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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. This feature request doesn't seem to have much interest Current user votes are 13 (upper left corner of the discussion) As per @gazumped; I use a word processing editor for such features
  2. You're posting in a user discussion forum; we rarely get replies from Evernote You're welcome to indicate your support for this request using the vote button at the upper left corner of the discussion This request currently has 19 votes
  3. Sorry for the delay, I just noticed your post This relates to editing the underlying html code for a note Every note has an enml component that defines the note formatting On a Mac, this is stored as a separate file for each note named content.enml This is basically html code; documented at https://dev.evernote.com/doc/articles/enml.php Locate the file (I use a script), and edit with a text editor app Simple changes can be made to fine tune formatting, however Evernote may override more complex code
  4. Requests can be posted in the forum at https://discussion.evernote.com/forum/304-general-feature-requests/ Please post a clear and concise request; not some narrative titled search engine is off
  5. When you post in the Windows forum, you get Windows platform answers I moved the discussion to the web forum
  6. Evernote/Windows has no support for "offline" notebooks Are all your notes stored in "local" notebooks? For notes stored in Evernote, no export/import is required - just move the notes to sync'd notebooks
  7. No, all notes are maintained in a common database There is no separate storage for local notebooks
  8. That would be a custom conversion/import to Evernote It's do-able; I could easily write a simple script running on a Mac - about 15 minutes of work Alternatively, convert your xml data to text files. Evernote can import text files using the filename as the note title >>produced by a note program called Vault3 I did a quick look at Valult3, and see "exported in XML and PDF format" Evernote can import PDF files using the filename as the note title
  9. I think so. Please let us know the results @PinkElephant had a good idea about rebuilding the search index. It's more of a text indexing, but the stack element is a complication
  10. Two lists and you have set different search/filters First List tag:!Next Second List stack:2_GTD tag:!Next I notice the first missing note "Bloomberg" is in notebook "Project:Teaching" Is this notebook in stack 2_GTD? Are all the notebooks in the same stack?
  11. Not sure how you see the "prioritize notes" Notebooks are sorted into alphabetical order within stacks As per @CalS, I can prefix the notebook name to indicate priority I can also organize notebooks into priority stacks
  12. Which device/platform - where are you accessing "filter by tag"? afaik A search/filter by tag is not impacted by stacks/notebooks
  13. As per @CalS, I recommend inserting a file link into a note for easy access For IOS, this works best with the iCloud share/collaboration link feature (example https://www.icloud.com/numbers/0SmZ7H0vwwQ2...#Tasks)
  14. I do such code tweaking. It's easier on a Mac where we have access to the note's content.enml component You need to be aware of the code restrictions; documented at https://dev.evernote.com/doc/articles/enml.php >>Something like this fails to load the image ... Evernote does not support dynamic loading of external images All images must be stored in the note container
  15. Do you have a need that requires the notebook feature? "Multiple" is already supported by the Tag feature Tags are Evernote's primary organization tool Notebooks are used for specialized requirements; sync'd/local, private/shared, offline, default >>PS - ALSO - why don't you have an email - where I can directly send you a note ... Evernote provides this forum for posting requests and ideas This allows for user discussion, and indicating support via the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion
  16. Are you using the internal spreadsheet viewer? For editing, the spreadsheet must be exported and opened by the Excel app via the share box Personally, I'm an Apple Pages/Numbers user
  17. First, you need to check Apple Notes to find out which export features it supports afaik The only way to accomplish this is with Applescript, and there's a known issue with attachments
  18. No, that level of support is not available fyi deleted notes are available in your trash and can be restored
  19. I merged your posts The database folder includes a small SQLite database (LocalNoteStore) storing note metadata, notebook records, ... >>what would the procedure to recover my complete EN structure from that folder including all notebooks and the pre-existing distribution of notes inthose notebooks. For recovery, you would be restoring the entire database folder You can't do this piecemeal fyi The Evernote sync process works well to restore data from the servers for sync'd notebooks Some users backup their data using .enex exports, a separate export for each notebook
  20. This is the same process in Evernote What's missing is the final step; import into Evernote replacing original file
  21. There's no option to exclude the title The Details selection provides a Print Headers option to drop the other Note meta data The discussion has been moved to the Mac forum and merged with similar discussions
  22. Have you run the Activity Monitor app to get some details on your device activity?
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