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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. Evernote definitely works on Android 12. My device received A12 earlier in the year and Evernote 10 works well. The newer fold devices are another matter. You would have to raise a support ticket and ask what they plan and what can be done for your issue.
  2. It isn't currently possible to use Cronofy with Evernote Tasks reminders. Cronofy is a third-party application which depends upon the Evernote API and this doesn't support Tasks yet.
  3. For sure using v8 on Android and v10 on desktop does cause conflicts. You could downgrade to Legacy on desktop until you are able to justify an upgraded phone.
  4. If that is truly your surname then I apologise. In my country there are two words which, if used shouting in public, can lead to arrest. One begins F*** and the other C***
  5. Once the Evernote API is updated to allow interaction with tasks and calendars then it will be possible for Cronofy and other third party organisations to automate things. @Sayre Ambrosio I think it will be possible to create Kanban style workflow once it is possible to have tasks inside a table, drag& drop tasks between notes and possibly add tags to a task. Meanwhile I use the third party Kanbanote reasonably successfully.
  6. I think that your current solution is probably the best. You could install Evernote on your phone but you would almost guarantee to have duplicate notes if you worked on a note at the same time on two separate devices. Perhaps the only other option would be to capture the pictures in a new note inside Evernote on the phone and then move the image across one it has synchronised to the iPad.
  7. Not a terrible idea but it will be some time coming. After Google we're promised Outlook and probably Apple. Perhaps, after that we might see Caldav/Carddav integration but it will be a year or two of it ever comes.
  8. There is a third party application that will do this for you without affecting the device limit. It runs on Windows, Mac or Linux (but not iOS). Search for Evernote-backup or
  9. I don't remember there being an ability to export ENEX on mobile devices in the past. But that may be my failing memory. Which version of the Evernote software had the ability to export to ENEX for you? If you want the data to export and leave Evernote then rather than fight the system, I'd say getting a desktop application would be quickest. There is an external application evernote-backup which does the job nicely of MacOS, Windows and Linux - https://github.com/vzhd1701/evernote-backup/releases/tag/1.9.2 I know nothing of a means of doing this on iOS or, for that matter, any mobile platform
  10. Hi. Thanks for your observations... I just followed your steps to reproduce. Thanks for making it clear how to follow along with your method. I took the steps you suggested and at step three I returned to Evernote and the cursor was where I had left it. I was able to immediately paste what I had copied to the clipboard in the location in the note. Which version of Evernote do you use and on which operating system. Also, do you use the version downloaded directly from Evernote or the version from the application stores from Microsoft or Apple?
  11. @RobertJLee Thanks for your thoughts. As others have said do what works best for you. If you need a calendar based approach then Evernote is definitely not the way for you and is unlikely to become so in the near future. I am increasingly finding the context led approach of Evernote tasks to be a real asset - more than my old linear time management approach. But that'sd not for everyone. Thanks for sharing.
  12. The web clipper doesn't rely on the desktop application so we can exclude your OS and device. The Firefox add-on works for me OK. I'd suggest uninstalling the add-on in Firefox and then reinstalling the latest version available and see if that fixes the issue.
  13. I'm not sure that this is the same problem as the OP was describing. He spoke of the main Evernote window whereas you're describing the problem when you open a note in a separate window. Similar but subtly different I don't often use the note in its own window thing but I seem to recall they always open at the same size for each note. For me it is a little too small so if I was working with it I'd want to enlarge rather than shrink. The main window remembers its size.
  14. I can see that you are using the checklist option which is the new default for lists with a check box at the front. These lists don't display in old viewers and I suspect that this is what is happening. The web browser shared page may not be displaying. You could try the old check boxes. The main challenge with this is that these boxes need to be within a text block. Put them at the start of a line and they convert to a checklist. You type almost anything. For example: -[] you text for the item. You can also add a checkbox inside a bullet, numbered or check list. Check boxes are found inside the blue circle + button menu.
  15. No setting. The simplest way is to create a blank note in which you amend the font size. Allow it to save. The create a shortcut for this note. When you are starting a new note, right click on the shortcut and choose Duplicate. A new note will open with the font size you previously selected.
  16. This is the Evernote 7 thread. This software is deprecated and no longer supported. If you are having this issue with v7 then there is no fix. The software is done. In this case try v10 or use the web browser interface. If you are already using v10 then please tell us. You may want to raise a support ticket.
  17. You roll back to an earlier version via the browser add-on directory depending upon the browser you use. There is no 'you' here. We're all users. If you want to ask the question you need to open a support ticket.
  18. These forums are users to users. You need to ask your question directly to Evernote via a support ticket. Meanwhile, I'd appreciate if you could amend your offensive username.
  19. If course your choice but you think that switching to a different app will save you time? Certainly not in the short to mid-term. By all means register your annoyance by leaving but don't kid yourself that it will make you more productive - at least not for awhile.
  20. There are a number of threads on this issue. Take a look around and perhaps as your vote on this issue. You'll likely also see some suggested resolutions. Marketing options can be selected in your account settings. It is suggested that instead of cancelling the pop up, instead, start the upgrade but then cancel without paying. There is some indication that this stops the regular reminders.
  21. I checked in the web browser. I tap in the date and a date picker opens. Selected a new date & time and bingo. Wasn't able to check in the desktop app but will do later.
  22. Now, I need to confess that I goofed! It is the updated date that cannot be changed. The created date can be changed. Three dot menu button / Note Info Sorry for confusion on my part.
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