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Everything posted by Dave-in-Decatur

  1. My spouse, fortunately, never says that, given that she herself is in the midst of a campaign to empty out eBay. But you might spin it like this: I buy technology for the future. I only need to buy something like this every 10 years or so. So I'm expressing my confidence that we're going to live another 10 years and still remember our logins. It's just my natural sunny optimism. Surely she'll go for that. Sorry, you're going to have spell that out, or at least give a link. Online searches reveal only a disturbingly vast area of the Interwebs taken up by dogs with dysfunctional poos.
  2. Nicely done, @MikeP! Just tested in the Web client under Windows, and it works as described. A workaround, but a fairly easy one.
  3. I find the same thing in Google Calendar on Windows: Calendar will not recognize an evernote:///view/... type URL as legitimate. As @Boot17 said, I can paste it into a browser address bar and it will work; it also works in the Windows Run dialog. But that won't do what @DrewG wants to do, which does seem perfectly reasonable. It's definitely a Google issue. Why not ask them? They're always so open to user feedback.
  4. Good point. So far I have 9; I doubt if I will create many more, but of course these are all derived from the general gallery, so they can always be deleted if I don't customize them.
  5. Another option is to drag the note into another notebook with the mouse; but that's not great if you have more notebooks than fit on the screen.
  6. Yes, that was it. Didn't even have to make an edit. Thanks for being present at my Senior Moment! The point of this, BTW, is that as I don't expect to use a great number of templates, selecting the ones I want from the entire gallery and getting them into My Templates will make them easier to find. And of course they can be customized as well.
  7. This seems like a dumb question; apologies! When templates were first introduced, I added several from the general templates gallery to My Templates for quicker access. I can no longer figure out how I did this. Has the capability been removed? Per the Help & Learning article on using templates, the process is: But when I tried that today, clicking Use Template only created a new note in my default notebook using the selected template (as I would expect, actually). Is there any way to add an existing template to My Templates?
  8. I wasn't aware of the 50-note selection limitation--thanks for flagging it, @idoc. I doubt if I'll need to select or delete >50, but it does seem an arbitrary limitation. Seems like a request worth posting in the Windows Desktop v. 10 requests forum.
  9. Interesting. I can't even seem to hit the gray line in the right spot to search everywhere. But of course after I do the search, I can then close out the notebook specifier/filter, and it searches everywhere.
  10. @Harc, my usage is much like yours, personal information and notes + professional research and writing notes. No teams, no Work Chat, no-one to share notes with, no meetings to go to. I'm hoping that the Tasks feature may actually prove useful; we'll see. But I find it fairly easy to ignore the features I don't use. I'm getting used to the Home feature, but if that is cluttering up your space, I think you can just select the Notes or Notebooks list and always start from there (I could be wrong). Hope this is some help.
  11. As @PinkElephant suggests, you need to contact Evernote support. But this looks like a classic case of your account being hacked by someone who stole your password. If you use the same password on multiple sites, a password stolen elsewhere can be used to get into your Evernote account. Highly undesirable! If you can access your account info (https://www.evernote.com/Settings.action), go there and immediately change your password to something unique that you don't use anywhere else. I think that should disconnect any device connected through a stolen password. If you can then set up two-factor authentication, that is another layer of security. But do contact Evernote support as well.
  12. Trying to give a non-inflammatory response here, if possible.... Whether Evernote is still (assuming it once was) a "simple" note-taking application seems debatable. It offers somewhat advanced formatting, tagging, searching (which requires indexing), and syncing via the cloud to devices on multiple platforms, to mention a few items. To me, this does not add up to "simple," and it may indeed be that it is overkill for you (and no doubt for many), so that a truly simple app would work better. I am not a programmer, but I would guess that in programming 101 today, the first lesson is not "use as few resources as necessary." Years ago, yes; for the sake of raw efficiency and nothing else, yes. But apps tend to be profligate these days. That may be a bad thing, but Evernote would not be an isolated case. The key word is "necessary," on which see point 1. And maybe the goal is "Get the job done correctly, as rapidly as possible, and as transparently to the user as possible, using as few user brain cells as necessary." The display of note counts in the Web client can be turned off (click the gear by your account name and select Sidebar).
  13. To let people know what platforms I use Evernote on, which is helpful when comparing experiences.
  14. Thanks for this. I'm planning to get into tasks soon. I'm self-unemployed, so it's a different work environment, but I see possibilities there.
  15. You have not paid our ransom, since we are other users, not Evernote staff, here. Since you're back on a subscription, however briefly, raising a ticket with Evernote support would actually let them know what you're thinking. Everything except content that is actually illegal, or verbally abusive, gets through here. Somewhere there may be a counter of posts that say "You'll never post this." But I'm sure OneNote will be the perfect experience for you, since it is so universally admired: https://www.quora.com/Is-Microsoft-OneNote-basically-a-useless-program https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/msoffice/forum/all/windows-10-onenote-app-sucks/bcf7aea9-5123-4fba-8301-8b7a2db47083
  16. @Hung Nguyen, thank you! I just came here to request this specific thing. With deepest respect for the venerable @gazumped, with Evernote in particular this is a very desirable option, and one that used to exist in v. 6 and earlier, at least in Windows. The key point is that the note is not a new one to be created but one that already exists. I raised this question in another forum. In yet another thread, @PinkElephant pointed out that there may be technical reasons why such a thing is no longer possible in Evernote v. 10, given the Electron framework. So I have upvoted the request here, but I doubt that it will be implemented. Yes, this does in fact work--I just checked it out with Evernote. But it requires that I shut down Evernote completely (File > Quit Evernote), and how often is that likely to happen? 😄
  17. This suggestion is probably the only way (and it won't be really satisfactory) to restore the kind of view being requested here. 21 votes is actually not a small number for these feature request forums. As has been mentioned in previous posts, it represents only a fraction of the number of people who actually would like to have it, and I'm sure Evernote takes that into account. OTOH, what has not been mentioned is that the voices that rarely show up in these posts are those of people who like the standard view just fine as it is. In the older Evernote, v. 6 and before, I always kept the right pane open, precisely because I wanted to see what was in a note when I selected it from a list. Sometimes I'd double-click to open it in a separate window (which is now possible in v. 10), but usually I could do what I wanted to do in the right Note View (not preview) pane. I suspect I'm not alone, and that many users have no desire to hide that pane. But the more flexibility the better is the way I look at it. I've upvoted this, and I hope they will make it possible to hide the individual note view, if that wouldn't somehow break the whole UI.
  18. I'd invite the folks conversing here to respond (if they have the time to read through its verbosity!) to my post on my "conversion" to v. 10, after being appalled at it in its initial state. Somewhat like @Coffee First Thing, I find it not only usable now, but with certain advantages.
  19. Thanks, @agsteele. I fortunately don't have to keep up with these things, so I was surprised. The only other folder in AppData\Local\Programs\ is an empty one called Common. But I haven't installed much software on this laptop yet, so I'll be interested to see what happens when it gets loaded up.
  20. Ah ... I'm referring to kind of a golden oldie. Spell check works for me, in the sense that misspelled words have red squiggles under them, and you can go back and fix them with the right-click context menu. Long, long ago the Evernote Windows program had a function like a word processor's that, on command, went through an entire note and paused on each misspelled word to allow correction or addition to a dictionary. That was phased out about 4 years ago, to the horror and dismay of multitudes, and still isn't back, and likely isn't coming back.
  21. I'm in somewhat the same situation, moving slowly from a Win7 desktop to a Win10 (soon to be 11) laptop, with two other heavily used programs in very updated versions to be installed and learned. Hopefully I will not end up too curved myself! Personally, I like EN 10, but YMMV.
  22. Ah ha! This may explain the inability for a desktop shortcut to open a note in a window if its own, instead of in the main program window--that would probably require "script-like" activity.
  23. In legacy (v. 6), try Win + A to copy the selection and put it into a newly created note automatically--if I understand you rightly.
  24. Well, I don't know.... On Windows 7, the legacy version (v. 6) is installed in C:\Program Files (x86)\Evernote\Evernote, very standard. To install a program under AppData seems very different from how Windows programs usually operate. Legacy has various kinds of, well, app data there, but no executables.
  25. Addendum: If it doesn't work for you and you move on, be sure to come back here every couple of years and tell the people for whom it works how lousy the thing is.
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