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Evernote for iOS version 10.1 Release notes

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Hi all! Evernote for iOS version 10.1 is now available on the App Store. As always, we welcome your feedback.

- Sort options in search results
- Open password protected PDF files
- Offline notebooks now continue downloading in the background

- Issue with Apple Pencil missing strokes on iOS 14
- Note appears zoomed in when switching between notes
- Issue with loading a large number of search results
- Note would not always open at the top of the note
- Edit button would flicker when adding attachments
- Sharing a PDF file would sometimes open the keyboard
- Issue with occasional note conflicts
- Miscellaneous bug fixes
- Stability and performance improvements

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Great news !

Thanks to the Team for a hard dash to get there !

Plus a tripple 👍👍👍 for posting real release notes right in the App this time !!!

More feedback will be provided after we are back from the release party 😉

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Thanks, I need to try this latest update. Overall, I am very disappointed with version 10. Sometimes my new notes are not being saved and sometimes changes to existing notes disappear. This is very frustrating!

Also, when scanning documents, camera keeps searching for next one all the time and often creates wrong scans, that are not documents at all!

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27 minutes ago, AgnesP said:

Hi all! Evernote for iOS version 10.1 is now available on the App Store.

Actually it is NOT available.  The App Store is still showing Ver 10.0.4.

You guys should really double-check both the app and the app store before you publish things.  Every time we learn what you say is incorrect reduces our trust in you, which is already low due to the many bugs in the initial release of Ver 10.

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7 hours ago, JMichaelTX said:

Actually it is NOT available.  The App Store is still showing Ver 10.0.4.

It's available for me (BC, Canada)

Sort works for search results, and full set returned
Testing offline notebooks   
edit; not seeing background progress but foreground is downloading at a faster snail's pace

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On 10/29/2020 at 1:28 PM, JMichaelTX said:

Actually it is NOT available.  The App Store is still showing Ver 10.0.4.

Didn't show up for me either the first time I checked.  Was there the second time.  In case you haven't tried, pressing on the screen clips on the EN screen in the search results panel in the app store opens a screen with an update icon.

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1 hour ago, JMichaelTX said:

Actually it is NOT available.  The App Store is still showing Ver 10.0.4.

It wasn't showing up in the "check for updates" for me, but I was able to download it (Mac version) from the Evernote download page.

Update - Whoops, this is the iOS forum, but a Mac update is also available and the iOS update was available to me in the App Store.

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1 hour ago, JMichaelTX said:

Actually it is NOT available.  The App Store is still showing Ver 10.0.4.

You guys should really double-check both the app and the app store before you publish things.  Every time we learn what you say is incorrect reduces our trust in you, which is already low due to the many bugs in the initial release of Ver 10.

Patience, young padwan...

It needs to spread through the release Server structure hosted by Apple. On my iPhone it was not available an hour ago, when I checked on my iPad it was there and is just downloading now. 

An app developer only gets the information from Apple the release is now available. If EN would wait until the last Server has got it, we probably would have a shitstorm here in the forum about missing information.

Let us be happy that EN lives up to the promise to keep on releasing, and to deliver fixes AND missing features step by step. My confidence is rising. 

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2 hours ago, AgnesP said:

Hi all! Evernote for iOS version 10.1 is now available on the App Store.

OK, the 10.1 update is now available in the App Store.

Good News!  It fixes two critical bugs that were preventing me from using EN iOS:

  1. Now syncs properly from Notes created in EN Mac 7.14.
  2. A List Note created in EN iOS is now properly saved (previously it was often lost), and it syncs well with EN Mac.

Kudos for fixing these bugs.  However, Ver 10.0 should NOT have been released with these bugs, especially after 9 months of EN iOS Beta testing.


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40 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

Patience, young padwan..

First of all, I am NOT your "young padwan".  This remark is very disrespectful.


padwan - Urban Dictionary

A term that geeks use on geeks that they are feeling superior to. Being called a padwan suggests you are a lesser geek.
40 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

It needs to spread through the release Server structure hosted by Apple. On my iPhone it was not available an hour ago, when I checked on my iPad it was there and is just downloading now. 

Quit making excuses for Evernote.  Please let them respond to my direct posts to them.

IAC, Evernote should have waited until they could independently verify that the update was in the App Store.  This is just common sense and good customer service.

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Sync stuff.

  1. Auto sync still seems to have a lag in it. 
  2. Though dragging the screen down does seem to force the sync. 
  3. My INBOX which is flagged as offline with only 5 notes in it has not completed downloading.  And the five notes are all small.
  4. Still better to mail to EN as opposed to clipping to EN.

ScreenClip.png.6012b55ea425d71691fc2ca9aa51ce25.png      390139511_Screenshot2020-10-29at3_28_27PM.thumb.png.a78c90be8ca100a60ae36cef77e12b22.png     

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12 minutes ago, JMichaelTX said:

Good News!  It fixes two critical bugs that were preventing me from using EN iOS:

Well, it looks like I spoke too soon.  The test note I created in EN iOS 10.1 iPhone resulted in DUP Notes, with one of them being blank.

Nothing has changed from the pre-Ian Evernote behavior of releasing updates with obvious bugs.

Screenshot of Note List in 10.1 Showing Dup Notes



The Dup that is Blank:


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@JMichaelTX Sorry if you feel it to be disrespectful - it is a literal quote from Star Wars, and I did not say „my“ . Maybe I made a translation mistake. It was not meant as an insult.

In fact when I checked directly after the first message, on my iPhone the release was not available. OK, I sit half around the world from Cuppertino where it was probably released to the AppStore server. Then I checked again half an hour later, and there it was.

I do not excuse anybody (no need for that), but I think it really makes no sense to put blame on an employee of EN who decides to inform us in good faith about an upcoming update. Even if the update would have been available hours later, or tomorrow, I think it shows respect to the forum users that we get a special heads up that several issues were solved.

It is not the end of fixing and releasing stuff, but I can positively confirm that they solved at least 2 issues I reported in support tickets, and got „we work on it“ as an answer. The flashing of the screen when switching notes in dark mode is gone, and switching between notes is significantly faster. Probably it flashed in light mode as well, but one couldn’t see. Downloading offline content in the background seems o.k. (Will wait until tomorrow for some more testing while I sleep - my favorite test practice).

@CalS If an offline download gets stuck, I could make it move again by first deselecting that notebook from offline in EN settings. The Setting toggle is sometimes a little sensitive, maybe you need to try again. There is a dialogue whether to keep or to dump the content already downloaded, select keep. Close settings, go back to the app, maybe switch between a note or two, maybe close the app (I didn’t). Then go back to settings, and switch it on again. It will show an all grey download bar, but download will be pretty fast for the part that was kept. After that, it continues, but slower now because it really downloads the rest.

I am for sure not happy with what we’ve got, but sticking with legacy on Windows and Mac helps me with staying productive. On iOS (did not install the rest) I am annoyed about the initial release quality and missing functions. But on the other hand I like several features in v10 (like nested tags on iOS, the editor and search speed), and see potential that this could really take EN and my use of it ahead. There just will be a lot more releases until then.

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38 minutes ago, CalS said:

Auto sync still seems to have a lag in it. 

Auto sync between my iPhone 11 EN iOS 10.1 and EN Mac 7.14 is one thing that is doing very well.  Takes about 15 sec max, sometimes only 2-3 sec.

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4 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

@JMichaelTX Sorry if you feel it to be disrespectful - it is a literal quote from Star Wars, and I did not say „my“ . Maybe I made a translation mistake. It was not meant as an insult.

It absolutely was disrespectful.  You should know better than to use those type of phrases, regardless of the source or translation.  

6 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

I do not excuse anybody (no need for that)

The tone of your post comes across as excusing Evernote.  In fact you literally are providing excuses for why we should not be concerned about posting an update that literally says "Evernote for iOS version 10.1 is now available", the key word being "NOW".

8 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

I think it really makes no sense to put blame on an employee of EN who decides to inform us in good faith about an upcoming update.

This is NOT about placing blame, but holding them accountable for doing proper QA of both the app and their posts.  Why waste users time checking for an update that is not there.  Waiting another hour and verifying the update is really available is only common sense and shows respect for your customers time.


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No further discussion on this level. I don’t start blame games, and I do not participate in them. If you see no reason, it is your personal decision to do so, and I probably can’t change it, even if I tried (which I don’t).

My excuse to you stands, and I move on.

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21 minutes ago, JMichaelTX said:

Auto sync between my iPhone 11 EN iOS 10.1 and EN Mac 7.14 is one thing that is doing very well.  Takes about 15 sec max, sometimes only 2-3 sec.

Not so much for me betwixt IOS 10  and Win.  Will keep an eye on it, make sure I'm not having a DAA..

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52 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

@CalS If an offline download gets stuck, I could make it move again by first deselecting that notebook from offline in EN settings. The Setting toggle is sometimes a little sensitive, maybe you need to try again. There is a dialogue whether to keep or to dump the content already downloaded, select keep. Close settings, go back to the app, maybe switch between a note or two, maybe close the app (I didn’t). Then go back to settings, and switch it on again. It will show an all grey download bar, but download will be pretty fast for the part that was kept. After that, it continues, but slower now because it really downloads the rest.

I am for sure not happy with what we’ve got, but sticking with legacy on Windows and Mac helps me with staying productive. On iOS (did not install the rest) I am annoyed about the initial release quality and missing functions. But on the other hand I like several features in v10 (like nested tags on iOS, the editor and search speed), and see potential that this could really take EN and my use of it ahead. There just will be a lot more releases until then.

Yeah, did all that.  Also moved the notes out of inbox.  They moved quickly on IOS.  Then put them back.  Added a note.  Still one note short of a check mark for download.  Baby sized notes.

Should not be this hard.  Some gremlin in the wood pile that needs to get found and fixed.  Only makes a difference if I am without a signal of some sort.  Just creates an uneasiness as to how the rest of sync is performing.  🤷‍♂️  As long as there are no sync issues the sorting of search results add back makes IOS so much better for me.  That being said I too am not installing desktop V10 at this point.

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@CalS Yes, still not completely on autopilot. 

At least my night run went o.k. so far: I left the app running for the night on my iPhone while on the charger. It definitely continued loading offline content, appr. 400 notes from the progress bar.

From this I assume it loaded by running on one low energy core of the CPU. Not enough if you make an initial download, but should do for keeping up later.

if it completes the download, or gets stuck again we will see.

To be continued ...

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9 hours ago, JMichaelTX said:

It absolutely was disrespectful.  You should know better than to use those type of phrases, regardless of the source or translation.  

The tone of your post comes across as excusing Evernote.  In fact you literally are providing excuses for why we should not be concerned about posting an update that literally says "Evernote for iOS version 10.1 is now available", the key word being "NOW".

This is NOT about placing blame, but holding them accountable for doing proper QA of both the app and their posts.  Why waste users time checking for an update that is not there.  Waiting another hour and verifying the update is really available is only common sense and shows respect for your customers time.


It’s a quote from a film, stop picking fights where there are none. Chill out and calm down. 

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9 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

t is not the end of fixing and releasing stuff, but I can positively confirm that they solved at least 2 issues I reported in support tickets, and got „we work on it“ as an answer. The flashing of the screen when switching notes in dark mode is gone, and switching between notes is significantly faster. Probably it flashed in light mode as well, but one couldn’t see. Downloading offline content in the background seems o.k. (Will wait until tomorrow for some more testing while I sleep - my favorite test practice).

I am so pleased this is fixed! The flashing screen in dark mode on my iPad meant I couldn’t use it, I was in light mode which i really am not keen on. To have dark mode working properly is great for me. 

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  • Sketch can now support high resolution, and turning on scribble does no longer affect the drawing.
  • No blinking on dark mode.
  • No more unnecessary space on the shortcut on the sidebar.

But I found an issue that I don't know if it's due to v10 or whether it exists for a long time. Say when I insert a 3-MB image and then annotate it, the image size will become much larger, for example 15MB (just adding an arrow). In such case, both local and cloud storage is usually made bigger.

And I know Evernote loads an original size image in all devices, while others usually prepare a few versions fitting different devices (iPhone smaller while Mac larger but all are resized until you tap for an original image on Notion) or resize before uploading (like Apple Notes with images max size about 2000px width). In the long term can the company consider at least the Notion's way to save time in loading notes?

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So, Control-B doesn't create bold font? And, for fonts you only have five? When you put the icon on the taskbar it doesn't open on the icon it creates another icon on the taskbar. This last issue comes and goes with the releases over the years.  Wow, way to take a step backwards w/ the user experience.  Really, you guys can't integrate Win10 font into your program yet?  Can't bold font unless I stop tying and control my mouse.  Sad day with this release.  What a joke. 

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13 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

@CalS Yes, still not completely on autopilot. 

At least my night run went o.k. so far: I left the app running for the night on my iPhone while on the charger. It definitely continued loading offline content, appr. 400 notes from the progress bar.

From this I assume it loaded by running on one low energy core of the CPU. Not enough if you make an initial download, but should do for keeping up later.

if it completes the download, or gets stuck again we will see.

To be continued ...

I do appreciate that.  My point is why are we paying attention at all?  It’s just a problem yet to be fixed.  The inherent lags, short and long, built into what appears to be all V10s make it harder to get stuff done.  Waiting for a tag to be represented in searches is to put it kindly less than optimal.  Let alone waiting hours or days for trivial content to show as downloaded. 

I still have old IOS on my iPad.  As a test I created a dummy notebook and made it offline. I moved notes one at a time to that notebook and they showed as offline almost immediately.  A process not unlike my inbox on V10 on my phone which does not show as offline.  Though the note is probably in cache if they are still using it. V10 is just a bit broken with all this. Hopefully not doomed to perform this way forever. 

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I remember faster offline download as well with prior versions. But if I remember it correctly, it showed quick that it had downloaded, but actually it was still running.

It was not as slow as v10 still is (and I have a 1Gbit/s download Speed, still 600 Mbit/s in WiFi), but it took its time as well.

Yes, would be nice if we could just rely on everything working without friction, as it used to. I assume this is still several curves down the road.

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13 hours ago, wbutchart said:

It’s a quote from a film, stop picking fights where there are none. Chill out and calm down. 

I'm quite calm and chilled out.  It is you who seems to be picking a fight by making your post.  Stick to the topic.  No one needs your advice and you're not a forum moderator.

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10 hours ago, mollyhoo said:

When will the Apple Watch app return? It is not perfect but I depend on its functionality. What is the ETA? Days or Weeks?

As a workaround I use the app JustPressRecord on the watch and iPhone. It takes audio, makes a transcription and allows to share text, audio or both into a new note in EN. 5,49€, one time payment.

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Dear Evernote team

I am unable to access my Evernote on my iPad (iPad pro first generation).

I have extremely important folders and documents for regular use.

can you please help with this problem?

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That's a good thing and I think we all expect improvement. But, the uncertainty of when creates frustration.   From a management standpoint I look at they why something happened.  So, I would ask why the 10.0 was released with these issues.

It's generally a disturbing trend.


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Recently updated to v 10.0.4, still as of today the most recent available in app store. Besides my major complaint below looks promising. (iPhone 8 plus, iOS 14.1, 8gb of 64gb  available) Evernote user since 2012.

Complaint: I don't see my notebooks. At all.

I have notebooks in stacks, open a stack then see  the notes in the stack but not the notebooks. That's a lot of notes to go through to find the note I'm looking for. Result is I can't use Evernote on my phone. At all.

I'm open to your letting me know how to see the notebooks, that I was wrong. Otherwise, really need this fixed.

It looks like this has been a rough launch by the comments above, but please please get this fixed.

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Inking is much nicer now.. thanks for that fix - BUT.... and a really big BUT is the saving time nees to be drastically improved.   As i sit here typing this, I'm currently at the 3 minute mark waiting on a 3 hand written words to save.   I wanted to see if you're still running "infinite paper" and it appears you are - in addition to those 3 words, I drew out lines in the two diagonals a few times to enlarge the page.   ..   4 minutes still saving now.  

I did a more basic test a few minutes ago, a quick basic sketch with 3 colors and a single sentance of writing.   That took a few seconds to save - but a painful few seconds.  If I was in a meeting or school lecture I would be missing the start of any additional notes I'd want to be taking due to save times. 

... 5 minutes - still saving that previously noted test sketch.

I'm going to go grab a coffee...    
Long story short - sketch is still very much broken with these saving times.  Please fix.  I really think you could do away with infinite paper size and possibly eliminate the problem.   Oh - and bring back a dot grid background on the paper (or let us select from the basics - lined, grid, dot grid, blank). 


Edit:  31 minutes later... that basic note is still trying to save.  Force closed the app.    Sketch still very much unusable for anything serious.

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On 10/31/2020 at 5:33 AM, PinkElephant said:

As a workaround I use the app JustPressRecord on the watch and iPhone. It takes audio, makes a transcription and allows to share text, audio or both into a new note in EN. 5,49€, one time payment.


On 10/30/2020 at 7:24 PM, mollyhoo said:

When will the Apple Watch app return? It is not perfect but I depend on its functionality. What is the ETA? Days or Weeks?

As an even better workaround (IMO), try Bear.  For FREE (basic version). The iWatch complication is flaweless as near as I can tell, and it's easy to share everythng back to EN at the end of the day.

In fact, if you don't need android platform support, you might find this FREE basic app a very adept replacement for EN alltogether.  Even better is that this company (Shinyfrog="Bear") hasn't willfully forced an "update" down my throat , with known removal/breaking of features in a pure breach of contract.

EN owes every single paid subcriber an apology and a refund.

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3 hours ago, SteveRacer said:


As an even better workaround (IMO), try Bear.  For FREE (basic version). The iWatch complication is flaweless as near as I can tell, and it's easy to share everythng back to EN at the end of the day.

In fact, if you don't need android platform support, you might find this FREE basic app a very adept replacement for EN alltogether.  Even better is that this company (Shinyfrog="Bear") hasn't willfully forced an "update" down my throat , with known removal/breaking of features in a pure breach of contract.

EN owes every single paid subcriber an apology and a refund.

Bear is very solid and stable. They don't easily promise something and although they are regarded as slow they still deliver something best to users finally.

They have already had a roadmap on the new editor which can hide Markdown and will support table. A beta version is open to everyone. No enrolment is needed and opinions/bug reports are welcome.

Bear subscription is also cheap, even though you may need extra money on iCloud storage. I don't see any reason to stay on Evernote which is much more expensive while notes can be duplicated, lost, messy. Evernote will become a note-taking app which cannot take notes one day. Revolution of digital note taking services! Because they will remove "Add Note" function!

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3 hours ago, Alvin C said:

Bear is very solid and stable. They don't easily promise something and although they are regarded as slow they still deliver something best to users finally.

They have already had a roadmap on the new editor which can hide Markdown and will support table. A beta version is open to everyone. No enrolment is needed and opinions/bug reports are welcome.

Bear subscription is also cheap, even though you may need extra money on iCloud storage. I don't see any reason to stay on Evernote which is much more expensive while notes can be duplicated, lost, messy. Evernote will become a note-taking app which cannot take notes one day. Revolution of digital note taking services! Because they will remove "Add Note" function!

Bear is great for apple ecosystem, but!, the webapp has been coming soon for at least 3 years and still nothing that says it’s soon - I don’t think it’s ever coming, I can’t be locked into one system so sadly bear is out. It also has poor search, when searching a term it finds the notes but doesn’t highlight the words in the note, all you get is a list of notes which have that text....somewhere, highlights are.....coming soon too. 
Great beautiful app but not in the same field as Evernote sadly. 

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New - Open password protected PDF files

Not exactly.  It worked before on previous versions, however thanks for getting it to work again. I place an encrypted doc in the cloud about 10 times a month. Needless to say I have a few.  I rely on this feature often.  I am now able to insert a password  from my password manager and easily open and view an encrypted pdf on ios. 

Thanks well done.  My goal is to have all my documents in the cloud at Evernote.  This allows all documents, sensitive or otherwise to be accessed at all times when I am away from my windows box.  Improvements need to be made on the windows end.  Currently I cannot paste a password into the dialog box and I am forced to hand type it. Cumbersome.

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When uploading a jpg from iPhone Photos (Camera roll) to Evernote I've always been able to add a title and a tag. Now it seems I can only add the title and have to open the new note within the Evernote app to be able to add the tag. This is a very unwelcome development.

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Evernote ios 10.1:

Unresolved problem:  I have total 15 notebooks. However, the app showed that I had 18 notebooks. On the next day, the app showed I had 19......  I think there are serious coding errors existed.

Share a temporarily resolved problem (if any ios users need this):  I suddenly couldn’t delete or edit any of my previous notes since Nov 2.  =>  If you have to edit some of your important notes right now, use your PC to log in web version of Evernote and open the note(s) you need. Do any kind of editing (eg., just press space or enter to insert a space or a line), and then you will find you can edit it again on iPhone. 

Hope Evernote can resolve the problems on ios app soon.


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I deleted a note, the note is still shown in the right, and I can scroll the note list on the left, but no button works, also unable to open any other note. So just the note list scrolling works, nothing else.

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My experience with v10 ios14 iPhone 12 pro is that a lot of bugs appear when trying to download offline notebooks. With offline notebooks on, I started to experience many app crashes, search freezes, impossibility to access a note, clicking on a note to open it appears blank. I had no such issues when using online notebooks only. 

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Hola, no se que ha pasado pero con esta actualización de la aplicación de iPad cuando abro una nota y la quiero poner a pantalla completa no se ve la parte superior ni inferior de la nota hay una barra blanca con la x arriba y otra barra blanca abajo con @ , descagar y los tres puntos. Necesito urgentemente poder ver las notas por completo para mi trabajo, es algo muy frustrante que dejes de trabajar por esto. Ayuda por favor.

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Hello, I do not know what happened but with this update of the iPad application when I open a note and I want to put it in full screen I do not see the top or bottom of the note there is a white bar with the x above and another white bar down with @, unload and the three dots. I urgently need to be able to see the notes completely for my work, it is something very frustrating that you stop working because of this. Please help.

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I'm having a variety of problems with this update (I'm running 10.1). Half the time the app won't even launch (it just loads the elephant icon and hangs there). When I'm able to get the app to load, and I attempt a search, results sometimes seem to blink in and out chaotically--"suggested searches" will appear momentarily, then disappear, then be replaced with a blank screen or a spinning "gear" icon, and only then will it supply results.

These problems sound potentially identical to the ones VDo has mentioned above--"bugs [appearing] when trying to download offline notebooks. With offline notebooks on, I started to experience many app crashes, search freezes, impossibility to access a note, clicking on a note to open it appears blank. I had no such issues when using online notebooks only." I use offline notebooks, but am not sure whether the app is currently trying to download those notebooks or not.


Edited by jbushnell1
Incorporating vDo's similar-sounding problems
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I am still holding fast with 8.x on my phone. If you got to the App Store for iOS and sort reviews by "Most Recent" it is overwhelmingly 1/2 star ratings.

I would definitely install it if, like Windows/Mac versions, Evernote put an "Evernote Classic" app back in the app store that was the latest 8.x build and test and offer feedback on issues, but I cannot rely on it as is as my main app. 

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For me it is ... working. Nothing stellar, I am waiting for many things to be released like e-mail or print a note. Offline download needs a kick from time to time. Scanning is still basic, no support for tables (this did not exist before in EN iOS either), no real split screen with drag&drop.

In general 10.1. solved several issues like corrupted notes that could not be deleted before. The new client can be used, and it supports my workflow needs. It plays along with my legacy Mac und Windows clients. Nice editor, nested tags, clean GUI, fast search.

If having trouble maybe do not update the existing app. Do a full uninstall, switch the iPhone / iPad off and on again, and make a fresh install.

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I’m running Evernote 10.1 on an iPad running 14.2 and there is no way to print any notes. The print option does not appear anywhere. I put out a support ticket but heard back that it might take 10-12 days before I get a response. <sigh>. I’m hoping this can be fixed pretty soon as printing is essential. 

Just want to make it clear I’ve been using Evernote since 2011 and LOVE IT !   This is the first time that major functionality has broken for me. 


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I’m extremely frustrated with Evernote v10 on my iPhone 7 plus.  While I like the new features, the inability to PRINT & the inability to Find In Note is very frustrating.  I’ve spent countless numbers of wasted hours trying to figure out how to work around these two important features.  And then when I think I find a solution to replace PRINT, only part of the page of the page will PRINT (or save to PDF file).

who thought that the standard SHARE feature PRINT is unnecessary????  Am I the only one who has the need to PRINT (with SHARE Print Feature allowing ability to turn notes into important PDF) ?  Surely SHARE standard PRINT feature is vital to more users than just me.

and don’t even tell me that Find In Notes works well because it doesn’t.  I’ve wasted hours upon hours trying to get it to work.  

i’m so frustrated with my lost productivity.  What good are new & improved new features when one loses the ability to PRINT /PDF their notes?  

i don’t know where to go from here.

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13 hours ago, Nimrod said:

I’m running Evernote 10.1 on an iPad running 14.2 and there is no way to print any notes. The print option does not appear anywhere. I put out a support ticket but heard back that it might take 10-12 days before I get a response. <sigh>. I’m hoping this can be fixed pretty soon as printing is essential. 

Just want to make it clear I’ve been using Evernote since 2011 and LOVE IT !   This is the first time that major functionality has broken for me. 


Why, why, why can't Evernote management issue a definitive message to all users that tells us what functions have been removed from the "upgrade" -- and which ones will be restored, or will not be restored? That would save everyone (including the overburdened help desk) a lot of time and grief, and would be a positive way to reach out to users. Even if we don't like the decisions that were made.  Evernote management must have missed all of Customer Relations 101. 

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45 minutes ago, weidnet said:

Why, why, why can't Evernote management issue a definitive message to all users that tells us what functions have been removed from the "upgrade" -- and which ones will be restored, or will not be restored? 

Something like    What's new in Evernote for iOS

What features are not yet available in the new app?

  • Apple Watch support
  • Evernote widget
  • Print a note
  • Share a note via email
  • Password management support (1Password, Lastpass, etc.)
  • Siri shortcuts
  • Fast scrolling
  • Save business cards to device contacts
  • Drag and drop (iPad)
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1 hour ago, DTLow said:

Something like    What's new in Evernote for iOS

What features are not yet available in the new app?

  • Apple Watch support
  • Evernote widget
  • Print a note
  • Share a note via email
  • Password management support (1Password, Lastpass, etc.)
  • Siri shortcuts
  • Fast scrolling
  • Save business cards to device contacts
  • Drag and drop (iPad)

Precisely!  How hard can that be? It would take someone in authority at Evernote a few minutes to do this, and would pay off in all sorts of ways. Transparency beats confusion.

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I’d like to thank you for breaking Evernote on my iOS phone and MacBook

The 10.1 update now will not get past your lovely 4 welcome pages before it crashes. i had to delete the app off the phone and re-install.
Not a very successful update!
I also updated on my Mac OS (10.15.3) to 10.3.6 and in 4 days it has stopped working three times. First I couldn’t add new notes (button was missing), second time it just froze and now it wouldn't display the content of the notes, any notes.
It seems you are not really supportive of basic users anymore and it hasn’t encouraged me to pay for premium at all.
Mark Noonan
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Typing lag is driving me crazy on my iPad Pro with a physical keyboard--it's only in Evernote, nothing else.  I give up.  I can put up with a lot of stuff, but this is too much.  I've done all the typical close and restarts, etc., it doesn't matter though, I'm not trying to troubleshoot it.  There are so many annoyances I don't care anymore.

I've been frustrated lately with both the Mac and iOS apps.  There are way too many little things I have to work around now.  Too many of my (simple) workflows are broken.  All I want to do is take notes!  Perhaps it's time to move on after 9 years.

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55 minutes ago, jimmykavs said:

Typing lag is driving me crazy on my iPad Pro with a physical keyboard--it's only in Evernote, nothing else.  I give up.  I can put up with a lot of stuff, but this is too much.  I've done all the typical close and restarts, etc., it doesn't matter though, I'm not trying to troubleshoot it.  There are so many annoyances I don't care anymore.

I've been frustrated lately with both the Mac and iOS apps.  There are way too many little things I have to work around now.  Too many of my (simple) workflows are broken.  All I want to do is take notes!  Perhaps it's time to move on after 9 years.

I’m having the exact same problem (lag) on my IOS iPhone 7+ for about one week.  I also have a very important NOTE (my November bill pay with copies of my receipts— & my Bill Pay Note is my much needed guide in keeping up with my bills).  Maybe Friday or Saturday, the lagging was horrible & somehow, my Nov bill pay note was Duplicated 6 times.  Most of the 6 are incomplete & the lag is unbelievable.  I can’t distinguish the original from the duplicates.  I’ve never had that happen before.

OF COURSE, I can’t PRINT my NOV bill pay NOTE as a safety backup because EVERNOTE feels PRINT on IOS is unnecessary & EN feels that not enough subscribers use PRINT so Evernote deleted the standard (in every APP) SHARE PRINT on IOS.  

I thought I could remain patient, but these new issues are worrisome.  Sadly, I’m actively searching for an alternative.  I’ve been a paid user since 2014 with now more than 12,000 notes.  I’m heartsick.  I’m barely holding on.

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ISSUES WITH THE new iOS 10 on iPad 






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Since I have no issues (and iOS devices are usually pretty clean regarding bad software), I just want to remind anybody of how to do a good update. This is even more important when having trouble before.

  • Uninstall the app (any app). If asked, don’t keep any data.
  • Switch the I-device OFF. Really shut it down, not only the lock screen. This will clean out the RAM.
  • Reinstall the app 
  • When on a good internet connection and having enough time: Open the app, log into your account and let it sync. To avoid interruptions in the initial sync, you can switch the autoscreen-lock to OFF in the iOS settings before. The first sync is important because it will build the apps metadata. It is later used for searches and sync control.

Usually I update by the AppStore. Just when having trouble, I follow this extended update routine.

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4 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

Since I have no issues (and iOS devices are usually pretty clean regarding bad software), I just want to remind anybody of how to do a good update. This is even more important when having trouble before.

  • Uninstall the app (any app). If asked, don’t keep any data.
  • Switch the I-device OFF. Really shut it down, not only the lock screen. This will clean out the RAM.
  • Reinstall the app 
  • When on a good internet connection and having enough time: Open the app, log into your account and let it sync. To avoid interruptions in the initial sync, you can switch the autoscreen-lock to OFF in the iOS settings before. The first sync is important because it will build the apps metadata. It is later used for searches and sync control.

Usually I update by the AppStore. Just when having trouble, I follow this extended update routine.

I have few issues too but still using only online notebooks. Do you use offline notebooks ? 

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Yes. But it takes some tricks to download, and it is not really stable. When I added notes, download did not start again, and I could only manage by reloading the whole notebook.

So if you don’t really need it, I would wait for new releases to fix it.

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On 10/30/2020 at 6:24 PM, mollyhoo said:

When will the Apple Watch app return? It is not perfect but I depend on its functionality. What is the ETA? Days or Weeks?

Does anyone know if Apple Watch counts as an additional device? It'd be great if it counts as the same device of the iPhone which it is paired.

Separate, but related: is there a particular reason Evernote accessed on iPhone has to use the App Store app and be counted as a device rather than the Web Version? Why can't web version be accessed on iPhone?

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23 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

Since I have no issues (and iOS devices are usually pretty clean regarding bad software), I just want to remind anybody of how to do a good update. This is even more important when having trouble before.

  • Uninstall the app (any app). If asked, don’t keep any data.
  • Switch the I-device OFF. Really shut it down, not only the lock screen. This will clean out the RAM.
  • Reinstall the app 
  • When on a good internet connection and having enough time: Open the app, log into your account and let it sync. To avoid interruptions in the initial sync, you can switch the autoscreen-lock to OFF in the iOS settings before. The first sync is important because it will build the apps metadata. It is later used for searches and sync control.

Usually I update by the AppStore. Just when having trouble, I follow this extended update routine.

Since I've been having trouble I performed this ^ process ... but no luck.  The bug I'm having problems with is detailed in my entry to another forum topic entitled "Checklist Feature Works Differently Now" so I won't repeat here.

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@Jeshi - the Apple Watch does not count as an additional device. it is considered 1 with your iPhone. I do think your iPhone has to be active as a device. You cannot, for example, set up your iphone, connect your watch, then deactivate your iphone in favor of an iPad. The watch would stop working at that point.


All kind of moot right now given that unless, like me, you are still on 8.x, there is no watch app right now.

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  • Level 5
On 11/11/2020 at 8:12 PM, AdventureDave said:

Since I've been having trouble I performed this ^ process ... but no luck.  The bug I'm having problems with is detailed in my entry to another forum topic entitled "Checklist Feature Works Differently Now" so I won't repeat here.

It‘s not a bug, it’s a Feature ...

I think the autoconversion was introduced with EN 10.1 . There were claims in the forum that there was noch Checkbox added in the next line when one hit enter in a row with a checkbox.

They solved it, by converting the checkboxed list into a checklist.

Like it or not ... (we used to have other issues with v10, so I would call it progress if we were down to this now).

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2 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

It‘s not a bug, it’s a Feature ...

I think the autoconversion was introduced with EN 10.1 . There were claims in the forum that there was noch Checkbox added in the next line when one hit enter in a row with a checkbox.

They solved it, by converting the checkboxed list into a checklist.

Like it or not ... (we used to have other issues with v10, so I would call it progress if we were down to this now).

Then it's a super sucky "feature".  Very undesirable behavior.  Why does it assume we want to convert a checkbox to a checklist?  How do we get the result we used to get?  Why doesn't it just create another line with a checkbox and if we want a checklist we create that after the fact (like an indent).  I'm probably going to start looking for another list making app.  Evernote is getting flakier and is adding too many mysterious and undesirable "features" (like deleting the icon for sliding the keyboard out of the way).

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Your opinion ...

For me the checklist is what EN provides for exactly that - to make checklists. They do it much better than a bunch of checkboxes before. The strikeout feature is really nice, wish it would exist in other programs as well. My opinion !

The checkbox IMHO exists just for 2 reasons:

  1. To stay compatible with notes that were created before v10, and have checkboxes
  2. To create forms (especially templates) that need a „check it off“ option. Checkboxes can be freely placed in a text, even more than one in a line of text, or in the cells of a table. So you can create very neat, interactive forms and roll them out into an organisation (Business users).

P.S. The perspective of non paying users ( ≠ customers) walking away is probably more threatening for the user than for the company.

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Well, lots of people talking about issues here.   I've found that doing anything to multiple notes takes forever.   Adding tags, deleting multiple notes etc.   The performance of the new EN for mac is so bad its just awful.  

I really just use EN for filing stuff anyway, as I use Notion for actually creating things I want to look at and use.  Still, this new "update" seems to be just a shiny interface and at the expense of speed.

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@Lorraine94588 You just happen to post in the iOS sub forum, not the one for Mac.

On a Mac, you are not forced to use the new version.

Just go back (I really don’t see it as such, because I can’t really see v10 as moving forward) to legacy, and wait the v10 to mature.

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19 hours ago, gatorbrit said:

Well, lots of people talking about issues here.   I've found that doing anything to multiple notes takes forever.   Adding tags, deleting multiple notes etc.   The performance of the new EN for mac is so bad its just awful.  

I really just use EN for filing stuff anyway, as I use Notion for actually creating things I want to look at and use.  Still, this new "update" seems to be just a shiny interface and at the expense of speed.

Well I went back to the legacy version and all is well.  Speedy as before.   I should have learned my lesson by now that you never install the early versions of a new update.

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23 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

Your opinion ...

For me the checklist is what EN provides for exactly that - to make checklists. They do it much better than a bunch of checkboxes before. The strikeout feature is really nice, wish it would exist in other programs as well. My opinion !

The checkbox IMHO exists just for 2 reasons:

  1. To stay compatible with notes that were created before v10, and have checkboxes
  2. To create forms (especially templates) that need a „check it off“ option. Checkboxes can be freely placed in a text, even more than one in a line of text, or in the cells of a table. So you can create very neat, interactive forms and roll them out into an organisation (Business users).

P.S. The perspective of non paying users ( ≠ customers) walking away is probably more threatening for the user than for the company.

Then why does the PC Desktop version work differently?  (the same as before the "upgrade"?)

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10.1 on my iPhone keeps crashing and won't save more than a few characters at a time.

Very frustrating since I am — used to be — a heavy iOS user.

Any suggestions?

If I can't fix, I'll have to switch to different software and that would be most sad...


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  • Level 5
1 hour ago, pcmphd said:


10.1 on my iPhone keeps crashing and won't save more than a few characters at a time.

Very frustrating since I am — used to be — a heavy iOS user.

Any suggestions?

If I can't fix, I'll have to switch to different software and that would be most sad...


You don't tell anything about your iPhone: Model, memory, iOS version etc.

One can say many things about v10 - on my iPad and iPhone it is running without crashing.

So probably you should try this:

  1. Uninstall the app, trashing all data as well
  2. Switch the iPhone off (completely OFF), wait a little, restart it (if you did it right, the Apple symbol will appear first while iOS is rebooting)
  3. Reinstall the app
  4. Set in iOS settings "autolockscreen" to never (to avoid the app being stopped by iOS), open the app, log into your account, and now let everything sync. Don't use the iPhone while it syncs. iOS is not friendly to apps running in the background, and may terminate EN without you noticing it.
  5. When all data has transferred to your iPhone, you can reset the autolockscreen setting, and use the app.
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Thank you, your instructions were spot-on, though with my notes altogether creating 12+ GB of disk space, I just don't want to let my phone be hijacked for the majority of a day.

Autolock is now a maximum of 5 minutes, adding to the frustration I, and most users perhaps, feel at being encouraged to upgrade, a process in which this version causes frustration, loss of productivity, data, and worst, trust.

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I bougth an Evernote Premium but when I'm trying open show me an ad to update my account.

I was in contact with Appstore (I bought with them) but they told me, it's an Evernote problem. I'm waiting an answer from Evernote team.

Does anybody have the same problem? 

Captura de Pantalla 2020-11-18 a la(s) 17.05.35.png

Captura de Pantalla 2020-11-18 a la(s) 17.09.26.png

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Please restore a sync button.  Why not have one?  It gives the user some assurance for important syncing when needing to shut down one device immediately.  

Also, others are noting some errors with notes not syncing correctly.  Taking this function away is developer arrogance.

Thank you


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Never use real Evernote. I can't synchronize. I have not been able to connect with the support team for more than two months. (Only automatic reply mail is moved) I don’t have to use apps like garbage Never save important content. Save it to another cloud or your own hard disk. I don't know when it will disappear, and Evernote I don't know.

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On 11/17/2020 at 5:09 PM, PinkElephant said:

You don't tell anything about your iPhone: Model, memory, iOS version etc.

One can say many things about v10 - on my iPad and iPhone it is running without crashing.

So probably you should try this:

  1. Uninstall the app, trashing all data as well
  2. Switch the iPhone off (completely OFF), wait a little, restart it (if you did it right, the Apple symbol will appear first while iOS is rebooting)
  3. Reinstall the app
  4. Set in iOS settings "autolockscreen" to never (to avoid the app being stopped by iOS), open the app, log into your account, and now let everything sync. Don't use the iPhone while it syncs. iOS is not friendly to apps running in the background, and may terminate EN without you noticing it.
  5. When all data has transferred to your iPhone, you can reset the autolockscreen setting, and use the app.

I have just installed Evernote on a new iPhone from scratch and still the sync does not work.

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