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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. Evernote's sharing feature works very well If you provide details we can provide assistance >>support doesn't work Support works very well Again, if you provide details we canrovide detaila https://discussion.evernote.com/announcement/72-issues-accessing-evernote-support-channels/ >> Just give me my notes so I can transfer them to a platform that works. Evernote provides an export feature making it very easy to take your notes https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005557-How-to-export-content-from-Evernote
  2. Yes, save the web clipping as a pdf or image
  3. Evernote has no support for folders Instead, Evernote has two metadata fields; Notebooks and Tags >Each year has a main folder. Then each month has a folder in the year'sfolder. Then I have sub-folders in each month's folder for each category of commissions that gets paid out. You can use multiple levels in the Tag feature Folders can be emulated using the TagTree in the sidebar
  4. Thanks @Jay-Bob Is this connected to the context fail issue? https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/123999-context-feature-not-working/?do=findComment&comment=561561
  5. No, there's no "Link for entire notebooks" There's a request posted here with some work-arounds To indicate your support, use the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion
  6. Confirmed, the private in-app link (evernote:///view/...) is cross-platform I use it on my Mac & iPad It even works within Evernote's web platform >>In the Windows desktop program, holding Ctrl while clicking Copy Internal Link On a Mac, hold down the Option key
  7. The suggestions were towards isolating and identifying your delete issue
  8. The master version of our data is maintained on the servers Confirm the notes are deleted using the web platform at www.evernote.com For the other devices, make sure they are sync'd before you access notes
  9. There are 3 types of note links - Public browser (shareable) (https://www.evernote.com/l/AApDL7gkF...) - Private browser (https://www.evernote.com/shard/...) - Private in-app (evernote:///view/...) Use a private note link The screenshot is from my Mac, copying a Private Note Link
  10. No I recommend you not use a note editor to write your thesis Use a word processing editor, for example MS Word https://support.office.com/en-us/article/create-a-bibliography-citations-and-references The Evernote service is useful for storing your thesis documents
  11. No; Evernote provides a list of notes The list can only be filtered and sorted fwiw Some users maintain the calendar grid within a note. There are templates
  12. I merged your post with an existing discussion To indicate your support, use the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion fwiw We see heading styles in the latest beta versions
  13. I'm guessing you're asking for a calendar grid; annual, monthly, weekly, ... I use the Apple Calendar service and export note data using applescript on my Mac I use this for my daily journal notes; an entry is inserted with a link back to the Evernote note I export my task note data to a spreadsheet for a gantt timeline view The due date is retrieved from the reminder metadata
  14. I'm wondering at your user case for exporting in html format I use the format for my backup files - readable by any web browser app - accessible in the OS file system
  15. You have to move the child tags from the parent tag hierarchy The screenshot is from my Mac after right-clicking a tag Drag and Drop also works
  16. For complete editing control, I use a text editor; Textastic (Mac/iPad)
  17. Can you post a screenshot I'm using the Safari web browser and switched to the "previous" version
  18. "opened fine" works for me Fortunately, most browsers are tolerant of html errors >>I looked at the html and I noticed some errors in the syntax of it What's the source for this html code Could this be imported from a web clipping? Evernote's stores data in enml format It's basically html, but some conversion is required in import/export
  19. As I said, the export/import process is automatic on the Windows/Mac platforms A folder is used as temporary storage while the file is being edited
  20. Fact: Attachments can not be edited while embedded as an attachment in the Evernote database They exist as a database object; I think the type is BLOB (Binary Large Object) They have to be exported as a copy > edited > then re-imported The export/import is completely automatic on the Windows/Mac platforms and a manual process on the IOS platform My work-around is to switch from an attachment, to a linked file stored on the iCloud drive (my spreadsheet app is Apple Numbers)
  21. There's a potential for lost edits when users fails to save Another approach is a read/edit toggle for notes This was mentioned in the behind-the-scenes videos I rely on the undo operation For extensive recovery, I rely on backups; personal and Evernote Note History
  22. The two "touchpoints" are not connected in my use Every note is processed; Title, Notebook, Tags, ... The Evernote window is opened and closed multiple times per day
  23. It's extremely easy to leave Evernote On a Windows/Mac device, select all the notes and export
  24. Evernote provides software for Windows, Mac, Android, IOS, ... The PC version can be downloaded from www.evernote.com/download
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