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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. In Evernote tech support, CLOSED means that first level have passed it on and aren't going to take any more action. It doesn't mean that it isn't receiving attention (nor that it is for that matter). In the past, when I respond to a now closed ticket it starts a new ticket anyway but does, I think, connect with the earlier but now closed ticket.
  2. Yes you can get a sendto link. I thought it was now automatic but I manually created a short cut to the new Evernote application in the Windows sendto directory.
  3. Not an unreasonable request. If sub-tasks are planned then that would be good. As it is the check boxes/lists below a task are an entirely different object so not connected to the task above. Tasks aren't lists so you're fudging a work around that doesn't want to be what you want it to be. If submit this as a development Division via Feedback or a support ticket.
  4. Or perhaps it isn't as easy and predictable... I am sure that it is for you just as you are sure that it isn't for me. That's what makes the issue difficult to fix. Keep on banging on the tech support door. We'll empathise here but nothing more we can do 😥
  5. You might also try a different browser to confirm that it is just a Chrome /Web Clipper issue. Firefox & Clipper are working fine for me.
  6. @Sum1 Thanks for your question. You may wish to edit your post and remove your Email address. Email addresses are often scraped from these forums and added to spammers lists. I'm not aware of an issue like this. The standard approaches would be to reinstall or rebuild your data. If it happens again open a support ticket. As for recovering the content... Are you saying that the note was erased? In that case is it in the Trash? If it is only that the content disappeared you may be able to recover from Note History.
  7. Multiple scratch pad widgets are a Professional plan feature.
  8. You can access the scratchpad by clicking the Evernote helper in the Windows Tray. One click and the scratchpad is open. At least that's how it was when I abandoned the Helper as I wanted it to open the application rather than the scratchpad.
  9. This is something to take up with Grammarly
  10. To see the reload options you need to press Option when clicking on Help. Command+R will quickly run the reload which performs a sync to the cloud. This does not force an onward sync to another device such as a phone. (And never has done). If you feel the need to force a sync all the way then once you've sync-ed the desktop you would need to do the same on the mobile device via the settings menu. By the time you've done that it may all have taken place automatically anyway.
  11. I use a GitHub project evernote-backup. I have it set to run once a week. The program runs and copies the data to a directory in my PC. The export creates enex files for each Evernote notebook. If I wanted to import that data I would import one notebook at a time. Evernote-backup has version for Windows, MacOS and Linux.
  12. Do you have your notes configured to be available offline in your phone? Others users have reported a significant performance improvement of they limit the number of notes stored off line on their phones.
  13. I've never seen the web clipper time out like this. Do you experience this with all websites or with one or two specific? This feels like a website waiting for a login which the web clipper cannot provide so the whole process fails. But we would need more information to give better advice.
  14. You can raise a support ticket at any time. Sounds like you've done all the standard things so go ahead with support.
  15. I had an issue with a task which was a little like this. I referred it up in a support ticket and some 'magic' was done and all was then OK. I can't help with the struggle with the change. Once I surrendered the old way of doing things the new applications settled into familiarity. Now I don't remember how things used to be. I just remember that they were different. Of course, you can abandon the new features and functions and then the legacy application will be a familiar old friend. But the switch over will inevitably come. 🤔
  16. Sorry, hard to say what might be happening. Spinning sync indicator is typically a networking issue or a glitch in your local data. You could try the option to rebuild your data: In Windows: File | Sign Out | Remove my data from this device Then log back in and Evernote will rebuild your local version of the data. Occasionally niggly issues like this are resolved by a simple computer reboot.
  17. Without looking over your shoulder it is difficult to say what might be going on. You are correct to avoid opening the same note on multiple devices. Another thing to avoid is having the same note active in two places within the one application. It is easy have the note open in its own window AND also have it open in the main device note view. If you switch from the individual window to the main note application and that is the same note then you will, in effect, be working on the same note in both views and that is likely to create a conflicted note. The best way to avoid this would be click in a different note when returning to the default application. But that's my guess/suggestion I can't say for sure.
  18. The software is the same regardless of the plan you're on. You just get additional server side function with each plan.
  19. I've never found Work Chat of any use whatsoever. So I disabled it in my account settings. I wanted it to be useful but it really wasn't
  20. I'm not staff either but I can guarantee that there are no plans to integrate Evernote Tasks with another task manager.
  21. @VISUS Can you say whether you are a Free plan user or have a paid subscription.
  22. I prefer not to use the concept of OCR with the Evernote function. Rather I think of it being a search function. So when advising colleagues I say that a note with an image attached can be included with a search and, as noted, a PDF can be searched for text but not hand writing for paying users.
  23. There are some very interesting collaboration tools in the pipeline but I guess you'll be gone by then.
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