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Mike P

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Everything posted by Mike P

  1. I think that is a different issue. Unlike the legacy version the search results are not dynamic. So if you change one of the notes such that it no longer meets the search criteria it will not disappear from the search results. This has been discussed extensively in the forums. In the release notes for 10.6.9 it says: So hopefully they are still working on it.
  2. Simple answer: You can't More complex answer: You can alter the font size of the four heading levels (Large header,... normal text) and save them (using update to match). You can then save your note as a template and in future use that template for new notes. Given that EN doesn't make it that easy to create notes from templates (unless they are in the drop down list) you could just duplcate your note as needed.
  3. Are you referring to links of the type file:/// ? These have never worked in V10 and the issue has been well documented in this forum. The only workaround I'm aware of is to create a windows shortcut to the document or folder. This can then be attached to a note in the normal way.
  4. I'm not exactly sure what you mean by saved articles or what version and platform you are using. Taking a wild guess if you mean webclipped articles - you cannot alter them in V10 while they are in a "web clip" box. You can certainly use ctrl-F but make sure the edit meu is visible even if greyed out. If you want to alter the text, including highlighting, you need to "simplify and make editable" using the magic wand icon. Personally I would like the ability to highlight without having to change the format of the article.
  5. Looking good so far. Two notes containing images merged with no problems even after closing the app and reopening. Notes containing pdfs also seem to be ok.
  6. The screen shot is really helpful. The title of the note and the fact that you have the whole screen shows that you are using the in-app screen shot functionaility not the webclipper. There si no way that it could know the url - you are just taking a picture of the screen. If you use the EN web clipper to get the screen shot of the webpage you will get the url.
  7. I just either don't put a period after the number of I hit back space which is easier than ctrl-Z
  8. I don't think this is permanent but just for the roll out pf Version 10
  9. There has been some discussion of this in the past. My experience is like yours. It appears that if you have logged in to the app on that machine and it has downloaded your data in the past, you can open the app without an internet connection.
  10. I'm using 10.11.4 on Chrome. You are not using V10. Either that is a deliberate choice of you have a large account. Accounts with more than a certain number of notes (I don't recall and can't find how many) are not being updated to the web veresion of V10 at the moment.
  11. I'm not quite sure what version of the web interface you are using. Here is a screenshot from my account:
  12. Clicking the tag in the sidebar is also quicker than the filter button
  13. Evernote was having major problems with indexing notes on Wednesday. This is thankfully a fairly rare ocuurence these days. It should be working properly now.
  14. I don't merge anymore in V10 - it is just too unreliable. Attachments and images just go missing even after they initially look OK. This has been going on for some time in various guises and I'm surprised, given that we are talking about loosing users data, that it has not been properly addressed.
  15. If you create a new note within the app I agree there is no way to create it in a new window. There are at least three ways to then open that new note in a new window but that is obviously an extra step. If you use the global key board shortcut (alt-ctrl-N) for creating a new note the new note is automatically created in a new Window.
  16. Click the grey web clip banner. Then hit the magic wand icon that appears. You can also hit the three dots menu and choose the option from there. By the way emailing into my account, which as a premium member you can do, also worked.
  17. I can reproduce that behaviour. The whole email appears in a web clip box. If I "simplify and make editable" I then get the pdf inline and can change it to an attachment. The other alternative to try is to email it directly into your account.
  18. I see where you are coming from but they do seem to be having search problems today. Fortunately this is rare and will I'm sure get sorted. I'm certainly constantly evaluating the alternatives but remember that search normally works much better so bear that in mind in your evaluation.
  19. There seems to be an issue today with indexing of new and modified notes. This takes place on the server. It would be nice if this could be confirmed by EN but so many people are having problems today that I am pretty sure it must be an EN server problem. It would be nice if we got confirmation, an apology, a brief statement on what went wrong and what they are doing to stop it happening again! Back in the real world I know that is not going to happen.
  20. Search indexing appears to currently be broken and has been all day! I am getting eratic results when searching for notes that have been created or updated today. Others on the forum are reporting similar problems.
  21. I think there are at least two issues here. If I look at your second screen shot the top of the note says "last edited on Apr 7, 2021" not Mar 23 as indicated in the updated column of the note list. It therefore looks as though you have the correct note but that the updated column is incorrect. You could try a refresh (ctrl-R) to see if that corrects it but I doubt that it will. The second issue, which may well be related, is a tag updating issue. It takes a finite amount of time for a change in tags to be reflected in search. Normally these days this is a few seconds. However if the server is having a bad day it can be much longer. I'm having search issues today as well. The good news then is that the changes you have made to your notes are there. The bad news is that searching is not giving you the expected results - I hope that is going to just be a temporary problem. As always it is worth comparing the web version as that always looks directly at what is on the server, while the desktop app may be looking at the server or your local data base.
  22. Oh well, it was worth a try. When I search for a tag name in inverted commas, as you appear to have done, I don't get the results for that tag unless the text is in the body of the note. Here's a list of other things to try which you may well already have done of course: Check the number of notes attached to each tag by using view -> show notes in sidebar or using the main tags window (click the tags icon in the sidebar) Try selecting the tag in a number of different ways: Use the filter menu using the arrow to the right of the tag in a note Start typing the tag name in the search bar. The tag should come up in the list below Using the search synatx. Type tag:tag_name in the search bar I'm clutching at straws here. If all else fails, especially if you find it is working on the web, you can delete the local database. Instructions here: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/1500004231762
  23. Sam i've just looked at your screenshot again. You seem to be in the reminders tab rather than the all notes tab. So you will only see notes with both the tag and a reminder. You need to click on the note icon to the left of the blue bell reminder icon.
  24. Chances are it will correct itself. The server doesn't seem to be behaving itself today. There is normally a short time delay between adding a tag and it becoming useable in search/filter. This has massively improved. You might want to try on the web version but I appreciate you may not be able to if you don't have enough devices on a free account.
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