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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. What could possibly go wrong? I'll stick with manual processing; it's a PITA but it limits losing important information
  2. I'm a Mac user, and interested in Mac Finder Folders; not too interested in Finder Tags However the purpose of this discussion is Evernote and Notebook hierarchy (Nesting Multiple Notebooks / Creating Sub-Notebooks) Evernote Notebooks are not fully hierarchical, hence the above request. Evernote Tags are fully hierarchical, each tag record stores an optional parent reference >>If you, or anyone, do not see this benefit, or do not need it, that's fine. Many of us do see the benefit. I see the benefit; hierarchy is an "extremely effective and efficient method of organization" for our notebooks/tags
  3. I disagree; I'm very happy not using true OS folder-like notebooks I'm content with flat storage for my notes; tagging where approriate Let's just stick with the notebook hierarchy request >>Tags must be unique, so you can't have two child tags with the same name. This is an artificial restriction imposed by Evernote If duplicates are allowed, we would have to quote hierarchies with each notebook/tag reference btw Using shared notebooks can result in duplicate notebook/tag names >>In EN Mac and EN iOS, there is no way to apply a Parent Tab to tag filters or tag search, and have it automatically include all of its child tags. Child search is an Evernote/Windows option; and only not available for notebooks We can implement child search on a Mac with scripting for both notebooks/tags I prefix my tagnames to replicate the hierarchy; for example Colour, Colour-white, Colour-red I can search for tag:Colour*
  4. Evernotes primary organization method is the Tags feature From the latest beta testing, tag hierarchy will be supported on other platforms I merged your post with an ongoing request discussion for this feature
  5. Create a shared notebook https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208314748-Share-notebooks After the notes are accessible, they can be copied/moved
  6. As per @PinkElephant, Penultimate is not my choice for handwritten notes; I use the Notability app The documents are saved in Evernote as note attachments Also, the Apple Pencil is the best stylus for use with iPad Pen and paper works. I scan using the iPad camera and Evernote's Scannable app
  7. It's actually a quick tap, instead of pressing on the file Also depends on the file type; IOS has some built-in viewers We can assist you better if you post a screenshot
  8. Notebooks? I recall the wailing back when the notebook grid view was dropped on the Mac platform see https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/110381-please-bring-back-grid-view-for-notebooks/ Personally, I have minimal notebooks. I have hundreds of tags; I would actually prefer a single column list view Also, I'll look at the Forte Labs system but I don't see a connection with grid view and GTD
  9. I moved the discussion to the Penultimate forum Evernote performs a OCR/ICR function on handwriting, but it's only for search indexing This makes our handwritten notes searchable For note-taking with handwriting > type transcription, I use the Notability app on an iPad The documents are stored in Evernote as note attachments
  10. No, the share > email feature is still missing from the "new" web version
  11. You're ignoring the posts from users concerned about access on their devices >>What happens when bad people break through the Evernote security measures and gain access to the Evernote databases on Google Cloud? It's a valid concern; note the data is encrpted-at-rest >>We need the ability to encrypt entire Evernote databases on Google Cloud with our own security keys. Be aware this will disable server-side functions; OCR, indexing for search, public access to notes, ...
  12. I merged your post with a similar request You're welcome to indicate your support using the vote button at the upper left corner of the discussion >>I have notebooks where I keep my own personal files. Files which I dont want anyone to be able to access. Your account is protected by password; only you can access your data
  13. We can help you better if you post a screenshot On the Mac platform, there are two methods to delete a note Right click in the note list > Delete Note Select Note > Delete Note
  14. Correction; The Evernote client software creates and maintains a local database on Android/IOS devices By default, the local database only contains note metadata Note content data is included for Offline notebooks The master version of our data is stored on the Evernote servers; the local database is a copy
  15. Make sure you press the option key when selecting the Help menu
  16. It's unusual for the search index getting corrupted You should open a support ticket at https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action
  17. You have the note guid - 7B44ADE5-65F7-4148-9E74-2D261CBF8F7B and can convert this to an in-app note link The format for an in-app note link, is evernote:///view/nnnnnnn/snn/guid/guid/ Just copy the nnnnnn snn from an existing note link; it's unique for each user
  18. As I posted above, I am able to use stacks The screenshot is from the Notebook page on my Mac Drag and drop also works
  19. https://evernote.com/security https://evernote.com/security/tips >>great standard stuff for protection in the datacentre I'd like to see end-to-end encryption for my database >>does not address local storage Personally, my local storage security is covered - my Evernote account is password protected; - my devices are password protected both at login and screen-saver - on my Mac, my database is stored in an encrypted file-vault >>nor basic usability of having the ability to apply granular password protection to objects Evernote supports a text encryption feature I use the native encryption of attachments; pdfs, office/iWork documents, ... >>Please may we have the ability to apply passwords at a notebook and individual note levels. There's a feature request posted at the top of the discussion for password protected notebooks To indicate your support, use the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion
  20. On some platforms, tags can be organized in a hierarchy (unlimited levels) Tags are Evernote's primary organization tool
  21. That would be Note Titles; and no trees, no hierarchy, no tag list I replicate tags as keywords in the title, but I continue to use the tags feature - it's Evernote's top feature for organization/retrieval I also replicate tags as keywords within the note contents
  22. fyi Evernote provides a platform for Notes, with metadata for Notebooks and Tags Files can be stored as an attachment to a note The screenshot is from my Mac and shows multiple notes selected with the option to reassign notebook/tags Evernote/IOS does not support multi-note selection >>thereby emptying their contents into some general “holding” folder that I can then go through and reassign contents to other existing folders When a notebook is deleted, the notes are emptied to the Trash You can go through and restore/reassign to other notebooks
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