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About rubemlucas

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  1. I use Evernote for years and I'd love to concentrate all my work there. Today I have to use another application (like Asana or Notion) to build and control my to-do lists, which is not possible in Evernote. I have been waiting for a new version where at last Evernote would invest some improvements in to-do lists, but it didn't come up yet. Just a list of items with check-boxes doesn't work. If Evernote could have a to-do list where we could assign due dates, categories, priorities, recurrence, etc.. (like Asana, for example), then it would be perfect. Is Evernote willing to imperove this section of the application? thank you,
  2. It is weird that the android app lets me search for the label typing any word with the label. For example: I can type "travel" and it will show "travel.tips" or "work.travel to Minneapolis". But at the desktop if a type "travel" it will show me only "travel.tips", because the label starts with travel. Will you fix it in the desktop version? thank you.
  3. I have many labels that are childs of other labels. In the Android app, when I reach a list of child labels and touch the first one in the list, it won't open. the second all others below will function correctly and will open all the notes under that child-label. That happens with any group of labels.
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