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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. It's a good idea to understand the changes before you instal upgraded software on you devices Import folder is also important for me
  2. Evernote currently provides an integrated note editor There are no choices; the editor is wysiwyg, and the note format is enml/html Personally, I'm comfortable accessing and editing markup code (Mac Legacy platform) but I don't want to see the code in general use I"m an html fan; I find markdown syntax too limited
  3. Did you intend for this to be posted in the IOS/Android forum The general forum might me more appropriate I can move it if you wish I voted no imho Evernote is going "light" with their Version 10 product Also, Evernote is already "light" compared to products like Devonthink My perspective is as a power user on the Legacy Mac platform I'm not a "light" fan
  4. As an Evernote Legacy user, imho I can not survive without the desktop platform (Mac) I use the desktop daily; iPad is a supplemental tool I also can not survive with the Evernote 10 product in it's current form However we're seeing improvements and feature enhancements to the non-desktop platforms
  5. I'm still an Evernote Legacy user I will not switch to any product that lacks a scripting interface - I use Applescript on my Mac Data export is also important; I won't get locked into a product
  6. Evernote's primary organization tool is the Tags feature Tags have full hierarchical support via a parent-child structure I can implement hierarchical note organization using the note titles For example Note A, Note A - 1, Note A - 2
  7. Download Legacy from https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote It can run side by side with v10
  8. This request was posted by me Nothing is broken; it's just a personal preference - location and not splitting notebook/tag With a whopping 12 user votes, it doesn't seem to have much interest from the user community >Any acknowledgement from the Evernote team would be appreciated on this. Evernote's CEO was asked about the location switch His response was dismissive; a comment about the small % of tag usage among users
  9. That would be Legacy Windows; the metadata was always hidden for Mac users Ideally, the metadata should be converted to OS file metadata I'm also disappointed notebook is still missing If this becomes an issue for me, I'll write an script to display the hidden metadata It would be my version of the EN Info panel
  10. To expand/contract, use the v icon on the right side of the page
  11. Nested tags has long been missing from the Evernote/IOS Legacy product Nested tags is a feature in the Evernote/IOS v10 product
  12. My solution is to prefix note titles with Subject Date The database in Evernote Legacy actually included a Subject Date field
  13. Are you sure you're using the correct userid/password It's easy to accidentally create a second account
  14. I use the Evernote Legacy product and my backups include a full export in html format Individual files are created for each note, and are readable by any browser app Export is an Evernote feature on the Mac/Windows platforms
  15. On a Mac with Evernote Legacy, I use the OS feature for Folder Actions It watches the folder and launches an applescript when new files are detected A Windows user would have to advise on the Windows platform
  16. I use pdf format for scanned documents, using my iPad and Evernote's Scannable app The app is free, does a good job and interfaces with Evernote No OCR, but Evernote has it's own OCR process Image format has benefits - inline display when viewing a note - ... PDF format has benefits - multi page - ocr'd text can be embedded as a layer within the pdf - ...
  17. Can you provide more information as to how the notes "are there" There has to be a notebook listed in the sidebar Regarding talking to "sales" I prefer talking to technical support people The support site is https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action
  18. Evernote provides APIs for the direct access of the database Using this, I can access info not included in the exports, like notebookassignment Another method is separate exports for each notebook I can trigger this using scripting in Evernote Legacy
  19. About the "notebook ID number" You will have to access the EN database to retrieve the notebook assignment Notebook info is not included in the exported data
  20. I opened ticket 3309909 edit; Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I was able to reproduce this problem exactly as you described it and I reported it to our engineering team for resolution. The engineering team will investigate the issue to implement a fix in a future update. This should be simple to debug Looking at the exported files, I see a .html file and a folder holding the attachments Looking at the .html source I see a mess It might be an embedded image, showing the note as it was displayed in EN Looks good, but the attachment links are images - they don't actually work as links
  21. This folder is used for offline access It's optional - disable it in Preferences > Save Data at Log Out
  22. Evernote has provided the Legacy product for users not wanting to use the v10 product Windows/Mac users can install the Legacy product at https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  23. But why do we want a single file? I have over 10k notes - individual notes works well for me, with the notebook as a folder Testing the latest export feature with html format I'd like to see the dates and tags converted to OS file metadata
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