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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. The best solution is shared notebooks edit; the notes can be accessed via the shared notebook; or copied to the account Windows/Mac users also have an export/import option I've merged your post with a similar discussion You can read above about solutions
  2. On a Mac, check/uncheck in the Folder Actions panel Documentation here
  3. Any opinion on mouse versus trackpad I rarely do extended typing on an iPad, but it makes sense to use both a keyboard and mouse/trackpad I'm leaning to the trackpad for portability
  4. To trigger a full sync on your device; Hold the Shift and Option keys on your keyboard and click the sync wheel
  5. No, it's not wrong However this request only has 17 user votes
  6. Was there any other activity like deleting notes or emptying the trash? I see "User requested delete note" What steps have you taken to find the notes?
  7. No, Evernote does not support a notebook password There is a password on the account, and selected note text can be encrypted with a password I also use the native encryption with attachments; for example Encrypted PDFs
  8. At one time, the two versions were known to use different storage locations >>So I will remove the first folder and see. The master version of our data is stored on the Evernote servers (except for local notebooks) It's safe to delete the local database; Evernote will restore the database from the servers at your next login
  9. When composing a post, there's section at the bottom for clips I'm working on a Mac, and the files are simply screenshots Before posting, I annotate the images with arrows, ovals, squares, typing, ... To do this, I use the Mac app Preview Evernote also has an annotation feature for images This menu is generated by right-clicking on the image
  10. Question - Why are we dragging hyperlinks into the Evernote window? edit; I'm not objecting to the process - it's just not something I do
  11. Just some background information on content.enml On a Mac, every note has an OS folder, containing a content.enml file and other note files The above error message indicates the file is missing for a note I don't know the reason, but a troubleshooting direction is to identify the note in question, and exclude it from the export
  12. It's "scary" for users with local notebooks Using local notebooks has serious consequences, and users must perform their own data backups For other users, Evernote addresses the backup requirements at the server level
  13. Evernote supports shared Notebooks To view the contacts, use the Notebook page and click on the shared icon
  14. I see no issue in a text search of Diamond Mountain Can you post the exact note content
  15. You're welcome to indicate your support for this request. Use the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion Password protection is important to me Evernote accounts are protected by a password Encryption password is supported for selected text. I also encrypt sensitive data using the native encryption in attachments
  16. Here's a problem; your "total fails" issue is more likely to be a corrupted database The same database you're planning to stash copies of My troubleshooting would be restore the database from backups (TimeMachine) >>do some level of reinstall (by doing what?) My reinstall process is to delete the app, and database Reinstall the app, login, the database is rebuilt from the servers. I then replace the database from backups
  17. The email is stored in the note in Evernote's enml/html format There is nothing to stop you from editing the note contents You may want to simplify the formatting - the underlying html code can get messy
  18. Use Add remark box Screenshot is from my Mac >>Is there such thing as sent folder in evernote. No "sent folder" If this needs to be tracked, use a tag
  19. I looked briefly at the specs for this product and I see no Evernote integration
  20. You're using the sketch component, and as you noticed - there's no auto-save coupled with IOS's propensity to shut down apps afaik The only work-around is to save often; it's not resolved in paid plans As per @PinkElephant, I use an external editor (Notability) for my handwriting
  21. You're commenting on an old post My first step in troubleshooting would be reboot the device
  22. Evernote has not indicated an interest in expanding Notebook hierarchy Evernote's hierarchy focus has always been centered on the Tags element. For the Notebook element, we have only seen the Stacks implementation
  23. I added my vote Currently, there are no internal-links to Tags, Notebooks, or Saved Searches My work around is to insert the search arguments into the note text; for example tag:aaaaaa To activate, this requires a copy/paste to the search box
  24. Screenshot is from the web platform, beta version
  25. For sure, dedicated to-do apps will have more features, and are "more seamless" Were there any specific features you need? From the original post, I was able to work-around "due dates, categories, priorities, recurrence" Also projects, tasks, and task duration Missing for me is linking tasks like start/end status roll-up
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