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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. Yes, solely about notebooks. Tags get mentioned because 1. Both notebooks/tags have been implemented as fields in the note metadata 2. Tags are a hierarchical model with unlimited levels in the tag tree Folders get mentioned because 1. Users are familiar with folders, 2 . Users relate folders to notebooks (but not tags) Nesting Multiple Notebooks / Creating Sub-Notebooks The same feature we have with Tags (hierarchy) Unlimited levels supported in the Notebook tree instead of the current Stack/Notebook levels Notebooks that work like OS folders The same feature we have with storing files (hierarchy) Unlimited levels supported in the Notebook tree instead of the current Stack/Notebook levels Folder names don't have to be unique Instead of assigning notebook zzzzz to a note the note is filed in folder pathname aaaaa/bbbbbb/ccccc/.../zzzzz There was an indication that child search is supported
  2. I would recover using Note History Access to the Note History data is a paid account feature; you can subscribe for a single month
  3. It's a not uncommon design feature to improve search indexing efficiency - dropping special characters - dropping stop words (and, the, ...) - only beginnings of words
  4. There is a project to "revamp" the UI on each platform The web version you're working with may be a beta version from that project Generally, the Mac/Win platforms have been full featured and the other platforms "disappointing" Examples; tag hierarchy, merging notes, exporting data, multiple note windows For myself, I am a frequent user of Evernote/Mac's integration with Applescript btw Evernote/Mac can "take a photo from within the app itself"
  5. Your post has been merged with the ongoing discussion for this request To indicate your support, use the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion fwiw Drag and drop is supported in the Shortcuts section >>For example, by clinking on the "SORT BY" icon you will have a third option to sort by two (for now) generic names that you can change, and that will allow for the drag and drop feature to create the order/precedence It's an interesting idea. Currently we only get a single custom search option This would require the storage of multiple sort indexes My solution is to maintain master Table of Contents notes I can adjust the order preference as required The screenshot is my ToC note for a project
  6. To indicate your support for this request, use the vote button at the top left of the discussion >> If I didn't want word processing for my notes, I would Simplenote. They're both useful note editors; I prefer Evernote's enml/html format Evernote core strength is in note/document storage and organization
  7. The notes in Evernote are organized with various "indexes" I use the Tag feature to "group multiple notes together" For example, recipe notes for chicken dishes are tagged !Recipe !Recipe-Chicken Notes can be retrieved, using any of the tags Also, within notes we can embed note links to other notes My master chicken note can contain links to multiple recipe notes Also, there's a search feature. I can search for the word "chicken" More information at https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313828
  8. I merged your post with the primary request discussion for this feature There has not been any interest indicated by Evernote
  9. A note editor might not be best tool for a professional requiring image features Personally, as per @PinkElephant I use a a table to constrict image sizes. The image dimensions are restricted to the cell size
  10. You have now invited the other account to share the notebook The share invitation is sent via Evernote Chat >>It came as a mail, pressed the "Reply to EN" green button It took me to an EN site with my account which said.... "nothing shared yet " The email notified you of a chat message The other account accepts the share invitation in Evernote Chat
  11. You posted a screenshot for a private notebook Please post a screenshot for a new shared notebook; show what happens when you click on the Shared button
  12. No, the focus is, and remains, "Nesting Multiple Notebooks / Creating Sub-Notebooks" It's written at the top Instead of hijacking this discussion, post a separate request for "like OS folders" and "child search"
  13. Using this page, you click on Shared and specify your other account
  14. Numbering should work for the frequent priority changes Your task list will be reordered if you sort by title Tasks etc is off topic discussion, but you might adjust your processing I make use of the reminder feature; the reminder section supports drag and drop
  15. Discussions for this feature have been consolidated To indicate your support, use the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion
  16. https://discussion.evernote.com/announcement/72-issues-accessing-evernote-support-channels/
  17. I suggested a shared notebook. This would be your conduit between accounts
  18. Check the view menu Apple Preferences allow keyboard shortcuts for any menu item
  19. You can force a rebuild of the search index Hold down the option key and click Help > Troubleshooting > Recreate
  20. I think it's more learned experience than intuition For notebook functions, I use the notebook page For tag functions, I use the tags page To view the notebook page Click on View > Notebooks or click on the Notebook icon in the sidebar >>Left panel, the Notebook tree Rarely use it As you can see, I roll with a minimized sidebar
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