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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. I'm not sure that there are many developers around these forums. If you haven't heard in a couple of days then contact support.
  2. This is a six year old thread relating to a now unsupported version of the web application. Best to raise this directly with Evernote via a support ticket.
  3. I would put this down to using the different monitors. You can only experiment and see which works. Although you have been working this way for years, you now have a new PC on Windows 11. This is as good as starting afresh.
  4. Basically, you need to open a note via the dashboard but clearly, as I said, it is far from automatic. If this is key for you then stick with Legacy. I'm not sure I see this option appearing in settings anytime soon.
  5. The release of Evernote 10.48 for desktop and 10.42 for mobile support a number of new features... I've grabbed this summary from the Evernote Expoerts group. 1. Single Click Meeting Note Share: Sharing made simple! When you add a calendar event to a note, in just a single click you can share that note will the meeting participants! 2. Spreadsheet File Previews: Navigate through a spreadsheet file with ease now that you can view the preview! This feature is available to only Professional and Teams users. Add a file (not a Google Drive link) to your note and the preview happens automatically. Supported file types are .csv, .xls, .xlsx, .ods, .xlt, and .xltx 3. iOS Lock Screen Widgets: As convenient as the mobile widgets, but now on your iOS device's lock screen. Choose from 2 large and 6 circle widgets for fast access to Evernote. 4. New Preference Setting-New Note Cursor Start: A new debate has entered the chat... Will you start your new notes from the body of the note? Or will you always title the note first? Now it's as easy as choosing you setting, never how to move your cursor to start where you want. 5. Recurring Task Option Added to Tasks Actions Bar: Gone are the days of 3 clicks to create a recurring task! Quickly add a recurrence to a task from the Task Action bar!
  6. The Evernote help pages suggest to run a tool inside Evernote v10 which will locate the local notebooks and export them for you. However, the latest version of Evernote that I have installed no longer has that tool. But you can check if it exists for you Tools | Check for Local Notebooks. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005107-Convert-local-notebooks Assuming that this option is missing for you too your only option is reinstall the old version of Evernote. You can do this alongside v10. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote When it is installed you can access the list of notebooks and export the local ones as ENEX files. Once exported you can import them into the newer version of Evernote.
  7. I have seen this reported very occasionally. So far the reason has been the screen resolution chosen by the computer. It is most common when someone is using an external monitor and a built in laptop monitor. To diagnose a little... If you right click on the PDF that has been uploaded inside Evernote then choose Open. The PDF should display inside your default PDF viewer. Does it now look OK? If so that tells us that the PDF has not beencorrupted or otherwise mangled in the upload to the Evernote servers. Rather it is a screen display issue. That will be where you need to explore for a resolution.
  8. Ah, so you have the Microsoft Store app. That version of Evernote suffers a number of limitations brought on by being in the store. One is, I think, the automatic creation of the send to link. However, all is not lost. Your first option is to uninstall the store app and download and install the app direct from the Evernote website. That should automatically fix the send-to link. Alternatively, if you want to stick with the store application I think you can do the following. I'm not absolutely certain since I haven't got the store app installed to try out. 1. Create a shortcut to the store app on your desktop. Open the Run dialog with Win+R then enter shell:AppsFolder Locate the shortcut icon for Evernote Copy and Paste to the desktop 2. Open the Windows sendto folder Win+R and enter shell:sendto Copy the Evernote shortcut and paste into the sendto folder 3. Test that the sendto link now works. It will depend on the Store app accepting sendto activity. Let us know how that goes. For sure using the download from the Evernote website will resolve this issue and avoid other limitations of the Store app.
  9. There are means of achieving this in Evernote v10 but I agree that it isn't automatic. If Legacy is best for your use then that's the way to go for you. Meanwhile, feed your needs back to Evernote in the apps to get better traction. I know that a whole load of settings are scheduled to arrive before the end of the year along with some other features that are hoped for. The result of customers making their needs known direct to Evernote.
  10. Because it is rolling maintenance fixing a bunch of significant things - the whole process is taking two weeks so, inevitably, some folk are going to be incovenieced at some point.
  11. If you remove an employee from your Teams account they will cease to have access to notes in Teams UNLESS they have been allowed to share those notes with their personal Evernote account which will not be closed. So, when a person leaves be sure, first to check if a note has been allowed to be shared and if so, whether that individual's personal account is in that sharing list. It is unlikely since the purpose of Teams is to avoid sharing team notes with private personal accounts. But it is possible. Indeed the Team member may have shared Team stuff with his/her personal account for completely honourable reasons think that this might be appropriate.
  12. You'll have to take the word of Evernote that your notes are retained on your device. There is no database of notes in Evernote v10. The way to check, I suppose, would be to leave Evernote open and go off-line. Then check to see if your data is all present and correct while you are off-line.
  13. I don't think it was ever intended that the calendar widget inside Evernote was intended to be a functional calendar with two-way editing. Rather it developed to enable linking of notes to events in the calendar. For sure a higher priority is to enable the linking to Outlook and Apple calendars. I suspect that there are multiple other features significantly higher in priority than a functional calendar editing process. For sure, send it as an idea via the Feedback option in the applications but don't hold your breath waiting...
  14. Nothing. the EXB file is no longer used and the data is not stored in a single data file. If you are now using only v10 of Evernote then all the OLD Evernote data files can be deleted. In version 10 you need the %LocalAppData%\Programs\Evernote and %AppData%\Evernote directories. Anything else is likely to be left over from the past.
  15. Most likely you have Smart Filing enabled. In web clipper, click on the settings cog wheel icon at the bottom of the web clipper. Select the General settings tab. There is a setting for smart filing for notebooks and for tags. Disable or amend as appropriate...
  16. Access feedback through any of the applications. A support ticket can be submitted most easily through the support menu in the mobile apps or via the Evernote web help pages.
  17. I used to be able to sort within a notebook using Legacy (and still can if I jump over to the old software). But, yes, it disappeared with the arrival of v10. If this is key to your use then you could consider Legacy but you'd lose some of the newer features. That may not be a big deal for you.
  18. Like most Email lists, you cannot reply to the sender Email.
  19. There is an issue which some users suffer and report from time to time. However, this week and until 14 November there is significant server maintenance which means that sync will stop from time to time. These breaks may also cause duplication. I would not be too hasty to assume what the cause is in each case. Perhaps, though, wait untio after the server maintenance window is over and see if the problem ceases.
  20. The straight answer to your question is no. There is no option to set a reminder for a task or, indeed, to add a task by Email. It is one of the features that might appear when the API is updated but that isn't happening soon.
  21. Hi Michael, Clearly it is your expectation and not entirely unreasonable. But it isn't mine. Actually I think I expect Evernote to default to the default fonts for a note. You can feedback to Evernote if you feel something else is appropriate.
  22. Sorting setting by notebook was introduced in the so-called Legacy version. Long time users will remember when it was introduced. It dropped with v10 so had been missing for only two years rather than ten. We cannot know whether it is planned as a feature that will return. I know that the Devs are working to restore a whole range of options. So perhaps this is one that will appear in the months ahead - or perhaps not.
  23. I don't think anyone had noted that, for now at least, you could continue sharing the NOTEBOOK using the Legacy version of Evernote. You can run both alongside one another. It will count as another device so not, perhaps, something for a Free plan customer.
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