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DGW last won the day on April 25 2019

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  1. I am not ready to quit Evernote. I love the platform and put virtually everything into it. But these issues are incredibly frustrating. I have my iPhone set to lock at 30 seconds. If I am in a note in Evernote and it auto-locks, when I open the phone, Evernote has closed, and I have to reopen the app and find the note again. What kind of sense does this make?
  2. Not sure where to send this feedback, and if it's problem on Evernote's side or Apple's side. I use Shortcuts in iOS extensively to retrieve and create notes in Evernote. As of yesterday, using "Get Notes" to search for notes in Evernote crashes the Shortcuts app. I am still able to create notes in Evernote with Shortcuts, but "Get Notes" crashes the app.
  3. Yes, I have been wanting to get a Magic Trackpad or bluetooth mouse, but have not yet. I typically use a Magic Keyboard and find the keyboard shortcuts to do most of what I need for formatting, etc. And I use Evernote heavily for writing. The two biggest issues I've dealt with in that regard are editing tags or selecting a different notebook. I wish that when pulling up the info screen that the text box for tags was automatically selected so I didn't have to tap the screen. And it would be nice to be able to select the notebook menu by keyboard shortcut and the change notebooks using the arrow keys and the "Return" key. But concerning the losing of focus on notes and keyboard lag, things are much better now with iPadOS 13.4.
  4. For those who have suffered with Evernote reloading the note and/or losing focus on the note when app switching on an iPad or lag when typing in a note… I have an iPad Pro 9.7". After the upgrade to iPadOS 13.4 yesterday, Evernote seems to be working much better with the new OS update. Fingers crossed!
  5. To be fair, I think a big part of this may be on the OS. I switched to the 13.3 public beta. There are still issues, but not quite as bad as 13.2.2 release.
  6. Yes, I am having the same trouble. Also, whenever I use the app in SplitView (iPad), the typing becomes extremely laggy.
  7. I've had some issues with sync not working properly both today and about a week ago - using an iPad and iPhone. Manually syncing it did not actually cause it to sync. In both cases, about 30 minutes later everything was okay. Makes me wonder if something is going on server side.
  8. I have the same problem. My notebooks are all marked for offline, but notes, sometimes even notes that I had just been in before switching to a different app, have the spinning wheel in the content area. My personal theory is that it has to do with the syncing of the notebooks. On your iPad, when you next open the app, open the Notebooks pane and just leave it there for a little while. It will go through the initial sync and various notebooks will have the green line showing the downloading/syncing of notes. After that is done, a few seconds later, the green line will appear on various notebooks again, and sometimes stay there for awhile.
  9. Yes, this works well. I only wish you could use the multi-select to quickly select tags for all the affected notes. I organize mostly with tags, not notebooks.
  10. Yes, actually the note list titles are bolder and smaller text. And as a result, you can see more of the title in the note list view. I like it! The previous version had titles in the note list that were virtually the same as that of the title in the note view.
  11. That's great to know. Actually, however, if you turn off "Smart Punctuation" in Settings - Keyboards, you can type the three hyphens like before. This works for me - maybe I'm crazy but I detest curly quotes.
  12. I’ve had some issues with this feature, but it does work. First, however, there is a setting you have to enable or else it will not work at all. With that enabled, you then can have Siri create notes in Evernote. See the screenshots attached.
  13. I agree that the limitation in iOS with saved searches of not having the tags available to further sort/search by is unfortunate. I hope this is changed. One way to get around that would be to add a generic tag (ie .task) for all such notes or one notebook (ie Tasks) in which all such notes lived.
  14. My wish is that we could format the date the way we want it displayed. In the meantime, I typically pull up the Textexpander keyboard and the shortcuts I have set there.
  15. I realize this may be a limited-use case, but it would really help me if there was the ability to split a note at the cursor. Example: I have emails sent from a certain website directly to Evernote. They have multiple stories/quotes that I want saved as individual notes. Now, I have to select, copy, create new note, paste, etc. Would be nice to simply invoke a command to split the note at the cursor, then add title, tags, and put in proper notebook.
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