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Mike P

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Everything posted by Mike P

  1. I know this question is supposed to be rhetorical but I'm going to answer it anyway. The most obvious ways to me are to use a tag (e.g uncompleted_task), to use the search for unchecked checkboxes (todo:true) or to include some specific searchable word in the title.
  2. I agree 100% The web version opens app style links and web style links in the web version so surely the desktop should be able to do the same.
  3. Just to clarify I think you mean a table of contents for the note not the old table of contents function in the lagacy which produced a separate TOC note with links to a number of other notes. I completely agree with this idea, especially if it directly linked to the section of the note.
  4. Happy for it to be an option (as I think it is in the legacy) but would not personally want this behaviour.
  5. I can't reproduce this I agree. You are deleting the content of the checklist but not the actual checklist structure (checklist icon in the tool bar is still blue). If you want to delete that as well you need to extend your selection to include the line above the checklist or just press delete once you have deleted everything else.
  6. I assume that as he is making notes from the book he is writing the page number before the text 12. X leads to Y 13. In the unlikley event ...
  7. You do have to work quite hard at getting it to be sequentially numbered list! ie number followed by a period. In case the ability to switch off autoformatting never returns none of the following convert to a list p12 12, 12 12-
  8. You go to the notebook but loose the note ie the focus goes to the top of the notebook. I had hoped to see the notes before and after the note I had selected.
  9. It's not quite as complicated now as your workflow suggests. Right-clicking the stack in the sidebar allows you to create a new notebook directly.
  10. Together with the web circa 2010 where it worked really well? With the increasing complexity of web pages I find that is normally less rather than more.
  11. If your table needs calculations it has probably gone beyond a simple table in a note. Just attach a spreadsheet file or a link to a Google sheet.
  12. I'm not entirely sure why it is so important to open the webclipper with a right click. The webclipper icon works well for me or you can use the keyboard shortcut (back tick ` by default but can be changed).
  13. This has been promised but as far as I know has not yet been implemented. You can drop the tag onto the note in the list but not onto the actual note. Maybe I'm being pedantic but to me it is an important distinction as the ability to drop the tag into the actual note would be really useful.
  14. You don't say what system you are using but on the Windows desktop version I can normally solve this by clearing the search and then completely exiting EN. ie make sure the elephant icon is no longer in the system tray. I sometimes even check there are no EN processes running in task manager. Completely agree. On windows shift + tab places the cursor in the find field which might help a bit.
  15. EN can sometimes get a fixation on a certain search. You may have tried this already but I have found that the answer is to go to whatever view you want to appear on start up and then close down EN including making sure the elephant icon has gone from the system tray (bottom right). In other words don't just use the cross but make sure you have fully exited the app.
  16. Rather than just swearing at EN staff (and everybody else for that matter) perhaps you could help pay their salaries.
  17. This is already how the webclipper works on Chrome! There is a drop down to select the notebook if you don't like the one suggested. Also in the settings menu for the webclipper you can choose between three different options. Personally I prefer all my webclips to go straight to my inbox where I can then tag and file them appropriately rather than do it when I'm clipping
  18. For me it is ordered by reverese date created. I think once you change it, it remembers for future searches.
  19. I wasn't answering your question - I fully appreciate your needs are different. @mbca piggy backed on your post and for them a simple change in creation date seemed to be sufficient.
  20. The creation date can be edited in the note information window (ctrl-shift-I)
  21. All the "global" shortcut keys are configurable because they may interfere with other apps. You can change them by accessing the keyboard shortcut menu ctrl-/ or the keyboard icon at the bottom of the sidebar. I don't know whether you can use alt + printscreen and can't check because I use that in another app.
  22. Go to the notebook you want to search. Click in the search bar and you will see immediately below the text input area the option to filter on that notebook. Click add filter and then search as normal. Alternatively you could search first and then filter on the notebook using the filter menu.
  23. For reasons that I do not understand notes opened from a shortcut open as a bigger window with no note list. The only way I know of then opening it in a new windows is to use the three dots menu at the top right of the note and choose open in new window.
  24. In Windows it is View -> unclick "show recent notes in sidebar"
  25. Bring up the keyboards shortcuts toolbar (ctrl-/ or the keyboard icon at the bottom of the sidebar). All the global shortcuts are editable and can be disabled.
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