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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. Deleting a notebook in Evernote/Web generates this prompt
  2. I split your post off to a new discussion topic Tacking onto random discussions is not recommended
  3. Third party Cronofy implements a two way Evernote sync, based on the note reminder date I'm an Apple Calendar user, but my calendar use is for event based notes I use a Gantt chart view for my task notes >>without a way to plan the execution of the task, it's just useless The Evernote Tasks feature provides views of tasks based by due date This information would be useful in planning my day
  4. Generally, I don't automatically "move the tasks forward" The tasks are automatically listed in the Overdue section
  5. Tags can not be "merged" Using the misspelled tag as a filter, list the notes Select all the notes and assign the correct tag (the notes now have two tags) Delete the misspelled tag
  6. After the merge the original notes are deleted, but are "intact" They can be retrieved from the Trash
  7. As you pointed out, export selected notes is limited to a max of 50 notes We can export all notes in a selected notebook Export "all" is not currently an option in the v10 product; I use the Legacy product which has this option
  8. For protection, I backup my notes; daily incremental and weekly full I use Evernote's export feature on my Mac, with the HTML option The backup format for note content is html; native format for any attachments Is there a reason you want the backed up data converted to word or pdf format? html is ubiquitous, readable by any browser app There's a cloud solution at cloudHQ that does support conversion to Word/PDF
  9. Until "separate tags" get implemented, my solution is to prefix the set of tagnames with the description/notebook
  10. You posted a feature request in the correct forum However don't expect an immediate followup from Evernote These forums are just one of the factors for setting development priorities There's also an indicator of user support for a request via the vote button at the upper left corner of the discussion (I added my vote)
  11. Personally, I use the Calendar app (Apple) for event based notes; not tasks My task management process works well with tasks as individual notes I use a tag (!Actionable-Task) and use the Reminder feature to store due-date and completion date/status
  12. Which devices/platforms are you using? Did you intend to post in the Scannable Issues forum? >>Or can anyone recommend me a good PDF scanner app? I use Evernote's Scannable app (IOS)
  13. You created a second with your Apple Id Your notes can still be accessed using the correct id/password Log out, then log back in with your other id
  14. What export/import process did you use? My experience is with Evernote's generic export (html and enex formats) No problem with lost information, except notebook and note-id were not included Is it possibly an error with your import process
  15. That works for notes containing a single task
  16. The point is to "add almost anything we want" to the task This is needed for the task to exist as a separate entity
  17. Screenshot is from Evernote/Web accessed using the Safari browser on my iPad The field is editable edit: same results with Safari on a Mac
  18. Confirmed - in Evernote/IOS we are not given a choice; only the web link is used The IOS app is smart enough to automatically use this link as an in-app link The Mac app (Legacy and V10) fails at this automatic use
  19. It's a fact that Evernote is replacing Evernote Legacy with a new product We have to accept that The "early access" rollout is a concern We have access to the v10 product before the initial work is completed Personally, I'm still using the Legacy product It makes sense that I won"t switch until my critical features are implemented to the new product
  20. The search created:20170101 returns all notes created on or after 20170101 Use created:20170101 -created:20200101 to return notes for your date range (all notes created on or after 20170101, exclude notes created on or after 20200101)
  21. Each of us may have different ideas as to "base functionality" and "pointless" and which product is best for our use If the product doesn't work for you; don't use it fwiw I don't think the tasks feature is "pointless" however I won't use it; I use individual notes fo tasks
  22. Since you're posting in the Evernote forums, have you tried the Evernote sketch feature Add-handwriting-to-notes-on-Android-devices
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