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Everything posted by Dave-in-Decatur

  1. Will it still be possible to use the Win key if desired? I'm still on Windows 7, and I use the Win key for Evernote shortcuts. This is mainly because I use a specialized word processor, Nota Bene, that makes heavy use of keyboard shortcuts for a wide variety of functions. Thus I have customized my EN shortcuts to use the Win key: Nota Bene My Evernote shortcuts ctrl+alt+N = ñ New Note: Win+N ctrl+shift+F = specialized word search Find in EN: Win+shift+F ctrl+alt+S = š Capture Screen: Win+PrintScreen ctrl+shift+alt+A = Á Copy Selection: ctrl+Win+C ctrl+alt+V = NB ç Paste Clipboard: ctrl+Win+V
  2. Yes, thanks to @JodyHeath.Com for bringing it up. I agree with those who think a keyboard shortcut to do this would be more convenient, but this is pretty good.
  3. That would be disappointing. I can use it in v. 6.16. You have to be sure that you grab the bullet or number, not the line of text itself.
  4. @mcluff, this is so obvious I'm sure you've considered it, but I wonder whether using the Evernote Web interface at work would be feasible for you? That should eliminate the risk of personal files ending up on the corporate backup. But I realize there may be functional limitations in the Web interface, or browser restrictions at work, that would get in the way of this.
  5. It does. But it also causes the quick note that can be created from the pull-down notifications to have unreadable gray-on-white text.
  6. Oh, @jefito, you and your persistent rationality! My take is that for some people, this is a huge primary need, for others it would be nice to have, and for others it's not even on our radar. It's hard (it's certainly hard for me) to realize that something that seems so obvious and essential to one's own work is not one of the major needs of many other users.
  7. Hi, and welcome to the forums! These forums are mainly user-to-user; Evernote staff may look into them and comment on occasion, but not predictably, so you're not really addressing Evernote directly here. And of course non-paid (Basic) subscriptions don't give access to Evernote support, except I think by Twitter. All that said, the loop does sound like a bug. A long title might reasonably produce an error, but the error should be handled better than this. I haven't run into it myself, since I tend to use fairly short titles, so beyond that I'm not much use, I'm afraid.
  8. What format are you using for the Note List (snippet, card, list, thumbnail)? I wonder if that could play a role.
  9. Sometimes the "Clipping" image lingers for quite awhile, depending on the nature of the item being clipped, connectivity on both ends, etc. It should eventually be replaced by the clipped material. Current versions of the app have a "Clip again" option in the 3-dots menu at top right of the note, FWIW. As for log-in screens and the like, a similar issue was noted recently in another thread (below). It seems that more and more Websites are requiring logins, or cookie consent, etc., for what seems to them like a fresh access to the page when Evernote does its clipping.
  10. Ha ha, you think this thread is still about its title! Anyone remember an old singing group called the Drifters?...
  11. Besides adding onto this old thread, @Otto P. has also created a new thread on the same topic, which @DTLow is responding to. Probably best to discuss there:
  12. The only customizable shortcuts can be seen in Tools > Options > Shortcut keys. That's on Windows; it may be different on Mac. On Windows, the formatting shortcuts can't be customized.
  13. @Ataraxius, the selection color is indeed a light blue. I'm fortunate enough that, although borderline elderly, I can see colors OK. So while it looks nice to me, I can understand it might not be great for everyone. ?rant follows: More and more these days, software design seems to be done by 25-year-olds for 25-year-olds. That was great 30 years ago when it was mostly people that age using computers. A bunch of us in our 60s, 70s, and upward have grown old with computers, and our visual needs have changed. We're in better health than our grandparents were at this age, and we plan to keep working on computers for a long time yet. You kids need to pay some attention! (It's OK if you come onto my lawn though!) end ?rant. @DTLow, there's no system-level highlight setting (if that's what you're saying) on Windows, unfortunately, which lets individual apps get oh-so-clever.
  14. Hmm, we're in the Windows program forum here. If you're having issues with Android, here's the forum for that: https://discussion.evernote.com/forum/210-evernote-for-android/.
  15. FWIW, I just did the minor update to 6.15.4, and so far I'm seeing all my notes in thumbnail view. Provisionally, this issue, whatever it was, seems to be fixed.
  16. Actually, bitcoin mining is something I expect some disgruntled Evernote user to complain about someday: "I need Evernote to keep a running but encrypted total of my bitcoin fortune, and I'm leaving for OneNote until it does!" Great, now I drifted my own thread. Seriously, if there are other thumbnail view users around, does anyone else see this? I should add that the disappearing act does not seem to be related to the content of the note: there can be images or no images, checkbox lists or not, long or short notes, etc. Recent creation or editing seems to be the only factor, and even it is not consistent.
  17. In thumbnail view in Note List, some of my notes don't display at all. It seems to be only ones created in recent days; yet some notes created in recent days do display, and I can't find a rationale. In snippet and card views, they display properly. After a reboot of my computer, this seemed to improve, but I still have at least one note that is not visible. It doesn't matter whether the note is open in the main Evernote window or a separate one, or whether it has synced or not. Has anyone else seen this? Please note: This is not an invitation to promote what you consider to be "the best view." I like Thumbnail, and I plan to keep using it. You know who you are.
  18. I'm so glad that that worked! Sometimes the simplest ideas work best. Therefore, instead of a genius, maybe I am a simpleton.
  19. I now hereby declare this thread officially drifted. In the spirit of:
  20. I'm not familiar with that phone, but if you haven't yet, you might check in the system settings to make sure that Evernote has permission to give sound notifications.
  21. Again, for clarification, which platform does this concern? Mac, iOS, Windows, Web, Android? I know it's available in all of the last three.
  22. Hmm. I find that for me it's :D, not D:, that gets turned into a box, undoubtedly substituting for some emoji my system can't display. I followed the auto-formatting instructions, and did Tools > Options > Note > Note editing and deselected Automatically format text elements, as @msg5's screenshot also shows. And this turns everything off except the emojis. Sheesh. The only other strategy currently available is the other one listed in the instructions: "To revert auto-formatting back to the original text input: Go to Edit > Undo from the menu bar, or use keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Z." Is there an emoji for :stupid:? If not, why not?
  23. Once again, this forum is for Android feature requests. There's a separate one for the Mac here: https://discussion.evernote.com/forum/218-evernote-for-mac/, and one for iOS here: https://discussion.evernote.com/forum/215-evernote-for-ios/.
  24. Could be. In that regard, the notice about updates and reorganization of these forums is interesting: Among other things, it indicates that the purpose of the reorganization is to "hone in on the user sentiment more accurately and expediently, and help to provide a better overall Evernote experience."
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