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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. I moved your post to the feature request forum Users can indicate their support by using the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion
  2. Which device/platform are you using? The export feature is available on the Windows/Mac platform, and delivers notes in enex or html format I'm not sure how useful that will be for you on Google drive Do you have a preference as to format?
  3. Multiple highlight colours is being tested with the web platform It has not yet been rolled out to the other platforms
  4. This purpose of this app is to scan documents for transmission to Evernote (or other service) Have you not been clicking on the save button
  5. I'm on a Mac - Here's my process for selecting sort sequence
  6. Might depend on your definition of "internal link" Both private-web and in-app links are considered as internal
  7. Can you post a screenshot of your process for selecting the sort sequence
  8. You're using the "new web version" which has known issues You might want to downgrade versions btw Your issue is with notebook sequence, not note sequence
  9. There's no bug; just a feature (export) only available on the Windows/Mac platforms
  10. It looks like the desktop option is no longer available (Windows/Mac) edit: fyi - this is web version related - the feature is still available if logged into the old version IOS still opens in-app I have an open ticket (#3023964) and there's a post linked below
  11. There's no support for variables in templates; I added my vote to the request My work-around is AppleScript on a Mac. I use variables in my templates The screenshot is my Daily Journal note with generated date in the title and contents The script also assigns notebook/tags etc. btw I don't use the Template feature My templates are notes tagged with !Type-Template
  12. To indicate your support for this request, use the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion This request currently has votes >>Here's a video showing the issue. It shows how Apple Notes is doing it right. I think your video shows the Evernote session terminated by IOS The Apple Notes app doesn't get terminated
  13. Allow multiple tag selection Show a filtered list based on selected tags
  14. I don't have a "master", but I think Evernote is an excellent service for the storage and organization of receipts As per your post, I use the Scannable app (iPad), and the receipt is scanned and stored in my Evernote inbox (notebook) Inbox processing on a Mac assigns title, notebook/tags, ... In lieu of a Quickbooks type service, I transfer the Evernote data to a spreadsheet for budget/expense analysis and reports I have the data transfer automated with AppleScript
  15. imho No The scan/ocr could pick up dates and times, but the format and location is so random we can't make use of it My process is to manually add the date as a prefix to the note title I default to current date, and adjust as required An example note title is 2020-02-16 Receipt [Groceries] ?Vendor-Walmart !Budget-Food $-47.95 >>file the receipt by date into a folder specified before the scan run. (One month per scan run; half-yearly folders in one stack) I need no special filing, but add tags for vendor and budget category (replicated in the note title) The receipts are retrievable by date, vendor, budget category, ...
  16. I merged your post with an existing request. To indicate your support, use the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion. The request currently has 16 votes
  17. Evernote has this covered - source url is a searchable metadata field
  18. And you don't think it's important to share the contents of the error message edit: "An error has occured" agree - it's not useful or which device/platform you're using edit: Mac --the scaling of scanned documents is also completely messed up now Off topic - post a new message topic
  19. Moved to the feature request forum, and merged with an existing request To indicate your support, use the vote button at the top corner of the discussion This request currently has 34 user votes
  20. Notebook Links are not currently supported As a work-around, I have coded search parameters in note text; for example Current Tasks notebook:aaaaaaaa This would then be copy/pasted into the search box Another work-around is a note link pointing to a Table of Contents note
  21. These are better addressed when posted as separate requests Or search for posted requests and indicate your support using the vote button in the top left corner >>1. The ability to sort each notebook notes uniquely. There's a feature request posted at https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/91519-feature-request-sort-by-per-notebook/ The feature has already been implemented on the Windows platform >> 2. Add a "Copy Notebook Link" There's a request posted at https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/100208-links-to-tags-notebooks-stacks-and-saved-searches/ >> It would also be good to be able to add a Notebook to the "Shortcuts" menu, which is not currently possible. I have notebooks in Shortcuts Screenshot is from my Mac >>3. Add ability to add H-tags (H1, H2, H3, etc), with the ability to format those tags. This feature is currently being tested in a beta version.
  22. And possibly "goodies" removed from the desktop apps Evernote is moving towards a common editor code delivery mechanism However for this discussion, the most important feature is different colours for the highlighter, and it's currently being tested in the web beta
  23. For note with an attachment like pdf a copy has already been downloaded to your Mac Right-clicking the attachment displays various options including Save As ... View Inline
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