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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. You're posting in the Legacy forums or are you interested in the new v10 product Also, does your request cover Backup and Restore
  2. Are you sure you're posting Evernote information 2015/07 long time CEO Libin stepped down, replaced by O'Neill 2018/11 CEO O'Neill replaced by Ian Small I've had a paid account for over 10 years There was a significant price increase 2016/06
  3. Confirmed - Evernote does not transfer dates to the MacOS file system Also missing is tags (On my Mac, this information is stored within the note's html code) To maintain notebook assignment, we recommend separate exports for each notebook If I was trying to organize using the MacOS file system, I would use an applescript to transfer the dates and tags to the OS file metadata
  4. I've been an Evernote user over 10 years and I recall none of that Can you provide a source for this information
  5. I'm also a glass half full person Can't help (I'm still on Evernote Legacy) but I do focus on best use for the tools I've chosen to work with
  6. Uhh, Captain - I don't think those are islands
  7. Like the phrase "rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic" I don't think Legacy has a future, and I'm prepared to abandon ship, but there's no panic as long as the ship is floating
  8. What are your GTD requirements? Obviously dedicated software can deliver a refined experience, but I prefer to use generic software like Evernote. I like all my data in one place. My GTD requirements are: - identify projects and tasks (tag feature) - identify due dates, actve/completed (reminder feature) - generate to-do lists (search feature)
  9. Currently the top of my list is Devonthink (Apple only) but I continue reviewing alternatives
  10. I'm still an Evernote Legacy user and I've never worried about "pull the rug out from under us". I've always known I can export my data >>we have tried and rejected as unsuited to our needs I have a simple rule for services/software that are "unsuited to our needs" including Evernote v10 I don't use them
  11. We may not agree on the definition of "note" I would leave your zip file outside of Evernote; and include a file link in a note
  12. As noted, tag hierarchy is not contained in the .enex export file However, deleting/restoring notes does not impact the tag hierarchy Notebook/Tag hierarchy is stored separately from note data in the Evernote database >>If one tags each note to match its notebook and backs up to enex and backs up (either by notebook or all at once), then after restore one can use tags to reassign to notebooks That will work If you tag "each note to match it's notebook", why do you even bother with using notebooks? Isn't the tag sufficient
  13. You can restore the local database copy from TM and it will include tag/notebook assignment and tag/notebook hierarchy edit: along with date created/updated Warning: if you go online and login, the sync process will overwrite the local database copy
  14. Good advice I'm using Evernote Legacy on my Mac, pending Evernote v10 being ready for general use I don't know how to "go back" on the Android/IOS platforms
  15. Can you provide details on exactly what you're "restoring" from Time Machine? Be aware that the master version of our data is stored on the Evernote servers - a local "restore" impacts the local data copy
  16. I tried with an iWorks document (Numbers) on a Mac I can confirm that we no longer have the inline/attachment display option for attachments except for pdf
  17. What's the attachment file type? My screenshot was for a pdf
  18. I'm still seeing a note centric product Where do you see 'blocks'?
  19. I suspect you won't be happy with No, merged notes is not the priority at this time I've added my vote to the request, but accept there's other priorities
  20. If you right-click the attachment, do you have a choice of view options?
  21. I'm using Evernote Legacy and have no problem with 20k+ notes I would expect less impact with Version 10 since it's server based
  22. HTML converts when imported on my Mac edit; Legacy version A quick google search identified this conversion tool https://www.rtf-to-xml.com/rtf-to-html.html I could probably jury rig a conversion tool using Applescript
  23. Confirmed - tagnames must be unique It's always been this way Note: this rule can be "bent" with shared notebooks
  24. Copy/Paste contents Evernote's native format is enml (basically html)
  25. Please provide more details on what's "weird" As per @gazumped, Evernote's v10 product has no support for "Local" notebooks; all notebooks are Online
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