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Everything posted by Dave-in-Decatur

  1. I just tried this, and found that Firefox (still) will not run the current Web version; Evernote gives an error message and invites you to click and go back to the "older version" (which is also neither classic nor beta). Could you share a screenshot just so everyone's on the same page? 'Cause if you're using the actual current Web client in Firefox, I want to know how!
  2. If all you want is checklists that reside on your phone, this is correct, Evernote is not the tool for the job. Colornote is great for this--I also use it for to-do lists, packing for trips, etc. Evernote's strength is its multi-device, multi-platform capability, so that I can create a note on my phone (checklist, an idea or draft, a Web page, a photo, etc.) and later view and edit it on my desktop or laptop. And vice versa, etc. Evernote's editors have their limitations, different ones on different operating systems, but for me it serves this broader purpose very well.
  3. Evernote's notebooks are not really "folders" like in a Windows directory system. Thus you can't make levels and sublevels of them. You can make a stack containing notebooks, in other words, but you can't make a stack within that stack, or a stack that contains that stack and other stacks. Many people (and trust me, one of them will show up here any minute) use tags for organization beyond (or instead of) the notebook level.
  4. Hi @tomminhdo, and welcome to the forums! Is this happening just with regard to editing one particular note, or with all notes? I ask because that's an unusual error message, and I wonder if it relates just to one specific note. I also wonder whether you are either short of internal storage space on the device, or trying to store the Evernote database in external storage (the SD card), which Evernote doesn't want to do (see this Help article).
  5. In the current version of the Android app, simply tapping on a note will enter editing mode, with the cursor placed at the point tapped.
  6. This is my experience also, and it is annoying. "Paste as Plain Text" doesn't seem to mean much in this app, unfortunately. I do find that it functions as expected in the quick add-a-note in the pulldown notification area, and I sometimes use that as a way to clean up text before pasting into the main app. A couple of years ago there was a discussion of how this and other deficits (such as the lack of access to the full system clipboard) in the main Android editor, as opposed to the pull-down quick note or even the title area of the main app, is related to the adoption of a Chromium-based editor. The font type and size problem, also a big annoyance, is the subject of a long-standing feature request: Please go there and click on the upward arrow at the top of the page to vote this request up if you like!
  7. @AmyNotes, as a Premium subscriber you have access to Evernote tech support. They may be able to give some help. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new, which should take you through a login page if you're not logged in, then select options till you get to "Lost note content," and use the Submit Ticket button at the bottom.
  8. Very interesting. I appreciate your diligence! I don't have Google Keep or Remember the Milk. But your analysis certainly looks right. I can say that Color Note, a non-synched note-taking app, readily transforms regular URLs (http:// etc.) into functioning links, but does not do so for evernote:///view URLs, even ones pasted out of Evernote notes. Why calendar apps (both the stock app and Business Calendar, which is the one I actually use) can do so under certain circumstances is a mystery. FWIW, when I try to create a link from an evernote:///view URL in Google Calendar in a browser on my PC, it refuses to accept it as a valid link. I can use Business Calendar on my phone to format such text as a link, but it does not function, on the phone or my PC. So clearly the evernote:///view URL is "special," and can work on Android devices only under specific, limited circumstances, as you have so carefully researched.
  9. That may be the case for me too, but only in the Evernote app. Other apps don't know how to deal with the links. Hmm. I just tried again, doing this: I copied an evernote:///view type link in the Windows desktop program and pasted it into another note; on my phone, I opened the note and selected and copied the link (which displayed the title of the linked note); then, still on the phone, I pasted that into a calendar event. Tapping on the link goes directly to the linked note in the Evernote app. However it may be, apps that properly handle URLs on my phone are able to open the Evernote app to a linked note.
  10. Please see the long-running existing thread: Basically, it may have to do with the specific on-screen keyboard you are using.
  11. This is not my experience. I just tested (again; see above), and when created an evernote:/// type link and inserted it into another note in the desktop program, then opened that note on my phone and tapped that link it took me straight to the linked note.
  12. I often add text somewhere in the middle of an existing note, so a default to either top or bottom gets in my way (mildly) in those cases. I find it handy to tap on the note in the note list (or access it via a widget), then scroll to the point where I want to edit and tap there to open it for editing.
  13. I'm not sure that http links are supposed to open in the Desktop app--they're Internet URLs, and are likely to open in the browser interface, I would think. There is another type of "internal link" that starts with evernote:///view and should reliably open in the desktop app. You can create one of these by selecting a note in the Note List, then either (a) pressing Ctrl+Alt+L, or (b) right-clicking on the selected note in the list and holding down Ctrl while clicking Copy Internal Link. The process is a little confusing, but it does work to create this link.
  14. I just updated to that same version of Google. (That's all I have to go on--I don't have an app specifically called Google Assistant.) My other info is in my signature below. When I say, "OK Google create a note in Evernote this is a test," Assistant creates a note in its own rinky-dink app with the content "this is a test." So it seems to be specifically filtering out the "in Evernote" instruction. Nice.
  15. This is exactly why I don't use Google assistant. I find it counterintuitive and way more interested in giving me Google-junk than in assisting me. My motto: If anything is broken, blame Google. But be aware that Evernote has its own quick note feature, available on the pull-down screen. If you're using a keyboard that accepts voice input, you can fairly quickly create voiced notes in Evernote. But not hands free, as Google Assistant would be if it actually worked.
  16. I rarely use Google Assistant (for just this sort of reason), but I thought I'd give this a try. Unfortunately, it didn't work. It said, "What's the note," and "Saving note" when I was done. But the note never got into Evernote. I tried it twice, and found the notes when I tapped "What are my notes?" in Google Assistant. So for me too GA is hogging the notes, even when I specify "Create a note in Evernote."
  17. One other thought, @LucyDale: it's possible to upgrade to a Premium subscription for just one month. That would get you access to your notes' history (which is maintained even for Basic account users), and you might be able to recover something from there. It would also get you access to Evernote support (https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new), and they might be able to help you recover the notes.
  18. This might be worth double-checking. I created a test note in the Windows program with links to an existing note: one an "Internal link", i.e., right-clicking on the note in the Note List, producing the evernote.com/shard type link; and the other using Ctrl+Alt+L on the selected note in the Note List, producing the evernote:///view type link. I synced, and then opened the test note on my Android phone and copied the whole thing into a test calendar app event. Tapping on either link took me straight to the Evernote app. I do find that sometimes tapping a link on my phone will go briefly to the Evernote login page in my browser, but that is always immediately redirected to the app. So the system seems to work pretty smoothly on Android at the moment.
  19. Hi, @BostonMatt, and welcome to the forums! Please go to the existing request thread and click the upward-pointing arrow at the top of the page to vote for it--it'll turn green for you when you've clicked it. This is definitely an idea with some traction.
  20. In the current state of the EN editor, I completely agree. People try to create complex documents in Evernote, and complain here that it isn't a very good tool for that job. Well ... it isn't, so for such purposes I use another tool! It will be great if they level up the editors across platforms, so we can add and edit hyperlinks as well as change fonts, font sizes, and font colors in Android. Till then, simple notes is what it's for. Everyone supporting this and other similar requests, please be sure you've clicked the upward-pointing arrow at the top of the page to vote for the request--it'll turn green for you when you've clicked it.
  21. Hi, and welcome to the forums! This is clearly a popular request. Don't know how easy it is to implement; but I do know that simply pasting in a URL usually creates a hyperlink, so it seems like some part of the function must already be in place. It would also be nice to be able to remove hyperlinks, e.g., when I type in a reference like "pp. 213-215" and Evernote makes it a phone number link! Everyone supporting this request, please be sure you've clicked the upward-pointing arrow at the top of the page--it'll turn green for you when you've clicked it.
  22. In light of these and other posts above, I note that the Windows and Mac betas and GAs are announced (and receive feedback) on their respective branches of the Product Feedback/Feature Requests forums. It seems like good sense to do the same for Android betas. If this thread gets moved there, that might perhaps nudge things in that direction. (In a quick check, it seems that the last beta announcement there was for v. 7.5 in November 2015.)
  23. Will it still be possible to use the Win key if desired? I'm still on Windows 7, and I use the Win key for Evernote shortcuts. This is mainly because I use a specialized word processor, Nota Bene, that makes heavy use of keyboard shortcuts for a wide variety of functions. Thus I have customized my EN shortcuts to use the Win key: Nota Bene My Evernote shortcuts ctrl+alt+N = ñ New Note: Win+N ctrl+shift+F = specialized word search Find in EN: Win+shift+F ctrl+alt+S = š Capture Screen: Win+PrintScreen ctrl+shift+alt+A = Á Copy Selection: ctrl+Win+C ctrl+alt+V = NB ç Paste Clipboard: ctrl+Win+V
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