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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. There are no issues that I'm aware of. This could be a minor corruption of your local data. Try the File, Sign Out, Forget your data then sign back in. The data will rebuild from the server.
  2. You may think that. But it is evidently not the case. These are community based forums and I'm afraid that's what you get. I'm pleased you decided to raise a support ticket.
  3. I didn't delete anything and neither did any of your fellow users who come the forums to offer help and advice based on their experience. Inevitably, venting on fellow users can generate terse responses. You might occasionally find a STAFF member present but it is infrequent. If you want to talk to Evernote staff and be sure they hear you frustration then you'll need to open a support ticket.
  4. Could you describe the issue as it affects you? What we need is the steps needed for us to reproduce the issue. I'm sorry that my recommendations in a different thread didn't work for you. Did you try the uninstall/reinstall or the forced sync with Ctrl+R or both?
  5. You talk of 'Spaces'. Do you have a Teams account? If so you would be best advised talking to your Teams account support.
  6. Did you read the earliest posts? Are you using Windows 11? If so, it is an OS issue.
  7. If you are running Windows then log out of Evernote. Then delete %AppData%\Evernote AND %LocalAppData%\Programs\Evernote The you can use the default uninstaller. The follow what @PinkElephant said.
  8. I'm not sure there is much we might offer on this. This feels like a very specific issue. Probably needs a support ticket.
  9. FWIW, I know that the 50 note limitation is being worked on. Since other long requested things are probably higher up the queue. The limit was, I think, needed because of the changes with v10 which meant that sync takes place live and in the foreground.
  10. Thanks for the unfortunate insult. I don't have any fonts and styles, dumb or otherwise. A reminder that in these forums you are talking to other users since staff are around only infrequently.
  11. I think this has been an issue since the arrival of Evernote v10 although I don't link to local files so can't be sure of the chronology. I do recall others reporting that they had to create a Windows shortcut and paste that into a note. @Mike P was the Wiz in this area. Perhaps he'll be along soon.
  12. You don't describe how you've done things. In general having connected your Google account you also need to select the specific calendar you wish to connect in the widget. Tell us more about the process you've followed and we might be able to assist.
  13. Uptodown is a third party APK repository. This isn't a service that Evernote supports. If you are having a problem with Uptodown you will need to discuss it with that service. Can you explain why you cannot use the Google Play Store?
  14. Free users have access to desktop and mobile as well as web. But each user is limited to two devices. Web is a good option for a free user since you can use it on multiple devices. But they is no limit as you describe. I'm not sure why you wife would not see these notes inside the shared notebook. I'd probably try disabling the share then resharing.
  15. Not seen this at all. I'd suggest uninstall and reinstall the app. If you continue to get the issue then open a support ticket.
  16. Hope you feel better now. These limits have been part of Evernote forever. So they are what you signed up to. When you have calmed down you can ask for support from Evernote rather than ranting at fellow users. But even if there is a positive response to your issue, it isn't going to happen today or even in the next month. So you're stuck with undertaking some curation.
  17. The Android app (and iOS for that matter) do not automatically sync all the notes content. Just enough data to provide the note summaries. You can, optionally, set individual notebooks to sync offline in which case all the content for that notebook is stored on the device. So just don't opt to store offline. As for bricking your device, aI don't think there is any record of such a thing happening.
  18. There are several explanations that are possible but you seem only willing to consider the bug option. You really need to work with the support folk to find out what is going on.
  19. That's the situation in which I experience the issue. I wouldn't bother to change anything for notes gone by until you need to access a note. An AHK script will just do everything in the blink of an eye.
  20. I get this issue when I insert text from an HTML formatted Email. The issue arises because of the formatting of the original message which doesn't import well into the note. I can overcome it by copying using paste and match style (Ctrl+Shift+V). Of course I then lose the original formatting. I can also run a search and replace for six spaces and replace with one space or a carriage return - whatever is most useful. I could have a shortcut set up in AutoHotkey which would do that upon demand.
  21. Create a shortcut on the desktop or taskbar. When you double click Evernote will open at the point where you last left it or in the Home screen if that is the preference you've selected.
  22. When you say 'You' you are actually talking to fellow users. Staff are not so often here. If you want their attention best to submit a request via a support ticket via the settings menu in the mobile application.
  23. I don't think that this issue is solely a mobile thing. I saw it whilst looking over the shoulder of an Evernote staffer. She had a note which included images. She copied the note content to the clipboard and pasted to a new note and the image did not display in the new note. She was exchanging the images in the note for new ones so didn't take a moment to notice the issue. But I saw it as plain as day. I'll try and remember to mention it when I next speak to her.
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