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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. Right, the link url is hidden in the underlying html code As part of my backups, I maintain a full export of my data in html format I can search that data for the actual link (evernote:///....)
  2. Yes, that is my practice - often changing the text of the link
  3. Confirm you are using the same userid/password for each login
  4. That's the problem with keeping to-do lists in a note fyi Evernote added the checklist feature which applies strikethrough to completed iitems My workflow is separate notes for each task My to-do list is a list of the notes, filtered by specific criteria; for example pending fwiw I make use of the reminder feature It stores due date (optional) and completion status/date
  5. I'm still an Evernote Legacy user; I haven't seen any impact to my workflows Since you're posting in the Version 10 forums, I'm guessing you decided to switch to the V10 product I seems that was a bad decision for you; why not use the Legacy product?
  6. To find Notion users, try posting in the Notion forums
  7. Yes, but it's not my preferred backup method I do have data folder backups via Mac Time Machine My preferred backup method is using the Export feature in html format; daily incremental and weekly full
  8. It should work the same either offline or online Of course, you need to go online to sync the changes to the server >>once back online and the sync processes occurs, what happens to the remaining notes in the replaced (previous copy) local data folder? Overwritten from the master server of the data based on date/time? I think so - I haven't tested this
  9. Not necessarily slow For example, to restore a deleted notebook: Select > Export > Import
  10. As per the others, I recommend this be split into multiple notes I also question if the Evernote note editor is the best tool. I believe in using Evernote to file all my documents, but I have a wide choice of editors to use
  11. This local folder is used for offline access Reloading it can be used to restore notes, but be aware the master version of our data is stored on the servers and will not be impacted by the reload To restore a note it must be copied to a new note
  12. Confirmed - we get the note, and it's tags; no hierarchy I reflect the hierarchy in the tag name; for example Budget, Budget-Housing, Budget-Housing-Utilities
  13. Can you provide background on the location of the notes "2016-present" Where were they stored? Standard Evernote use is for notes to be entered on a device then uploaded to the Evernote servers during the sync process You should be able to log into the web platform (www.evernote.com) and access all your notes
  14. Most of my links differ from the actual note title I would not want them updated when the note title changes >>or is deleted. Update note links within a note accordingly. I have experienced broken links when a note is deleted What kind of update would you like to see?
  15. Evernote v10 no longer uses .exb files Data is stored and accessed on the server; a local copy is optional, but only used for offline access >>I would like to segregate that into multiple databases and reference them individually. Multiple databases is not possible, unless you open multiple accounts Data can be segregated using notebboks, stacks, or tags
  16. Log into the web app and confirm the tags have been uploaded server fyi We've seen reports of Evernote search failing
  17. Yes, text replacement strings are sync'd to all apple devices I end all my triggers with ,, For example i,, would be replaced by intile:
  18. If someone can post copies of their handwritten note, I'll process them and let you know what Evernote identified
  19. I'm not clear what you're asking for in "have them with the note content" fwiw I posted a request linked below to show metadata using the OS file metadata To indicate support, use the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion
  20. I included an screenshot of the html code from an exported note on my Mac The dates are included as meta names
  21. You should know you have the option of paying annually for a reduced rate Annual would be my limit btw The software is free, along with updates No limit as to how long you can use the app
  22. . No one is claiming the Legacy product has "lost anything" I'm using the product, and the only concern is lack of future upgrades; no enhancements, no bug fixes, ..., also Evernote will discontinue data synchronization at some point
  23. I don't see this - the format remains as ENML (essentialy html)
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