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Everything posted by Dave-in-Decatur

  1. Finding the same thing in v. 8.12 (and we've mentioned it in the release thread too). In case it may be useful for others experiencing this, here's my workaround: I tap on the icon to insert the line, go to the end of the note where the line is inserted, type "foo" so that I have something to select, select "foo" and the line above it, cut, and paste where I actually want the line to be. And then delete "foo."
  2. I'm also on v. 8.12, and Android 9, and I still have the horizontal line insertion problem too, at least in notes that already have some horizontal lines. Really hope they'll fix it soon. I've resorted to tapping on the icon to insert the line, going to the end of the note where the line is inserted, typing "foo" so that I have something to select, selecting "foo" and the line above it, cutting, and pasting where I actually want the line to be.
  3. Hi, and welcome to the forums. This sounds like the kind of thing that happens when someone accidentally creates a new account when trying to access their existing one. It is surprisingly easy to do if you start with, say, a different email address. Double and triple check your login credentials and see if that does any good. If not, the main page for contacting support is here: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new.
  4. Hi, @Old Landscaper, and welcome to the forums! Even though you rebooted the computer, some people report that problems like this, which may result from some erroneous code getting "stuck" somewhere, can best be fixed by completely exiting the Evernote program. Clicking the red X box at top right only closes the interface. To completely close the program, go to the File menu and choose Exit. Then restart Evernote in your usual way. Hopefully this will fix this function. Being a Basic user does not affect standard functioning like this.
  5. Hi, and welcome to the forums! The simplest solution would probably be to sign up for a Premium subscription for just one month. Obviously there's a cost involved, but hopefully not prohibitive. Note history is preserved for all accounts, both free and paid, so after subscribing you should be able to retrieve history for the notes affected. Once it's straightened out as well as it can be (history backups occur at set intervals, not after each edit), you can then cancel and drop back to Basic.
  6. Just coming in late to say that this behavior was reported by someone else also recently, though I can't find the thread just now, and when I tested I found the same thing.
  7. If you haven't done this yet, try closing down Evernote completely (File > Exit; clicking the red X box only shuts down the interface). That will usually solve problems caused by code going astray in the computer's memory. Alternatively, open Task Manager and end all Evernote processes. In either case, then restart EN and hopefully it's fixed. If not, try a reboot of the computer. If that still doesn't fix it, you may want to open a support ticket.
  8. Hi, and welcome to the forums. Please join this thread: The user there is having the same problem, and is also using a Huawei phone. That may be where the problem originates.
  9. Hi Patrick, and welcome to the forums. I'm not sure if you quite got what I was saying at the end of the post you quoted. I said "we're not able to address them directly here," meaning we (users) are not able to address them (Evernote staff) directly in this forum. I'm a user just like you, and I have no ability to tell you what any versions of Evernote will or will not ever have, nor am I ignoring anything (as I probably should be in order to get some work done). I don't even know, as you somehow seem to know, how simple it would be to add note-merge functionality to the Android app. "Simple to use" ≠ "simple to program." Evernote staff are not lurking here, gleefully ignoring our demands. Since you are a paying subscribers, why not contact Evernote support using the means you have available (https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new) instead of griping at your fellow users here? And BTW, I hope you've clicked the up arrow at the top of this page (as I have) to indicate your support for what would indeed be a valuable and useful feature.
  10. The one way that does work to create a recurring reminder for an Evernote note is to copy the link for the note (right-click on the note in the Note list, then Copy Internal Link); then create the recurring event in your calendar (e.g., Google); then in the description field paste the Evernote link. A bit of a kludge, but it does work. Clicking that link will open the Evernote Web interface to the note.
  11. I use Cronofy, and find it to work quite well.
  12. Does every attempt to paste anything fail on all 3 devices? That really would be surprising. Does this involve pasting from some specific source?
  13. Hi and welcome to the forums. You're right about offline notes being a paid feature (see the feature comparison here). AFAIK there's no way to save notes to PDF in bulk. If that's what you want to do, the best way would be to save each note to PDF as you create or edit it (File > Print to PDF). Tedious, but reliable. Of course, if the note contains an attached PDF or audio or video file, probably not going to be workable in any circumstances.
  14. Hi, and welcome to the forums. I haven't experienced this with Evernote, but I have seen the exact same thing with at least two other apps, ColorNote and my bank's app, after the phone updated to Android 9. I believe that something has gone wrong with the notification system in Android 9, but I haven't yet pursued it. I do get Evernote notifications, so it might just be worthwhile to check in Settings on your phone to make sure that notifications are turned on for the Evernote app. What type of phone are you using, and who is your service provider (since some providers, such as Verizon, do their own little "improvements" to Android)?
  15. @yveclark, welcome to the forums. I'm sorry to say it, but saying "paste doesn't work" may not be enough information for the support people to track down the issue, since it evidently is not widespread and might be dependent on specific circumstances. It's sort of liking taking your car to the shop and saying "It doesn't start." They're going to want to know details about the battery, the time and temperature, etc. I had to download the screenshot app to report a problem a couple of months ago. It was kind of a pain, but apparently it did give them info they could use. The screenshot video will in fact show when you press an area in the text and select Paste, for instance. At any rate, you won't get anywhere until you send them the screenshot.
  16. Hi, and welcome to the forums. We're user-to-user here primarily. Evernote staff do look in and very occasionally comment, but you're not addressing the developers directly here. However, there is a set of forums specifically for making feature requests: https://discussion.evernote.com/forum/449-product-feedbackfeature-requests/. You can put this either in the general requests there, or in the forum for the specific Evernote interface you use (Windows, iOS, Web, etc.). Obviously this would be done very differently in different operating environments; I'd think it would be next to impossible on Android. I imagine it could be done in Windows, but as you'll see in the request forums, there's a line.
  17. Please do see the thread linked in my preceding post. Evernote is aware of this issue and working on a fix, but there's no way of knowing how soon it will be ready. Since you're a Premium user, I'd suggest opening a support ticket with them, to encourage them to get on this: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new.
  18. Sometimes this kind of thing can be fixed with paste-and-match-style (Ctrl+Shift+V), or simplify formatting (Ctrl+Space), or remove formatting (Ctrl+Shift+Space). But some of these will remove desired formatting, such as italics or URL links. But sometimes there is HTML formatting that just won't leave. I don't necessarily see this happening myself. Is it possible that something in the formatting of the Word document(s) may be causing it? You say "or elsewhere": can you be more specific? Websites for instance? There's always going to be underlying HTML formatting there, which can be very hard to remove, except by going through Notepad or another plain-text editor (using the browser search bar is admirably clever).
  19. That looks to me like a table with multiple columns, and the text present in only one of them. I suppose that could result from the underlying structure of specific Web pages. If that's what it is, the simplest way to fix it might be to copy just the text and paste it outside the table, then delete the table.
  20. I'm also on the latest version of the Android app, and I have shortcuts on my home screen. I've tested, and I'm not having the problem. The easiest solutions for most mobile Evernote issues are: FIRST DO A MANUAL SYNC!; then (1) turn off the phone and restart it; (2) if that doesn't fix the problem, temporarily change any offline notebooks to regular synced notebooks, do another sync, then uninstall Evernote, reinstall it, and wait for it to download the information it needs. If that doesn't work, then since you've got a Premium subscription you might want to contact Evernote support: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new.
  21. I know this isn't helpful, but in fact it is hard to program for the wild variety of hardware and software and versions of the operating system that is the Windows universe. Yet obviously it can be done, and since most people presumably aren't experiencing such a drastic freezing and crashing situation, there must be some specific issue on your system. As you know, we're just fellow users here, and it's hard to troubleshoot someone else's situation in depth. I presume you've tried uninstalling and reinstalling, and perhaps also Ctrl + click Help, then Optimize Database. Next recourse might be, since you're a Premium subscriber to contact support: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new.
  22. Perhaps it would help to change the automatic sync time so that it doesn't sync so often. Tools menu > Options > Synchronization, and look under Synchronization options (Opções de sincronização?).
  23. Hi, and welcome to the forums. I haven't experienced this myself, but there have been many reports here of notes failing to load in the new/beta version of the Web interface to Evernote. I believe that if you click on your account name at the top left, a list of options will drop down, including "Switch to previous version of Evernote." Give that a try, and hopefully it will work properly. Just WRT support only for Premium members ... well, support costs money, even receiving bug reports, and Premium subscriptions are paid ones. But I believe there is an Evernote support account on Twitter that you might be able to access.
  24. Jeff, just want to say that that's a great, clear, and comprehensive-as-it-needs-to-be introduction to the Evernote system. I'm sticking the link to this thread into my ever-growing "How to organize in Evernote" note that, if I ever break a leg, I will spend a couple of days working through and developing my own organizational philosophy or psychology or spirituality or whatever this turns into.
  25. I can confirm that this is the case in the current version, 8.12; and I do think it used to work, though I couldn't swear to it. In fact, if you search within a note for text that appears only in an image, it will return 0 hits! Yet if you search a group of notes, or all notes, for text that appears in an image, it will return notes containing the image with the text. Very poorly done, IMO.
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