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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. Unless the admins are giving Evernote at a DNS level of might be possible to use the web browser access.
  2. Yes, there's is a customize button in the top right of my screen. Try the standard tab close, clear browser cache/cookies, close and reopen the browser, log back in.
  3. You can try a complete uninstall. On Windows user a program likes Revo Uninstaller or Auto Uninstall on Mac. These will clear out all the hidden broken settings files. A regular uninstall leaves remnants which can keep the problem. If uninstall/reinstall doesn't work then a ticket will be your next option.
  4. Log in to the app with your original username & password. The data will then sync to the device.
  5. This issue is occasionally reported. Some users report that adding a heading to the note then delete that heading will then reveal the 'Open gallery' link.
  6. There is an issue for a very few users who get stuck in this loop. @Anibal I. is the person to connect with to find a solution.
  7. Actually the export to PDF sometimes experiences the same issue so isn't reliable. The option that usually works is export to HTML and then print from the HTML. But this thread is over 12 months old so perhaps those affected have further a solution of moved on
  8. There's is a GitHub project that exports the whole data structure as a set of notebooks in ENEX format. Search for Evernote-backup.
  9. There is no telephone support. Only via the support ticket system. There is an online chat service during office hours or you can open/reopen an Email ticket.
  10. @Shane D. has left Evernote. You should submit your ideas via the Feedback option in the apps since Evernote staff aren't often present.
  11. Nobody here (mostly other users) can answer your questions. If you want clarity you'll need to open a support ticket and get advice direct from Evernote.
  12. So you mean the format when a date is inserted by the keyboard shortcut? If so, I use AutoHotKey which works well to create a shortcut to insert a date in the format of my choice. Search in these forums for AutoHotKey or AHK.
  13. There have been challenges with payments from India in past months. You will need to contact support. A Billing ticket is available to everyone... https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
  14. Thanks for your response. So are you referring to the web clipper that sits inside your browser? If so, which browser are you working with? There's no version 11 of the Evernote application.
  15. OK, you've posted in the iOS area but you mention you are on a Mac. Let's assume the Mac issue. You don't say which version of the software you are using. You say you want a screen shot and to clip an image... How are you trying to achieve this? If you can describe the steps you take them we can attempt to reproduce the issue and suggest someone or a work around. So a little more detail would be great.
  16. Yes, I have a similar experience. But I really don't find scratchpad useful so it isn't a big deal for me.
  17. If a fix is provided then when a release is made it may be mentioned in the release notes. Otherwise you may just have to install the each update and see if it works. If it doesn't then roll back to the working copy you have at present.
  18. Could these un-deleteable notes be notes that were shared with you rather than created by you in the account? Only the original author can delete them so once shared the originator would need to unshare and then delete. But I could be guessing incorrectly...
  19. I think that's what I was saying. The dentist example was intended to be fairly context less but you were able to illustrate the point about context well.
  20. That may be true but I'm not sure how that relates to the OP's question. Anyway, the Legacy software has been retained for those that want it.
  21. On Windows left click, double left click or Ctrl+Left Click all open the link. Or I can point at the URL and the pop up window appears and I can do the two step thing. Perhaps one of these will work for you. It's been a year since this thread was active and I think things have moved forward. If you are still having problems let us know which version of Evernote you are using and your operating system.
  22. Great idea although I think that count would ignore tags which don't have a note using it. So any tag which has a zero count alongside wouldn't appear in the count - at least that seems to be what has happened for me.
  23. For me, tasks that go in the default task note are mostly individual actions that I just need a reminder for. They have little context. Eg: 'Book appointment with dentist' Like @gazumped it is also the place to capture an action that doesn't, yet, have any context. Once I have context I move the task to that note or, very occasionally, I add a note link to the task in the default task note. For me, the real power of Evernote tasks is the ability to create and connect context. So a note with content that contains the connected tasks can also be connected to the calendar. I think it was @Stacey Harmon who helped to recognise that notes are the starting place for both tasks and calendar.
  24. The usual cause of this issue is that it is remarkably easy to create a new Evernote account which will, of course, be empty. Look in the account settings to see when the account was created. If it says the date when you got your new device then that's the issue.
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