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Everything posted by Dave-in-Decatur

  1. I'm back here after being occupied with other things for a long time. And I am a paying user, so I will report the issue to Evernote support. Because I'm having the exact same problem as @Cyroxian. Here is my experience: Starting on June 12, some notes will not sync. When I do a manual sync, Evernote pops up a notification that says, "Note upload failed," and lists a couple (not all) of the unsynced and unsyncable notes. I've synced very many times, and these same notes never sync. They have the red triangle in the corner of the entry in the note list with the exclamation point. When I try to access them again, they have the lock symbol, and cannot be edited. When I tap the lock symbol, a notice pops up: "This note is read-only. It was created in another app." I cannot comprehend why or how Evernote thinks is true. Some of the unsyncable notes have links, some have images, some have text copied from a Website; some have various combinations of these. But other notes with this type of content sync properly. I duplicated one of these notes, but the duplicate can't be edited either, so now I have two copies of the same unsyncable note. I deleted another one, and it was moved to Trash, but it won't sync from there either, so that I have a note in Trash on my phone that is not in the Trash on the Web or in the Windows program. When I edit one of the notes in Windows and sync, this version syncs to the phone, and the phone's version gets "Note conflict" added to its title--but neither on the phone nor in Windows nor on the Web is there any Conflicting Changes notebook. All this incomprehensible dysfunction leaves information in the Android app that I simply have to recreate/retype in the Windows program. I updated to the most recent version of the app (v. 8.11) on June 30, but the situation remains.
  2. Well, the OP was using side list view, and I thought a way of seeing reminders in it might serve the purpose for those who prefer that view.
  3. Well, as I said, I know that people do this. I just don't know why. Bryant says he finds his do-it-all-in-Evernote method simpler than switching among programs with different interfaces and structures. I can understand that, but I don't experience it myself. For me, saying "I wrote a novel entirely in Evernote" is like saying "I can juggle 6 eggs, a chainsaw, and an unabridged dictionary all at once"--it's a neat trick, but an awful lot of work to pull off. For instance, when I look at Bryant's first step I instantly get queasy: Step 1. Notes and notebooks For a novel-length project, set up a notebook exclusively for that novel. Each chapter goes into a separate note. Along with the actual chapters of the draft, I like to include a few additional notes: Snippets: This note is where I record all the random bits of dialogue and description that pop into my head during the day, even if I don’t know how I’ll eventually use them. (Psst: If you’re doing NaNoWriMo, include snippets as part of your word count!) Unresolved questions: I start each day by reading the previous day’s writing and note any loose threads I find. This step helps me write a tighter ending and saves a lot of time once I’m ready to edit the story. Deleted scenes: Sometimes I can’t stop myself from editing while drafting. If I feel compelled to cut a scene, I like to keep it handy, just in case. "Each chapter goes into a separate note." But scrolling or even searching through a chapter-length note (especially on a mobile device) sounds like an unappealing chore to me. Again, in my understanding Evernote was designed for notes. As for deleted scenes--one note with all the deleted scenes from an entire novel? Again, it sounds unwieldy to me. But the snippets and unresolved questions notes sound just like what Evernote is made for. That I understand. So I would agree with you that Evernote does itself a disservice by hosting blogs that suggest maximalized, tour-de-force uses that most people would find difficult to manage. I guess that's just how software is marketed (as everything has always been marketed): one program to gather thoughts, create drafts, organize everything, cure warts, and help you stop eating ice cream at midnight! If you haven't already, I'd suggest taking a look at Scrivener. They're nearing the final stage of a complete update of their Windows version, but I find the current version great for organizing and reorganizing material I've gathered from Evernote (a lot of copying and pasting can get involved in this), before doing the final work in a word processor.
  4. But, while the reminder list is not present in the top list or side list views, the columns Reminder and Reminder Time can be included in either of those views, and it is possible to sort on that column so as to bring all reminders into view.
  5. One clarifying point: This is (as you've perhaps seen by now, actually) primarily a user-to-user forum, not a way of contacting Evernote directly. So suggestions made here are not likely to be followed up by Evernote. Then a clarifying question: are you actually writing a book in Evernote and then trying to send the Evernote content to a publisher? If so, that's really not what Evernote was designed for. People do it, I know, but it leads to problems like this. Evernote is great for gathering and organizing information, thoughts, and (to some extent) drafts, and having the material readily available on multiple platforms. But it's just not meant to be a manuscript production tool. It may be necessary to gather material in Evernote and then transfer it to Scrivener, or even to a word processor, in order to produce material that publishers can work with.
  6. Including pictures in a note created on a mobile app and then viewing them on another platform should work, so a couple of questions. Which mobile app, and which desktop platform? Do the images show up in the Web interface (https://www.evernote.com/client/web)? If you're taking the photos in the Android app, there's a known issue with taking them in landscape mode specifically and not having them show up.
  7. Interesting. I'm not on the beta, but when I did my test, I found only one note in which a search term was highlighted, and that was a note clipped from a Website. Now, however, I find search terms highlighted in every note in which they are found! Apparently all that is consistent is the inconsistency.
  8. Glad to hear of your success, @Zoli71! Welcome to the forums too, BTW. For those wanting a simpler, and possibly safer method, you can to Tools > Options > General, and then uncheck "Enable Hardware Acceleration".
  9. It's possible that this highlighting is simply no longer a feature in the Windows program. I just did some testing, and I also now find that search results are generally not highlighted in notes. If they are, you may have to scroll down to find them. Otherwise, you then have to search within the note to find the instance(s) of the search term. (A number of people have expressed here what a major annoyance this is.) And of course, Evernote Premium users will have their images and PDFs indexed, so that search results may appear within them and be invisible in the note as displayed. Wish I had better news for you! Perhaps someone else will chime in with some.
  10. Hi Heather, and welcome to the forums. Take a look at this existing thread and see if it is related to your issue:
  11. It would be good to post this instead in the Windows Feedback / Feature Request forum: https://discussion.evernote.com/forum/224-evernote-for-windows/.
  12. If it's Windows, there have been longstanding reports and discussions of this. I worked out some ideas in this post in a long thread:
  13. Yep. Like I said, please click the up arrow at the top of the page to support the request.
  14. Hi Paul, and welcome to the forums. Be sure to add your support for this request by clicking the up arrow at the top of the page.
  15. This has been reported a number of times, e.g., in this thread: The workaround for the problem is to disable Hardware Acceleration in the Evernote program options: Tools > Options > General > [ ] Enable Hardware Acceleration.
  16. Done. 5 minutes was about right. I liked the survey interface.
  17. Hi Bob, and welcome to the forums. How long it takes a Website to finish clipping in the Evernote app can vary a lot, depending on the complexity of the site, Internet connectivity, other activities going on on the device, etc. Do you find that they simply never clip at all, or that if you go back later (even an hour later) the clipping is finished?
  18. There have been a number of requests in this forum to be able to change the font formatting, size, etc. in the Android app. The best strategy would probably be to locate one of them that has significant support, and add your vote by clicking the up arrow at the top. This is obviously a major need.
  19. The issues some users are currently experiencing, as I understand it, are different from the one at the start of this thread, though they may have a related cause. Evernote's head of security has explained the situation, in this post from a few months ago and elsewhere: Are you saying that you think this is untrue?
  20. Philip, please take a look at this thread in the Android help forum:
  21. Hi, Edgar, and welcome to the forums. These are primarily user-to-user, and while Evernote staff do look in on them they're not a reliable way of addressing them. Since you're a Premium subscriber, it might be good to report this directly to their technical support: https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new. I'm using the same version, also on Windows 7 and I don't experience this currently. A few questions: Is it happening in some notes more than others? Is it more likely to happen with a note open in a separate window, or in the main Evernote window? Does it happen more often with shared notes (as someone reported earlier in the thread)?
  22. It would probably be helpful to report this issue in the new Android beta forum: https://discussion.evernote.com/forum/537-android/.
  23. FYI, there's a good summary of what is and isn't working in the latest ("beta") Web version in Help & Learning: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209006027.
  24. @CalS and @jefito, I see the same things as you in my account page WRT what is "classic," "current," and "beta." I may have confused the terminology in one or more of my earlier posts. As to what anyone should or shouldn't use, I think that depends entirely on what they need from Evernote Web. I use the "beta" because (a) I like the look, including the presence of a Note List; and (b) I don't need to use it for anything it can't do (such as stacks), since I use the Web version only very seldom. It all depends on what one wants from the Web interface. Oh, and also on what your browser supports: Firefox currently doesn't support the beta version (or the beta version doesn't support Firefox), so if that's your browser, you need to use "current" (or "classic" if you want a note list and don't want some other functions, evidently).
  25. @xfactoid, that is what I see too (on Windows rather than Mac, FYI). It is the "older version" to which the Evernote error message points if you try to use the "new version" in Firefox. @CalS, I always trust your statements, but (trusting and verifying!) could you share a screenshot showing the current ("new") Web version in Firefox? Or does yours also look like xfactoid's?
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