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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. Drag and drop works, or right click on a notebook at the Notebook page
  2. I make use of the tag hierarchy; it's a great tool for tag organization I rarely use the tag tree in the sidebar. An example, tagging a note with !Budget-Food something I start typing !Bud and I see a filtered list of all my budget tags Looking for a tag, I use the alphabetical tag filter list
  3. Pdf works in Evernote; they can be stored as a note attachment
  4. Did you mean "code notes" Evernote notes are enml/html based; I can access the content.enml component for coding
  5. https://dev.evernote.com I moved your discussion to the the General Discussions forum
  6. Your tags are shared with the notes, but they are distinct from the tags owned by your wife There could even be duplicate tag names Your wife should be able to search using the search box; for example tag:aaaaaa
  7. I roll with a minimized sidebar and rarely use the notebook/tag trees (Mac/iPad/Web) I use the tag filter button with it's find a tag search Also my naming standard is to prefix tag names to reflect the hierarchy For example Colour Colour-Red Colour-Blue Colour-Black Tags are easy to find by scrolling down the list
  8. I prefer a dynamic process; lists generated automatically Also - identification of task priority - identification of task duration - identification and record of completed tasks - identification and control of date specific tasks - identification of project Next Action tasks (GTD concept) - only show active tasks, but keep track of non-active accounts >>I make a new to-do list every new week. I don't make to-do lists - I use Evernote to generate filtered note lists My Current Task list is generated by saved search reminderOrder:* -reminderTime:day+1 -reminderDoneTime:* (all reminders, exclude future dated, exclude completed) As you can see, I make use of the reminder feature It allows dated/non-dated and stores start-date and completion-status/date My process is A separate note for each task, tagged as !Type-Actionable Use the reminder feature - dated for date specific tasks - no date for Next Action tasks
  9. You posted the request, we'll see how much user support it generates It's not a priority for me This feature is not supported by Evernote, but API's are provided to access our data I can use AppleScript on my Mac to identify duplicate URLs
  10. Currently, the sorting option is a bit of a hack. The information is stored on the Windows device and not replicated anywhere
  11. Be aware the notebook list is an option; I roll with a minimized sidebar Regardless, your request is for a + next to the notebook icon. and for design balance, there would be a + next to the tag icon
  12. Are you using the beta web version? It's known to have issues The most stable version has your user icon at the bottom left corner
  13. MS Word is a good product for creating documents Evernote notes are more equivalent to web pages than "documents" Regardless, jump anchors are a web page feature; also jump to sub-pages >>So TOC is very helpful I agree - I use ToCs to simplify navigation between notes
  14. Manuals are usually divided into sections ToC is a good idea - each entry can be linked to a section (stored as a separate note) Include a link back to the ToC note in each section
  15. Vote button is at the top left corner of the discussion Requests for this feature have been merged >>For example you write some long manual for users. It is impossible to break it to multiple notes. Why is it impossible?
  16. Confirmed, this feature is delivered by the web app; it's not available with the "new" web version
  17. No fears; I take it as a sign that there's not much interest in this feature - from the user side, the request only has 61 votes - from Evernote's side, only supporting the sketch feature I also understand Evernote as a text based product - the note format is enml/html For handwriting, I use the Notability app (iPad, Apple Pencil) The documents are stored in Evernote as an attachment
  18. I've experienced this delay on occasion, but it's not usual
  19. Try rebuilding the search index Hold down the option key, click Help>Troubleshooting>Recreate Full Text Search Index
  20. To simplify the import, you can direct the pdf files to an Evernote import folder (Windows/Mac)
  21. There's a slippery slope. What about word processing with MS Word, spreadsheets with Excel, markdown with ... I'm satisfied we can integrate these applications via links/attachments using Evernote's app that stores and organizes my notes/documents, and also serves as a note editor >>Another example would be YouTube videos. I'd like to have the choice of including a link to a YouTube video and/or embedding that video right into a note so that it can be played (in Evernote). As per Google Docs, I include a link in the note >>I don't know why you're talking about offline documents (Word, Excel). I'm suggesting public online resources And "don't want to leave Evernote"
  22. Evernote notes do not support "with headers I want ... In addition I would like to add page numbers & a dividing line down the middle of the page" However, alternative document formats can be stored in a note as an attachment I suggest you look at an alternative editor
  23. Google Docs is an excellent collaborative editing tool If the document is embedded; it ceases to be a "live Google Doc" Instead, embed a link to the document
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