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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. And using the link in the iPad app opens the link in-app using the link in the web app opens the link in the web >>I'm on my mac and click that link, because then the web browsers opens upinstead of just opening the linked note in the Evernote Desktop app. Is it possibly an issue with the Mac app In the past this was resolved via a Safari cookie
  2. EN maintains it's own reminder information There's no connection to "the calendar" Just curious - which calendar are you referring to?
  3. A bit of confusion with this point A copy of our data is stored locally (optional feature); the master version is stored on the Evernote servers This allows EN to be run offline (no internet connection) This local data may be backed up; no scripting available This should not be confused with Local Notebooks; a Legacy product feature These were stored locally, and not sync'd to the servers >>How and where is encrypt password stored (even for text encrypting) ? Encryptions are self-contained objects, holding the password key in addition to the text
  4. See https://evernote.com/compare-plans To upgrade from Basic to Premium: Go to your account settings in Evernote Web, then click ‘Manage Subscription’ on the ‘Account Summary’ page. Select Evernote Premium. Enter your credit card information and choose a billing frequency (monthly or yearly). >>all users data and passwords Not a typical use, but it's do-able I would encrypt the data
  5. Is this a discussion of search when online or offline? My understanding is that if online, all searches are run on the server IOS or Desktop only applies when offline
  6. You should know the offline storage feature is optional If it's not working for you - don't use it
  7. My guess is that instead of login to your account, you created a new account Login to the web platform at www.evernote.com Make sure you use the correct userid/passworf
  8. My backups include a weekly full export in both html and enex format, saved to a cloud folder >>EN servers no longer sync the Legacy version The app itself will continue to function even after Evernote turns off the sync support fwiw Some alternative apps import directly from the Evernote server or app >>Howabout also saving the "add to evernote" folders which contains all of the pdfs, docs, images, spreadsheets that make their way into EN? These folders contain the actual physical files that were copied into EN For myself, these folders are empty I delete the files after importing to Evernote
  9. I use applescript on my Mac to create the note from a template and update placeholders (Evernote Legacy)
  10. That's comical If Evernote had a $ for every user who was "almost" , ...
  11. Make sure you're working in the Tags page - not the sidebar To open the Tags page, click the Tag icon in the sidebar To delete a tag, right click the tag
  12. Here's a sample script tell application "EvernoteLegacy" set allNotebooks to every notebook ------------------------------------------------------------- identify the notebooks repeat with currentNotebook in allNotebooks ------------------------------------------- process each notebook set notebookName to (the name of currentNotebook) set fileBackupenex to "/Users/DTLowDesktop/@Evernote/Evernote_Backup/Notebook-" & notebookName & ".enex" set fileBackupenex to POSIX path of fileBackupenex set theNotes to every note in notebook notebookName try with timeout of (60 * 60) seconds export theNotes to fileBackupenex format ENEX with tags ------------ export the notebooks end timeout end try end repeat end tell
  13. I use the Legacy product on a Mac My backups are automated with an applescript An alternative is third party Backupery The Version 10 product has no automated solution at present
  14. Does your post have anything to do with the "pending" Applescript integration? We were informed the initial release of the Version 10 product would be missing this feature
  15. Or export in html format, which generates separate note records in html format, readable by any browser app
  16. Search any: tag:Legal tag:medical The search feature is documented at https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313828
  17. I merged your post with an ongoing discussion You can read the above notes for more information
  18. Evernote's share/export resources are at a per notebook, and include the notes within notebooks Organization into stacks is a manual process Tags are included with the notes, but no hierarchy
  19. Work in the Tags window (not the sidebar) To open the Tags widow, click on the tag icon in the sidebar To edit a tag, slide it to the left and click on the ... that shows on the right side
  20. I don't think public links count as a login to your account with the web browser but to be sure, make sure you're logged out
  21. I moved your post to the web forum The feedback/requests forum works better if there's separate threads for individual feature request Users can then discuss the feature request and indicate support using the vote tool
  22. The Version 10 client supports "cloud storage only" Offline storage is optional With Mac/Windows it's all or none; we can't select notebooks/files
  23. A spreadsheet sounds like a good solution, but you should be looking at a spreadsheet application (Excel, Numbers) The document could be stored in Evernote as a file attachment
  24. My work-around was to move my sensitive data to local file storage, and replace the embedded data with a file link Problem with Version 10 1. Not able to create local file links 😐 2. It actually removed the local file links I created with Evernote Legacy ☹️
  25. Ford should make a clear distinction between the Legacy cars and the new (Version 10) cars - they are different products
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