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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. Hi @Carmine, If you can see the tasks on the iPhone then this seems likely to be a program corruption. You can ask for support from Evernote directly. If I was you, before doing that I would perform a clean uninstall of the program and then reinstall. Do not use the native Mac uninstaller. Use a program such as AppCleaner which completely cleans out the program and removes anything that is corrupted. It does not cause any data to be lost. But to be safe, exit Evernote File | Exit before you undertake the uninstall. Then reinstall the Evernote application and log back in.
  2. Can you describe what you mean when you say that "Tasks are not working..." What action do you take to make them work? Is this an issue which means that you cannot create a task? Do you have tasks but they do not appear in the tasks pop-out menu? You have the most up to date version of Evernote for desktop. Can you tell us if you have the version from the Mac app store or do you have the download direct from Evernote? If you are not sure please go to Help | About Evernote and copy the information displayed to the clipboard and then paste it into this thread.
  3. Nobody can say. There has not been any indication from Evernote and the rest of us can only speculate which can only be, at best, unhelpful.
  4. Instead of telling us how bad the support experience was why not tell them. Ask them to look again. Only once did I get a truly incompetent Evernote support response. I challenged it with a firm, but very polite, question. That got the action I needed. The issue was escalated and fixed within a week or two. I can't promise that will be the speed of resolution for you but tech support the world over needs to be pushed to respond properly. It isn't solely an Evernote issue. But enjoy Upnote. It will probably have its fair share of issues but if it does the job for you then that's the place to go.
  5. If you are sticking with an older version of the Windows app, be sure to watch out for automatic updates.
  6. 10.39 is rolling out for Android. It arrived with me a day or so back. You should get it within 10 days or so.
  7. I'm not sure I understand the requirement here. Are you asking how to add/edit tags for multiple notes or do you want to be able delete multiple tags that have been created and are no longer needed. Assuming the former, select the notes that need to have tags added or changed, tap the tag symbol in the blue menu bar or press Ctrl+Alt+T, then select the required tags or deselect those not required.
  8. Which version of Evernote and which OS? I just tried in the Windows desktop app and all worked as expected. Worked for Android too. You could try a clean uninstall.
  9. As noted the Tabs feature was a Mac only thing in the past. It did not transfer to v10 - presumably to bring parity of features across the various OS versions. I've no idea why it wasn't a Windows feature but perhaps it is difficult to implement in Windows making it something that isn't offered any longer. Whatever, be sure to register your need with Evernote support via the Feedback or support ticket as well as here. Perhaps explain why you need this for note taking rather than, for example, opening notes in separate windows.
  10. Perhaps ask in a OneNote/Microsoft area... I know that the tool that was available for Windows isn't supported any longer and doesn't work well. It was a Microsoft application.
  11. Hi @McVitas. Thanks for the suggestion. If you want to be certain that it is seen by Evernote staff then you should also submit a support ticket or use the Feedback option inside the apps. As you know these forums are user-to-user so you cannot be certain when Evernote staff will pop by.
  12. I think that you will find that this isn't possible in Evernote v10. You would need some scripting to do this in bulk. It may be possible with Evernote Legacy and an external script. Normally you would rename the scanned document as you input each one. I would have changed the default name to 'Adam letters file #' and added a number each time I saved a new scan. I'm sorry that doesn't help at this stage. It may be quicker to rescan everything than try to work out how to batch rename the note. You could play with an ENEX export. Or all the scanned letters in a new notebook. Export the notebook. Edit the note titles in the ENEX document and then reimport into a new notebook. That would be the route I'd try if there's were a lot of documents/notes involved.
  13. Actually, is great to ask. That's how we pick up hints and tips from other users. Thanks for the feedback.
  14. Yes, but I think what is being said, albeit without clarity, is that adding a vote in the top of the thread adds support which may be picked up by Evernote. Just saying '+1' won't get any attention. I'd be be really keen to hear your thinking or use-case and why you would like this feature. On a user supported forum that gives more chance to engage. By all means add '+1' but it may not get you any traction or add support to the case with those able to enact change. I look forward to hearing more about why read-only notes would be useful to you.
  15. I don't notice any significant delay retrieving or saving. I only create short notes on the move. I can't time the save - it is insignificant. But I know others have a different experience. I suspect that hardware isn't the only issue. Note size may be an issue. The number of notes in an account may also be an issue. I couldn't say.
  16. There have been a number of threads on this issue. If you search around you will see the suggestions that have been offered as to how you might resolve this issue.
  17. Now, I don't think that I claimed that Tasks are good I do use Tasks in Evernote but not necessarily to their greatest advantage. I am more conventional in my approach. I tend to think of a task and add it to a list. I get more benefit when I think of note content and add tasks to the context in which they need to be actioned. In Evernote a task can only exist inside a note. So a more adventurous approach to tasks is to think in terms of the note. An example... I am currently moving house. This has generated multiple notes dealing with different aspects of the process. Each note has its own task or tasks which are connected to the particular note content which is more focused to the particular note activity. I can then connect each note to particular calendar entries so that effectively the tasks are all connected to note content and, if needed, to calendar events. I also have a note which is more of a checklist of things that I need to do between now and when we move. The checklist note could have been a simple checklist although using tasks allows me to set due dates and reminders whereas a checklist is static. On top of that all those tasks are presented in a single view through the Tasks panel in the sidebar which can be displayed by note, due date or a simple task list.
  18. I don't think so. I think the missing piece is what identifies the actual note uniquely. I guess it is one of those things to suck up and accept as a lesson learned. Personally, I've always checked a Share URL before I move on. You used to be able to generate a list of all the notes in your account that are shared using advanced share syntax: sharedate:* Perhaps one of the other 'experts' will have something to inspire
  19. What @Boot17 said. Your only options with Win 7 is to use the browser version (if you want Evernote v10) or to install the Legacy version if you prefer an application.
  20. The URL displayed in your screenshot is not complete. Here's an example, it is disabled so won't go anywhere now. You can see that there is additional piece to the URL that is missing from your link. https://www.evernote.com/shard/s1/sh/6f00fa99-20c4-9321-0f42-bc90c199122c/6a69abee46798de55175927c264c756d The best way to copy the link is to click on the COPY LINK option rather than highlighting, copying and then pasting the link.
  21. My guess is that you wearing her much shared experience for this. I've never ever had a list more than three or four levels deep.
  22. Tasks live inside a note. So you can add the tasks to the connected note. They will appear in the combined tasks list and allow you to connect to the note when needed. You can also connect the note to connected calendar events.
  23. Can't say about the A7. I have a OnePlus 8 with 8gb RAM and 128 gb storage and it sings along.
  24. You are welcome. Nobody says you shouldn't post. However, experience tells us that you are much more likely to get attention from Evernote by following the suggested route. Here you will get the response of other users but absolutely no indication of whether anyone will do anything. Your choice.
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