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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. Have you explored the option to change some shortcuts? In the desktop app, tap the keyboard symbol in the bottom left and then in the shortcut list those that can be changed have a three for menu when you hover over the item.
  2. You can certainly remove the tasks and calendar widgets from the Home dashboard. I don't believe that there is a means to remove entries in the ribbon at the top of a note. Sorry.
  3. No idea if it will finally fix everything but this is what the release notes say...
  4. I think Evernote devs are aware of this issue. I received a new version of the Android app today which specifically attempts to address the issue. I can't say if it works but work is being done.
  5. FYI. I just got an update to v10.41. The release notes say that it includes work to improve off line notebook download.
  6. That isn't how recurring tasks work. You Mark it done and it immediately appears with the next date.
  7. No. A clumsy, in my view, work around is to create a table of contents note and split the note content into multiple notes.
  8. If it's something that other users can help with then the Forums can be very useful. This sounds specific to you. The very slow download of offline notebooks on mobile is a common experience which we have nothing to offer. I'd open a ticket.
  9. What the other guys said is true But please remember that if your phone is an older Android device that you will not be able to add the latest app version. You will still be able to see notes and note content but newer features such as Tasks and Calendars will not display on the older version apps. This isn't an issue with iPhones. Just Android phones operating with Android 9 or older.
  10. This issue comes and goes for me. If I haven't opened the app today then, for sure, I have the same experience as you. Otherwise sometimes all works well and others as you describe. My work around is that before sharing I tap Evernote and bring to the foreground. Then go back to the item I want to share and it works. Please open a ticket to report this.
  11. This issue sounds to me like a screen resolution issue. Are you ruunning Windows in the PC's default screen resolution? Sometimes a configuration is tweaked and then everything starts looking odd. Of course there's a new release today. Upgrade to that and see what happens...
  12. If you are Free plan user then it is not a question of how many devices are in use when you are attempting to use the web version. Rather, how many devices do you have connected to your account? This could be more than two if you have been using Evernote for awhile on different devices which you may have long since stopped using. You can only check this online at: https://www.evernote.com/Devices.action You can only have two devices and Web counts as one. If you have previously connected via other devices you may see more than two devices listed. You need to get that list down to one only and then you should be able to open the Web version. However, as a Free user you only have two unsyncs available per month. In that case you will have to wait until the next month to make more unsyncs. Or you can subscribe for one month and get it all done in one go. A subscription will also get you access to support from Evernote directly.
  13. When you stop using a device on your Evernote account it remains registered and counts towards your number of permitted devices. The best way to stop using a device is to firstly completely log out of Evernote on that device and then remove (unsync) the device from your account. Since that probably isn't possible you can only go through the removal process which you have done. However, you can only remove two devices in a month if you are on the Free plan. This is, presumably, designed to prevent Free users playing the system to effectively use more than two devices. Web counts as a device regardless of which computer you've used it on. I would say that it seems that you've tried to remove more than the two devices and you have had more than two devices connected in the current month. Your moption as a Free user is to wait until the next calendar month or pay for a single month of Personal plan - the cost of a large take away coffee or two. Once on the plan yopu can unsync all your devices and then start using the two that you wish to use when your Personal plan expires.
  14. Be patient just a little longer. That's all I can say for now
  15. Can you describe in simple steps what you are doing so that we can attempt to reproduce the result? Also please tell us your device and version of Evernote. I'm confused by the combination of the word Share and the use of Web Clipper. Share would be a mobile device approach. Web Clipper is a desktop application.
  16. Yes, printing is about the only thing I use Legacy for since the function is entirely broken in v10. For me, since I'm almost entirely paperless, I manage will enough. If I need to print from v10 I might take the convoluted route of exporting to HTML then printing from within a browser. But Legacy is superior for printing. I have as good as a switch having the two icons on my desktop. I need to print I click on the Legacy shortcut open the note and print. But you are correct, printing is not useful in v10.
  17. I did make a proof of concept test awhile back. ENEX is really only and enhanced form of XML. I ran a relatively simple macro in my text editor which added the necessary additional lines of code for each note. But I only did it for three or four notes which were quite simple.
  18. There is no short term plan or possibly any plan to connect Outlook Tasks. Work on the Outlook Calendar integration is, I believe, underway and I heard rumours of 4th quarter 2022. But you should never listen to rumours and nobody with any real knowledge will confirm until it is about to be released. Remember, too, that the calendar integrations are one-way. Evernote is able to read and display the calendar but you cannot send anything from Evernote to the calendar.
  19. Except that it can't. The closest answer to a solution is for you to ask Evernote support via ticket.
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