 10.9 I think you will notice lots of improvements but it is definitely nowhere near good enough yet.
  10. If you use the global keyboard shortcut for a new note (alt-ctrl-N) it will create a new note in a new window even if the focus is not in EN. You can change that shortcut if you want to by accessing the keyboard shortcut list (ctrl-/) I can't reproduce this. Whether I am in a note in the main window or in a separate window F3 puts the cursor into the the tag area and changes the text from "Add tag" to "Type to add". Even if I am not in edit mode it works. If you start typing it will bring up a list of the tags starting with the characters you have typed. If you would rather pick from your tag hierarchy you can bring that up with alt-ctrl-T - that works if you are viewing the note in a saparate window or the main window. I would check that you are using the upto date version (10.8.5) because I seem to remember that this problem was reported in the past.
  11. The problem is that that the change doesn't seem to always persist so when you come back (even without closing EN) it has reverted to "small preview". I think this has been raised before and I really hope it is a bug which will get sorted eventually.
  12. Are you definitely doing this from the main notebooks window and not from the sidebar? You can open the main notebooks window by clicking on "Notebooks" in the sidebar. If right click doesn't work try the three dots menu for the notebook (over to the right of the screen)
  13. This worries more than the problem you are having with the desktop version. In the web version you are essentially seeing what is on the server without any issues of synchronisation etc. I would raise a support ticket because I can't recall having seen this behaviour mentioned in the forums before so I don't think it is a bug that a lot of people are experiencing.
  14. Sounds like this might be the "all notes appear blank" bug. There is some more information here if you want to investigate further: Completely agree. Again an active area of debate on the forums but probably not much consolation to you. I don't really understand this one. Both top and side views were reintroduced some time ago or do you mean something different. You can hide information from the snippet view but certainly not go to one line I agree that Home is currently not very useful although I think there is potential. I rarely use it. For me EN starts in the last view when it was shut down so I'm not bothered by home.
  15. In V10 there is no way to change the default formatting options. You can change the style of the four predefined settings (Large header, medium header etc) but that only works for the current note. The only way around I know is to make those changes and then save the note as a template.
  16. Can't currently do that. I use a different program (Gladwin printscreen) but the internal windows 10 offering (Windows snipping tool win-shift-S) works pretty well too. You can get the legacy version here:https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314?fbclid=IwAR2TNqp-eGRH3Ds8Vfu-CiKPjYolJzZ_keR9eWQaDahJ2GN-7hwn595zI8w&__s=bsetfdgzirbvqtopurph
  17. You don't say how you are attempting to do this or what operating system you are using. On the desktop and web versions there are at least two ways to make subtags. You need to do this in the main tags window obtained by clicking "Tags" in the sidebar. If you right click a tag or use the three dots menu that appears when you hover over a tag you have the option to create a sub tag within that tag. Alternatively if you have a tag you want to put in a different place in the hierarchy you can either "Move tag" using the above menu or simply drag and drop it.
  18. Just users here so you will need to contact Evernote. Your info on this forum is also showing you as a basic member.
  19. I try to convince myself that now that you can sort in top and side list view by clicking the column header it emphasises how illogical it is that this only works on certain fields! (May be a 10.9.2 beta thing - I don't know when it was introduced)
  20. Two questions. Is it the same on the web version of Evernote and if you open the main notebooks window (by clicking "notebooks" in the sidebar)?
  21. The ability to add a hyperlink to an image has been removed. It may of course come back but we have no idea. My use case is different and wouldn't meet your need but I use colour emoji icons which being text can have hyperlinks. Good for building something like a dashboard but obviously not if you want images.
  22. I think it has been raised before. There are a number of issues with the preview image for both images and other attachments including pdfs. Sometimes you get it and sometimes you dont. Also if you change the image the preview thumbnail probably won't update. You could try different image formats but I think it may be a matter of waiting until it gets fixed. Sorry not to have been more help.
  23. I completely agree. It is currently "missing" and I certainly hope it will return. I actually use an external utility (Gadwin print screen) but the built in Windows snipping tool (if you are on windows) also works well. win-shift-S to start it.
  24. I hope you find something that better meets your needs. I also hope that the ability to sort by a much wider range of fields will be reintroduced. There has been quite a few requests for sorting by tags and notebooks. If you can't find something better and in case you didn't already know you can filter by author using the search syntax. Without knowing your workflow I don't know whether that would help. author:fredsmith
  25. For future reference you can easily access the current keyboard shortcuts with ctrl-/. Date and time have been separated. Date is alt-shift-D and time is ctrl-shift-D
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