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Evernote Expert
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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. Evernote made some bad decisions on merchandising in the past. I think they are being very cautious about what they produce for sale these days.
  2. I agree that keeping one's hands on the keyboard is more efficient than switching back and forth to the mouse. I have a Streamdeck device. I have a panel set up for Evernote and set a number of shortcuts to a single button on the Streamdeck. That way I don't have to remember the keystrokes involved. I tap the tag button and In ready to type the tag name etc
  3. I've no idea whether it hard or easy. It's easy to describe but I've no idea what coding would be needed and what the knock-on effects on other parts of the code would be. I'm as certain as I possibly can be that none of these ideas are anywhere on the horizon other than the addition of the Outlook calendar one-way sync similar to the existing Google calendar sync.
  4. This is all going to be a significant way off. Outlook calendars will be supported relatively soon I think but two-way sync including tasks is something that friends can discuss at my funeral service. It isn't happening anytime soon.
  5. This hasn't been removed - at least not by Evernote. Microsoft has changed things in Windows 11 such that you have to use the Windows clipper but it really works just as well.
  6. When you installed to make the clean reinstall did you ensure that ALL the old days and program files were removed. A standard Windows uninstall leaves lots of files which can be the cause of the sort of issue you describe. If you did not, uninstall using a program such as Revo Uninstaller or delete %AppData%\Evernote and %LocalAppData%\Programs\Evernote before uninstalling/reinstalling. If you did that then my apologies for telling you what you already knew.
  7. And it definitely is. We've had conversations in the Evernote Experts community and the Outlook sync is making progress but I understand it's having to take second place to some other demanded features. Patience is, sadly, a virtue in this case.
  8. Scannable hasn't been updated and, I suspect, isn't likely to get an update anytime soon. A new phone with new function is unlikely to be well supported. I'd advise a different scanning application that does what you need. @PinkElephant is likely to be able to recommend something.
  9. You may find the answers you need in the Evernote Help areas... https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/1500009437482-Evernote-Google-Calendar-Overview
  10. The request to put the cursor focus in the title field has been discussed at length. It seems there are proponents for both approaches. So I guess it would have to be an option setting. Search the forums and add your voice/vote as appropriate. The last edited date for notes updates whenever you make ANY change to a note. So move to a new notebook is a change so the date changes. This has been the case since the arrival of Evernote 10. I can see your title tagging idea would assist. I'd do that with AutoHotkey in Windows That would give me a keystroke to add the date in whatever format I desired. The dates assigned by the 'system' are normally based on your operating system defaults. Are you in North America? I confess that I don't capture audio with Evernote so have no idea what happens for me in Europe where ddmmyyyy would be the default. I doubt you'll find any default to the very useful yyyymmdd structure.
  11. I think I can export several notes into a single PDF with my Personal account too. So maybe that isn't the benefit... https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/4403616330387-Export-notes-as-a-PDF
  12. As you realise, this isn't possible and isn't likely to be so at anytime soon. If you want suggest to Evernote for action use the Feedback option in the apps or opena support ticket.
  13. Best to send this direct to Evernote support so they can act promptly. That said, this is likely to be a temporary issue.
  14. Have you directed your suggestion directly to Evernote? That's really the only way to be sure your suggestion is noted.
  15. There's are a number of threads which detail third party applications which support a full notebook save as an ENEX or HTML.
  16. Have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling? I'd probably clear the app cache and memory before uninstalling.
  17. This is a screen resolution issue connected to the large display and how it is set up. You can play with the screen resolution for your 32" monitor and that may resolve it.
  18. To do this you'll need to use an external application. There are several which do different things. Mostly they are small projects. If you search around you'll find discussions of evernote-backup (which I use and runs on Windows, MacOS and Linux) and also ExportNote (ron MacOS and now Windows). Each does a different thing and needs some setting up. But tell us more and we may advise differently...
  19. Because it isn't high priority for the development team. You can give input via the Feedback option or a support ticket but whether that will get instant attention is another matter. I know that there are MANY competing requests for enhancements. It seems that this is not at the top of the list.
  20. Did you try Note History? That should have brought things back albeit that the issue you describe needs t to be addressed.
  21. You may not need it at all. I use SyncBack free to back up the Evernote data directory as part of my weekly PC backup. I can recommend Evernote-backup of you feel the need of the ENEX files.
  22. That's not my experience. I click on a URL in a note and my device web browser opens the link. I'm not even sure that it is possible for Evernote to display web pages from a link. If I share a web page with Evernote via the mobile browser then the passage is copied into the note but that's all part of the privacy policy signed up to eight from the beginning. Google Docs are, I think, a unique issue because there is a connection between Google Drive and Evernote. But again that's part of the standard privacy policy and Ts&Cs.
  23. That is a feature of switching to a current plan. You lose the old plan which, since it hasn't existed for several years, had gone. It is unfortunate that you didn't notice that in the terms and conditions. There is no means of referring for you. So stay with Personal or drop to Free with its limitations.
  24. @steveo2q Thanks for your note. As you realise v10 of Evernote stores data in an entirely different way. Sync to the cloud is more or less instant. v10 does not create a .EXB file. If you still have one on your PC it is left over from the Legacy version. If you still have Legacy installed then it will sync on its normal cycle and update from the cloud. In that situation you will have two separate copies of Evernote running. This isn't a problem provided you work in one at a time. So no EXB to backup with v10. The Legacy version offered the option to exporet a whole account backup as as ENEX file. However that has always come with one major drawback. ENEX files do not keep the notebook structure. So if you used it to restore you would get all your notes in one large notebook. So the best practice method of bhacking up was always to export each notebook to its own ENEX. This same function exists in v10. Open a notebook. At the top of the snippet view column tap the ... three dot menu and select Export Notebook. Slightly quicker if you have multiple notebooks is to open the notebook view and, again, select the three dot menu by each notebook and export. You end up with an ENEX file for each notebook which can be restored as you desire to an appropriately named notebook. If you want to automate this process there are a number of third party applications. I use a Github project called evernote-backup. Search the forums for what others are doing. Of course you can simply backup the Evernote v10 directories using a standard Windows backup program. In that case you will want to have %AppData%\Evernote backed up. This is the data directory for v10.
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