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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. You might think that. However you cannot be sure that posting in the forums will get the attention you desire. So the Feedback option in the apps or a support ticket are the way to go to be sure you are heard.
  2. Best to log out of all your devices. Then unsync and log back in with just the two devices you want to use However, there is a monthly limit to the number of unsyncs. So I suspect that you may now have exceeded the limit which will stop you unsyncing until the next 30 day period. Otherwise, you can pay for one month. That will allow you unsync to your heart's content. Then cancel before you renewal.
  3. The current release plus the Legacy release are available from the Evernote website. Mobile via the various app stores. Older versions can sometimes be located from various repositories. Your favourite search engine should provide the answer you need.
  4. Since this has been working until recently, this sounds, on this occasion, that Google Assistant has had a change in its API which is no longer doing what you wish. I think you will probably need to work with IFTTT to update its interaction with the v2 Google Assistant. But expect more fun when, if ever, the Evernote API is updated.
  5. No. THere is nothing. If you think that this is something you want to do regularly then better to place each task in its own note. If it is infrequent then cut/paste will be your option. I suppose you could use a keystroke program such as AutoHotkey for Windows and write a short macro which would highlight the current task, cut it, create a new note and paste the task into the new note, convert the content back into a task manually choosing the due date if required. You can always suggest this a development idea via the Feedback in the applications or a support ticket.
  6. No and no. You could ask support but, like many software developers, Evernote is notoriously reticent about announcing plans.
  7. Tasks all exist inside a note. So, of you start each tasks inside a note of its own then you can always add more details to the note as things develop. There isn't any means of converting a task to a note other than cutting and pasting into a new note.
  8. I think you would need to work through an SMS to Email gateway and have the Email delivery address point to an Evernote Email delivery address (paying users only). Or... There are a few SMS apps which have the ability to Share content with other apps. So you might be able to find an SMS app where you could share to your Evernote account. @PinkElephant has suggested copying and pasting. I suspect, though, that all these approaches would cause the SMS to arrive in Evernote without the original sender information.
  9. Again, have you opened a support ticket as suggested earlier?
  10. I just received v10.39 for Android which apparently supports speedier download of offline notebooks. However, it also disabled my previous selection. So if you get this version, check that you still have offline notebooks enabled of that's your preference. EDIT: My first notebook was downloaded on about 30minutes instead of several days previously. So it does seem to be much quicker.
  11. There are not likely to be changed in the short term. Not entirely sure what you mean by a 'slim line task list.' The task pop out is condensed and had various display options. The Tasks view in a note is more expanded.
  12. This sounds like you are logging into different accounts on phone and computer. Do you have a free account? I presume not a Teams account where you have posted the question...
  13. I don't know anything about the export formats for Nimbus Notes. My guess is that you would need to findan application that would make an intermediate step for you. I was able to create an ENEX file by undertaking a document merge process. It was a proof of concept thing for me but I was able to create a two document ENEX from a CSV file which contained the data. I guess that I should be able to convert an HTML export to XML since that is all ENEX really is. But the task will take you longer than the gradual switch I suggested
  14. If the person who shared with you has definitely unshared then you should be able to remove it from your account. In that case try a forced reload of your data - in the desktop app Ctrl+Shift+R If that doesn't work then you could check whether rebuilding your local data will resolve the issue. File | Sign Out | Remove your data. Then sign back in and allow your data to be rebuilt. But if the original owner didn't unshare before they deleted then it may take some time to clear out. My Shared with Me notebook is empty now after several moths waiting for orphaned notes to be removed. Did you try asking for tech support as recommended further up the thread?
  15. Open a ticket with Accounts or Billing. Looks like that is 12x the monthly price. I believe that you will, in due course, get a refund of the Plus subscription already paid pro-rata.
  16. I don't think that you have a route to export back to Evernote. I would treat Nim,bus Notes as an archive. If you are returning to Evernote then start from today. Everything new goes into Evernote. Any note that you have to access and update in Nimbus manually copy across to Evernote. Anything in Nimbus that isn't touched gets to stay in Nimbus. Working note by note as you need to move something over will take small amounts of time and, quite quickly, you'll have everything current in Evernote.
  17. @Ian kaiserThis is an issue with right click inside a table cell. It doesn't just affect check lists in a cell. It is reported to have been fixed in 10.44.8 which @Mike Pis using. I haven't tested myself. You should be able to work with keyboard shortcuts. EDIT: I've been able to check and I have the same experience as @Mike P. The right click issue in tables appears to be fixed in 10.44.8
  18. Are you using the Legacy application? This thread is 4+ years old and pre-dates the current release. The issues which affected the old, now Legacy, release may not have been resolved and if not they will not be fixed. Let us know which version of Evernote you are using.
  19. Does this work with a tablet? The OP wants to do this with his iPad...
  20. I think that the sticking point will be updating the API. As @Mike Psaid earlier today, things need to be more mature for these integrations to come forward.
  21. You are correct that the Presentation mode has gone from v10 and we are told that this is permanent. I suspect that it wasn't widely used. I'm not sure that it ever worked in Android. You could just set out the note with lots of line spaces and horizontal lines to divide up the note. But I don't think it would work well. Create a presentation from your note and attach it.
  22. Not since tasks arrived. Still seems to work with reminders as before but the lack of an API link to the new features makes this automation with tasks and calendar pretty much impossible for third party apps.
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