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Everything posted by Dave-in-Decatur

  1. This has been requested before, with good reason. You can go to this request page and support it by clicking on the upward arrow at the top of the page:
  2. My understanding is that what you see in the updated Windows program is coming very soon to the Android app when v. 10 is released ... which should be any day now. Here's a relevant announcement from the release of the iOS update: https://evernote.com/blog/unlocking-evernotes-future/.
  3. Yes, this is what I was trying to say in my post above, about the difference between a raw percentage of users and the intensity of use: how does 50% of casual users using a feature 15 minutes per day compare with 3% of users using a feature for 5 hours a day?
  4. I'm sure this will slow a lot of folks down; but I have spent much, much time deleting the time after doing Ctrl+:. I like having distinct functions.
  5. @DTLow, "will be implemented" seems to be putting a lot of weight on the "yet" in "not yet available."
  6. I have no idea what their future plans are, but the goal seems to be font consistency across platforms--which means precisely that a limited set of HTML-controlled fonts, not the system fonts from Windows or Mac (let alone customized/imported fonts), will be available. That's only my interpretation. Conceivably the set of fonts will increase over time. But I have a gloomy feeling that a choice among, say, Tahoma, Trebuchet, and Verdana is not in the offing.
  7. I'm not disagreeing with anything in this thread. But for the record, pretty colors have in fact been a much-requested feature for a long time. Many people find them useful for quickly identifying or sorting out material within a note. And one of the major points of this major update is in fact consistency--but consistency across platforms, not with earlier versions, which is what is lousing so many people up.
  8. This seems to be a generalized, um, "feature" of Evernote 10. There are reports in the forums of this happening with scanned files as well, and I think also with emailed files. It eliminates part of the value of having a default notebook, IMHO.
  9. See also the thread on this issue in the Windows desktop program:
  10. Lots of people are experiencing this frustration. Several of these topics are addressed in existing threads in the forum. A quick search will find them.
  11. I don't know how this relates to the Release Notes, but here is an announcement with some details:
  12. I have a daughter who's a nurse anesthetist and spends lots of her working life in the OR. Perhaps she is or will be working around some of your stuff!
  13. I did agree with the make-it-free-till-its-working-better idea. But, thinking about it, while I do see the point of that, there is still the legacy version that works as it should; and part of what a Premium subscription is for is to use Evernote on multiple devices. So far the Android update has not been fully rolled out, and when it is I suspect it will be better received, because it will offer a much-improved editor while not removing features (such as import folders) that never existed on Android anyway.
  14. I think that this will be connected to the issue of app preferences in general, essentially none of which are now configurable. V. 10.1.4 has been released, which is supposed to address language-related spelling issues:
  15. @RavBoy, thank you so much for slogging through all that, transcribing it, and excerpting it. Whew! It's hard to read because of the nature of oral flow of speech, but I get the main ideas. I'm not crazy about the attitude to the forums. Guess we're 1%ers here and didn't know it! I wonder if the surveys went out to all users, or if they distinguished between Basic and paid users. I think the latter are more likely to be the power users who also contribute heavily on forums. And I think percentage of users maybe ought to be coordinated with intensity of use: if 50% of casual users use a feature for 15 minutes per day, how does that compare with 3% of users (the 3% who are more intense or power users) using a feature for 5 hours a day? Not a statistician, so I don't know; but I think intensity of use should be figured in along with sheer number of users. I do feel like they are aiming forward, and I get that (as more knowledgeable people than I, such as @hanseric and @Jon/t, have said in this thread) the unified code base was absolutely necessary in order to provide the possibility of innovation. But I don't think they should have released the placeholder version that is the current Windows v. 10, which is not much more (it seems) than the Web version in a Windows app. Hopefully the stripped-out features will begin reappearing in weeks rather than months, and innovative dashboard lights will not be prioritized over once-existing drive trains.
  16. But, @jameslmoser, look around in this forum a bit and make sure you really want to update to the new version!
  17. I believe that .9198 is the "legacy" version to run alongside the new Windows program v. 10. I downloaded it, but haven't installed it. I don't know if it works on Windows 7.
  18. Hmm, I still use the old Windows version, and changes sync to the Web client just fine. When I get the spinning-circle mess, I find that clearing cookies (rather than cache), even just the last hour's worth, will fix it. It changes to a page with a green reload button, and clicking that gets me where I need to go. Urk.
  19. Hi, and welcome to the forums. This is the forum for the in-browser Web client. Sounds like you're using the new iOS version? There's a separate forum for that somewhere. But a related issue is also happening in the new Windows program: So I'm not surprised it's happening in iOS. Now that the code base is unified all the bugs will appear everywhere simultaneously. Hurray!
  20. It's still happening, randomly, to me as well. After a minute or two, it goes away. But those are looong minutes.
  21. Oh, and BTW: they cleverly ported the bug over into the new Windows program too:
  22. The new version of the Android app should be rolling out soon, following on the Web, iOS, and Windows apps. I would bet money that this problem will be gone in that. And that a few others will be introduced, but that's another discussion.
  23. Thanks! It showed 2 shortcuts for Evernote, "Voice note" and "New Evernote note". I activated both of them by tapping the blue + and they both work. The voice note one creates a new EN note ready to record voice into.
  24. WRT default fonts, there is no way to select a default anything until they reintroduce app preference settings, which they do say they are working on.
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