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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. Confirmed - tested on an iPad with three image files; file sequence was not preserved The files were selected in the Files app, and sent usin the share menu
  2. Can you add some detail to this I'm using a Mac with an import folder; not clear about the file "load" issue
  3. I created a keyboard shortcut for Add Reminder as per the screenshot Unfortunately it only works when the ... menu is visible Personally I use an AppleScript, triggered by
  4. You've referencing two types of tabs - Note tabs carry the note title - Note-list tabs carry the note list filter, like "All Notes"
  5. Is that a reference to the notebook/tag trees in the sidebar?
  6. Heading styles are currently being tested in a beta version We're anticipating implementation shortly
  7. Evernote's editors currently support edit/display for enml files (basically html) Markdown files can be stored as an note attachment file, however there is no rendering display We have to use an external editor - "a plain text editor" works well, I use the Textastic app on a Mac and iPad - I also use the Typora app on a Mac >>a markdown rendering mode for displaying markdown files I'd like to see inline display for markdown files There's a request posted at the top of the discussion To indicate your support, use the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion
  8. As posted above, switch to this discussion
  9. https://discussion.evernote.com/announcement/72-issues-accessing-evernote-support-channels/
  10. https://discussion.evernote.com/announcement/72-issues-accessing-evernote-support-channels/
  11. Where are you doing this searching? When I do a search, I get a list of notes Screenshot is from my Mac
  12. How do you "know this is the previous account"? You can contact Evernote support at Twitter @evernotehelps
  13. Moved to the Mac Request forum Work-arounds are File > New Window or keyboard shortcut Also File > New Tab I don't usually run with multiple Evernote main windows
  14. I merged the posts for this issue This is a design choice that was implemented a while back The reminder button has been moved to the ... menu
  15. Evernote supports the generation of public links for notes It's a fantastic feature, I use it all the time Even publishing a hierarchy of notes with a table of contents
  16. I tested on my Mac, copying from a numbers spreadsheet. Formatting was preserved; background colour, merged cells, ... Column width was jumbled My approach is to keep the spreadsheet as a note attachment I update it with Evernote note data using an AppleScript The screenshot is my tasks spreadsheet
  17. No; Notebook/Stack information is not maintained in the .enex export feature Some users use separate export files to maintain Notebook information
  18. Contact Evernote support at https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action
  19. Oops, I may be guilty of burying tags in the hierarchy My top level tags are ?Who, !What, @Where, .When My evernote tag is !Evernote (I have to think about the ?!@. prefix) I also have a ?Vendor-Evernote tag in a vendor collection In the tag hierarchy: !What > !Reference > !Evernote - most of my "what" tags are under !Reference With the note-type list as a note, I have an additional option; direct access to tag !Evernote for various note types
  20. On Macs, we have Applescript. However it's a front-end for the Evernote client, and the import is to the local database
  21. Yes, it is possible; but I don't know of any apps Evernote provides the API's to create notes without needing the Evernote client app Info at https://dev.evernote.com
  22. I merged your discussion with an existing request posted for this feature >>I'm constantly searching through my over 40 notes that I have to keep for work trying to see if I already wrote one for that job. A dashboard note might be useful; discussions at https://discussion.evernote.com/forum/644-home-dashboards/
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