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Mike P

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Everything posted by Mike P

  1. When I click on the trash icon in the sidebar I see all the notes in the trash and the content. You could raise a support ticket as you are supposed to be able to see notes in the trash and I don't beleive this is a common problem (ie a common bug or missing by design)
  2. I'm surprised. There was a huge time delay between adding a tag and that tag being searchable back in January. A lot of progress has been made on this issue and In my experience a note with a tag can now be found almost instantly after the tag has been added.
  3. Have you tried the menu option or the shortcut as well as the arrow? On Windows they are view -> show sidebar or F10 but I assume they are similar on Mac.
  4. And, in more recent versions, you can also right click the notebook or stack to get similar options.
  5. The same idiot who gave you the option to change it. ctl-/
  6. Searching for emoji characters seems to work fine and a list of results containing the character either in the title or the body of the note is returned. If you use the search syntax intitle:📌 a list of possible hits appears under "goto:" as you would expect. Using the goto links work fine. However when you hit enter to get a full list of results in the notes list panel no searches are returned.
  7. @Faisal MalallahHaving looked at this again it doesn't seem as straightforward. If it is a saved search the tags are not added to the new note as you rightly say. If it is a newly created search the tags are added. Hitting the back arrow button then takes you to the search which if you are lucky (ie have waited a few seconds and the system is working well) includes the new blank note. I would certainly expect the same behaviour for both situations.
  8. It is an option in the legacy version. I actively do not want it but obviously happy for it to be an option in V10. Earlier versions of V10 had the behaviour so it has either been removed by accident (a not uncommon occurrence!) or design.
  9. Yes I noticed that yesterday. I found it in the end. At the bottom of the sidebar click "Need a little help" then release notes. It's at the top of the pop up window that appears with more detail in the "about" tab.
  10. Somewhat cryptic. Could you give more detail of exactly what you want.
  11. If you look at your account details on the website it gives a list of exactly what devices are in use. Click on your user name at the top left of the screen and choose account information. V10 and legacy count as two devices which might explain it if you are using both.
  12. I don't believe so. There used to be a work around using the EN scripting language but I don't think that works in V10. You can of course have a shortcut in the sidebar and on the home page to a saved search but not actually in a note. I have dashboard notes that are like a table of contents but have much more information. I sometimes copy the search syntax into a code box so I can copy and paste it easily. Not even good enough to call a workaround! Again no. It's worse than that because if you follow a link to open a new note in the main window the new note is not obvious in the sidebar so you can't even double click it to launch it in a new window. You can open it in a new window from the three dots menu for the note (top right hand side of note)
  13. If you open the keyboard shortcuts (ctrl-/ or the keyboard icon at the bottom of the task bar) and then scroll down you will see the current list. It includes inline code which is another new feature in V10. My only minor criticism is that you have to look very hard ot see where you have to type all the characters and where they are alternatives, but I think it is mainly pretty obvious.
  14. Given that the filter menu now has lots of options that were previously available only through using the search syntax I think the addition of the ability to negate items in the filter list would be a really useful further addition. e.g. clicking the box once would select the filter, again would negate it and then again clear it. It would also be nice to have a negative lozenge at the top of the note list. This would avoid the rather strange look of a search containing both a tag and NOT a tag So a search of -tag:garden tag:$critical Ends up displaying as: It's not essential because as @PinkElephantsays the search syntax still works well. If the idea is to make these advanced search features more accessible to casual users then it would it be worth adding.
  15. One approach would be to have the note you are writing open in a separate window. You can then use the main window to search for notes and copy the links from the notes you find into the new note in it's own separate window. Unfortunately you can no longer automatically launch all new notes in a new window. So it's a two step process - create your new note and then double click it in the note list to launch it in a new window.
  16. You are correct. You can move the "experiment" tag by right clicking and choosing move or just dragging and dropping it onto "expenses". Remember to work in the main tags window not the sidebar. I assume that you have checked that the note does have both tags assigned to it. Look at the tags area at the bottom of the note. You can also check the number of notes assigned to each tag (see my screenshot above). If this all looks ok it might just be the time delay between tagging a note and being able to find it. In the early days this was unacceptably long (minutes, hours or days!) but now it normally works within a few seconds. Other things to try is to use the filter menu to filter for that tag (all notes then open up the filter at the top of the list) or try the web version. The current web version (currently 10.9.10) displays pdfs inline just like the desktop version.
  17. I hadn't actually considered the mobile issue - I haven't updated them so I am using the old versions. I understand that many people have no choice but to update and you cannot then go back. Mobile use (especially at the moment) is a very small part of my EN usage.
  18. I do like them. The checkbox option still exists (insert -> checkbox or [] (<open square bracket><close square bracket>)). If you need one at the beginning of a line just add a period first.
  19. There are now two features: checkboxes and checklists. Checklists are lists like the numbered or bulleted options and they also cross through the text when they are checked. Checklists should be in the "more" menu. Checkboxes are in the insert menu (blue + at the left of the edit tool bar). You can also insert a checkbox with [] or a checked checkbox with [x]. However be careful. If you add a checkbox at the beginning of a line EN will convert this to a checklist. There has been lots of discussion about this in the forums. If you want a checkbox at the beginning of a line add a character first e.g a period or two spaces (one doesn't seem to work).
  20. I misunderstod - looking back I think you were quite clear. If you click the help and learning menu item in help you go to the website which has a search facility. It's better than nothing but not very good. For a company that prides iteslf on search it could do with thinking about it's website! I think we should at least have the option to limit searches to the actual client I am interested in. If you haven't seen them there is a series of very short youtube videos that go through different aspects of using the apps but they are probably far to simple for what you need. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4I5cq2DfrSrEEvnxWyLkY_oCPvIlPMCi
  21. Because if you analyse the situation (new client with bugs and missing features with very frequent updates running alongside an old client that is still fully operational) you realise that most companies would describe V10 as a long term open beta. Once you realise that, you can relax and choose to use V10 if you want to or continue to use the fully operational old client (AKA legacy). EN have done themselves no favours in the way they have communicated this. If users realise that they have a choice and that V10 is very much a work in progress which they can participate in if they want to, it is a perfectly reasonable process.
  22. Click "tags" in the sidebar to bring up the full tags menu. Lots of options from there including the ability to delete tags.
  23. I only mean that it is Windows specific in that the format of the file link would presumably be different on a Mac for example. Therefore reinstating it would require different solutions for the different operating systems - something that EN seems to be keen to avoid where possible.
  24. I don't know what platform you are using but I'll assume either desktop or web. The search bar is at the top of the sidebar. You are right. Webclips are now stored in an html content box. The reason for this is that as websites become more complex the conversion from html into EN's own format becomes more difficult. This frequently led to mangled web clips. To prevent this EN have preserved the original html and stuck it in a box. The flip side of this is that you cannot edit it directly or even highlight key words or phrases. Using the menu that appears if you click the grey bar you can "Simplify and Make Editable". Another very similar approach is to capture the webclip in simplified format in the first place. Both approaches may mess up the clip but do allow you to then make changes. Personally I like the fact that I can normally capture something without it getting messed up. Not being to highlight is the main downside for me.
  25. You might find this thread useful. Often doing the following sorts it out: Close EN Close EN from the elephant icon in the system tray as well Open task manager (alt-ctrl-del) and manually close any instances of EN that are still there Reopen EN
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