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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. I'm also interested in a link from Evernote to Photo Currently I'm using the photo search feature, basically date
  2. You are mistaken - this feature is not supported in Evernote This discussion is addressing technical issues If you wish to indicate your support for a feature request, go to the post at
  3. On my Mac, I selected 6 notes and ended up with 6 pdfs The filenames are wrong; picked up from the first note (Photo) Is your one pdf getting overwritten with each pdf?
  4. There is a feature request linked below You're welcome to indicate your support fot this feature using the vote button at the top left corner
  5. Please identify your device/platform Print-to-pd is working on my Mac
  6. No, encryption is not currently an Evernote/IOS feature As a work-around, I perform encryption externally and include it as a note attachment file This also bypasses the limitations of Evernote's text encryption feature
  7. I don't use keyboardMaestro but I'm an AppleScript fan Not sure I need an autocomplete macro. On my Mac, I start typing the tagname and it autocompletes with a dropdown list of matches I do use a script for tag assignment because I prefer a drill down process that uses the tag hierarchy Invoking the script displays all top level tags Selecting a parent tag, drills down to the child level And continues recursively until the bottom level tag is selected >>A note in Evernote which lists in an unordered list all your tags AppleScript can retrieve the tags currently in use - set theTags to every tag My script uses a note to identify note-type tags and define tag and processing requirements
  8. EN has a variety of sort options The screenshot is from my Mac We can not arrange notes in a manual sequence (also known as Pinning) As a work-around, the page number can be added to the note title
  9. The hardware and OS itself are also not "full featured" However, we continue to see improvements in the hardware, OS, and apps For specific functions, a tablet can replace a laptop; even perform better than a laptop
  10. I just used the Evernote app on my iPad to insert an image into my note The image filename is Evernote Snapshot 20200208 120341.png Using my Mac, I can save these attachments to a file folder - they will be in sequence
  11. Does your scanning process generate sequential filenames; like scan001 scan002 scan003 This would give you something to work with?
  12. Evernote has no tools for "automatically be moved" other than the email title parameters You need a third party service For example Filterize provides this type of trigger/action; also an email address for each notebook
  13. I think this might be directed at me and my comment "I use a word processing editor for such features" I do not think headings "only belong in Word" - My vote is included in the 14 votes for this feature (top left corner of the discussion) I know that headings are supported in the note's underlying html code Until this is implemented, I use work-arounds to obtain such features >>I think what the OP wanted is already there in the web app and on the way elsewhere Confirmed - Headings are currently being tested in the web beta version (I'm one of the beta testers) This is the standard h1/h2/h3 html tags <en-note> <h1>Heading Large</h1> <h2>Heading Medium</h2> <h3>Heading Small</h3> </en-note>
  14. Not just food blogs; I've experienced "garble" with various web sites We're taking sophisticated web formatting, converting it to Evernote's enml format, and viewing in Evernote's version of a web browser - what could possibly go wrong For a more solid solution, I've been capturing web pages in web-archive format, stored in Evernote as an attachment, and viewed using the Safari web browser I've also successfully captured web page information using screenshots
  15. No keyboard shortcut for changing sort order The shortcuts are documented here https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/216788038-Keyboard-Shortcuts-for-iPad-iPhone-and-iPod-touch
  16. You've tacked on to a discussion in the web forum You should be posting in the IOS forum
  17. Just curious - is there a workflow for converting back to Evernote; as in exporting your data from Joplin >>The more I get used to Markdown, the more I'm enjoying it. I love the total freedom of making the note tow the line how I want it! Also an html option - even more freedom Also an external editor option
  18. Device/Platform? Back/Forward navigation is working on my Mac
  19. Also multi-monitor; on the Mac platform for heavy lifting My dashboard/journal note is open permanently in it's own window The Evernote main screen is opened when required; in it's own window; top list view I rarely use the web platform. For mobile use I have an iPad (IOS) I still support pinning notes to the top of the note list
  20. Did you mean for this to be in the web client forum?
  21. I don"t need payment; DM your xml file and I'll import it. Let me know your email and I'll share a notebook with you There were a couple of issues with the xml file - the data was unreadable; it was encoded as base64 - the notes were structured in a hierarchy; Evernote does not support a note hierarchy Solution 1: Use tags and create a tag hierarchy Problem: tags can be passed between accounts but tag structure can not be shared Solution 2: Show hierarchy in the note title, as in level1 - level2 - level3 edit: Here is the Applescript xml.scpt Part 1: Decoding the data in the xml file return do shell script "base64 -D <<<" & quoted form of str Part 2: Identifying the XML structure <item> <title>aaaaa</title> ,<text xxxxx> aaaaa</text> <item> sub-item in hierarchy <title>aaaaa</title> <text xxxxx> aaaaa</text> </item> </item> Part 3: Create Evernote Note tell application "Evernote" to create note with text theText title theTitle notebook "XML" tags theTag Part 4: Create Evernote Tag set theTag to make tag with properties {name:theTitle} set parent of theTag to tag named "XML" Part 5: Read xml file set theFile to "/Users/DTLow/Desktop/Test.xml" set fileRef to open for access theFile set theContents to (read fileRef) close access theFile --sample <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><Vault version="1.2" base64Encoded="true"> --<Item><Title>aaaaa</Title><Text>bbbbb</Text></Item> --<Item><Title>ccccc</Title><Text>ddddd</Text></Item></Vault> Part 6: Parse the contents into items set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "</Item>" set theItemGroups to every text item of theContents set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "<Item>" set theItems to every text item of theContents Part 7: Parse the items into Title, Text and create Evernote note repeat with i from 2 to count of theItems set theItem to item i of theItems --sample <Title>aaaaa=</Title><Text>bbbbb</Text></Item> set theTitle to ParseDelim(theItem, "Title") set theText to ParseDelim(theItem, "Text") tell application "Evernote" to create note with text theText title theTitle notebook "XML" end repeat on ParseDelim(theItem, theDelimiter) --sample <Title>aaaaa</Title><Text>bbbbb=</Text></Item>,Title set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "<" & theDelimiter & ">" set theParseItems to every text item of theItem --sample aaaaa</Title><Text>bbbbb=</Text> set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "</" & theDelimiter & ">" set theParseItem to every text item of (item 2 of theParseItems) --sample aaaaa return item 1 of theParseItem end ParseDelim
  22. Evernote only supports links to notes - not saved searches A work-around - Include search parameters in the note contents for example Current Tasks reminderOrder:* -reminderTime:day+1 -reminderDoneTime:* This requires a copy/paste to the search box A more complicated work-around is to link to an executable that initiates the search - enscript on Windows - applescript on Mac
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