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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. The only way I can imagine being able to do this, assuming that InfoSelect doesn't export to ENEX, will be to find a means to export to some other format then find a program that will then convert to ENEX.
  2. Not something I'm currently experiencing but thanks for reporting this direct via a ticket. Clearly something that the developers need to be aware of.
  3. No disrespect perceived. Extra information always helps I had a couple of spare moments and created the most basic of batch files: C:\Users\myWindowsUsername\AppData\Local\Programs\Evernote\Evernote.exe I was able to run this as administrator and Evernote started. However I did notice that there was a bunch of program response in the command prompt window but it all ended correctly. So I guess that the response from Evernote.exe is tripping up your batch file. I couldn't comment on the BATCH code you're using. I'm sure that it is well written. Just to note that there are no command line switches for Evernote 10. Perhaps place Evernote as the last item in your batch file and don't exit or end the batch file.
  4. Like @PinkElephantsays. But I might think something else was going on. Until the most recent release I had Evernote start when I booted my PC. Using a batch file was unnecessary.I just put a shortcut to the Evernote executable in the startup directory. I'm not sure why you needed a batch file. However, that's all rather moot. Use the new setting.
  5. No. Or possibly yes but we don't know and Evernote is unlikely to say anything until it is released. But there is the option in the desktop apps tap Ctrl+R.
  6. Of you want to retain your notes in a notebook then there is no other way to export than via notebook. I use a third party application which can be scheduled in the background to backup. But this is not supported by Evernote. If you are desperate to have a copy of all the data in one giant ENEX file but without the notebook structure then use the Legacy software which can be installed alongside the current release. But to be honest having to recreate all the notebooks and remember which now should be in which and then to have to move the notes all around would be a nightmare. Far easier to export each notebook individually.
  7. Have you tried uninstalling the app and then reinstalling? If that doesn't work then your only option is to get help from Evernote which will mean paying for one month to be able to open a support ticket.
  8. You can access your data to backup in Evernote but exporting notebooks. But I think you want something else. I use an external backup routine. Others are content with the device backup. Evernote had provided a process but that doesn't suit everyone.
  9. I'm guessing that this is a Windows app issue. The problem was solved for MacOS. The work around is copy the image to the desktop and then from there to Word etc. Meanwhile open a support ticket to register that the issue continues to affect you.
  10. V10 did not have a start at login setting. Now it does, so this a new setting for V10. If you wanted Evernote to start at login the user had to enable it inn the operating system. A lot of focus is currently going towards the return of options that were lost with the arrival of v10. Expect more in the next few releases.
  11. The task list in Evernote can be displayed in date order so choose that and anything in the future will be off the bottom of the list.
  12. If the settings aren't working for you then you should contact support using a ticket.
  13. A solution to this was posted in another thread. Open the Task pop out, tap the three button menu, choose Default Task Reminders. This works for the Web App and Desktop apps. Not available in mobile but this is a web client forum so should be good to go.
  14. An Evernote note has no physical size associated with it. The format adjusts to fit the screen space. If you have a PDF attached to a note then print via your default PDF viewer. Right click the PDF, select open and then print. If you print from within Evernote then the app will make a best guess at the screen size and resolution that is appropriate.
  15. You don't say which app version you are using. I would try a clean reinstall. On Windows use Revo Uninstaller on Mac AppCleaner. These remove hidden data. Then reinstall the current version downloaded from Evernote. Otherwise, as noted, contact support.
  16. I'm told that there is a means of submitting a ticket as a guest. Otherwise via Twitter @evernotehelps I doubt that we'll be able to help.
  17. Search failed yesterday but is now back online. If you still have Search issues you should open a support ticket.
  18. Thanks. You are correct. There is no bulk deletion of tags. If you feel this is important you should open a support ticket. Be very clear why you believe this would be a benefit to users. As you probably realise, Evernote staff are not always around. A ticket will be sure to be heard.
  19. Have you raised this via support ticket? It has been noted many, many, many times that these forums are user-to-user support. Occasionally Evernote staff do come by but if you want to be sure that you issue is noted then open a ticket.
  20. I was assuming that the issue was accessing personal data when at work.
  21. I don't use an iOS device but in both the versions of Evernote that I use there is an option to turn off default reminder settings. On my Android device I access the Task menu option. Tap the three dot menu button. Select Task settings. Default task reminders - set to off.
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