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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. Your not missing anything. This feature doesn't exist in v10.
  2. That seems to be just as much hassle as using an external program but if it does the job then all good...
  3. Hi again... is the last and final version of the old, now deprecated, version of Evernote. It was a release designed to run alongside v10 and I think that the most significant difference with is that the program icon has a grey background with a white elephant It will not do any harm but you are unlikely to see any benefits if you are only running Legacy in any case. Use if you wish or not....
  4. When you encrypt on the desktop your text is initially being saved as plain text. So the initial copy is saved on the servers without encryption. You subsequently encrypt but, still, the unencrypted version remains on the servers for sometime. Hence it is very unwise to use the built in Evernote encryption for anything other obscuring a note to prying eyes over your shoulder. That's why it isn't recommended for protection of passwords. Using an external program to encrypt is much safer. It encrypts the original on your device (computer, iPad etc) then you attach the encrypted file into a note so the plain text is never synchronised to the cloud. You can then open that encrypted document on any device that supports the original software and it works across devices. So that is a work around which will provide a means to achieve what you desire by a different approach. An external encryption program also overcomes the many other limitations of Evernote's native encryption. You can encrypt bullet lists, formatted text, tables and the like. None of these are possible inside Evernote. I can't tell you why mobile devices don't have the same Evernote encryption options as the desktop. There will be some technical reasons I am sure. To find out why you would have to ask Evernote technical support via a ticket. External encrytion applications you could consider include AxCrypt and Saferoom (via the app stores which integrates with Evernote). Password managers to commened include: NordPass, LastPass, KeePassXC and many others you could locate with a search.
  5. This is the iOS sub-forum. Pop over to the Windows 6 area and have a trawl around. You could well find your answer there.
  6. Evernote encryption is not designed to protect passwords etc. It is a desktop feature only. For passwords use an external password manager. So do not use Evernote. You can encrypt an external document, either with a native program such as Word or use an encryption program - I use AxCrypt. These fully encrypt the document. Encrypting with Evernote means the original unencrypted content is initially saved to the servers unencrypted.
  7. You are suggesting things which have been suggested by others on the part. Maybe search around and add your vote. Meanwhile, also submit the suggestion via the Feedback option in the apps.
  8. I don't think that there is any promise that Win 7 will work on the future. Officially Evernote v10 is only supported on Win 10 and above. But if it does start again then I think you may have to install manually since the program currently fails to start so no automatic updates.
  9. I think you'd have to describe with more detail what you are doing and what you have done to set up the Calendar connection before we can give much detail.
  10. Printing (which includes saving as a PDF) is, in my opinion, the one area which does not work correctly and for which I revert to Legacy. That is my only work around. I've not tried printing from the web browser version. That might work too albeit because it would be a browser function I think . EDIT: I took a moment to try printing from the web browser version but it continues to exhibit problems with printing across margins at the page breaks. You can also export to HTML and print from a browser window after export. That usually works well.
  11. Es un problema con Windows 7 y Evernote v10.44. Utilice la versión web de Evernote por el momento. Tenga en cuenta que Evernote v10 no es compatible con Windows 7 https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/115012107027
  12. The Evernote window always opens where I left it at the same resolution. I close using the standard X in the top right of the main window.
  13. Interestingly, your display is subtly different to @PinkElephant and mine... You have a set of options: To-do list | Reading list | Add more We have just: To-do list | Add more You could try and see if removing one of the options reveals the Gallery option once more. Click Add more and deselect one of the selected options. The close the new note and start again. You may still have to create and then remove a headline in the note text to reveal the Gallery. That just seems to be the work around that some folk have found useful. I'd still encourage you to open a support ticket even if you find a work around.
  14. On Windows, double clicking the ENEX imports to the default folder but using the File / Import menu goes to a new 'Imported' folder.
  15. To be sure of an Evernote response you'll need to open a support ticket. Sorry. That said, I don't think that this Template issue is intentionally removed nor intentionally inoperable. It isn't a universal issue so unless you report it, it may not come onto the Evernote radar. Hope you're able to get help you require.
  16. @AllAndNothing There is no means to download older versions of Evernote 10 other than file repositories such as FileHippo. I'd go with the web version until the issue is resolved. If you're Free user then I'd suggest you unsync the app version before starting to use the web browser version to ensure you don't get locked using more than two devices.
  17. What subscription level do you have? Support is only available to paying users. Otherwise https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
  18. I don't think that there is an option if you double clicked an ENEX. It will import into your default notebook. You'll have to manually remove the additional notes.
  19. This user has a habit of posting disconnected ideas some weeks after the previous comments. I'd not worry...
  20. This issue has been reported by others. I'd strongly advise that you open a support ticket on this.
  21. @JeffreyC As you know these forums are user to user. Evernote staff are about only infrequently. You should open a support ticket to get help from support and to get the issue recorded.
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