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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi - Still working for me, apparently... Don't know of any magic commands to switch the menu off... restart?
  2. Hi. Any differences between the 'from' and 'to' notebooks? Local vs synced? Shared vs not? - I haven't been able to replicate the error, and I can't see anything similar here - Windows 10 / Evernote 6.23.2. Can't imagine what it might be - I suggest a Support request to see what they can contribute... although you know they're going to suggest uninstalling and reinstalling...
  3. Possibly not - though some people would want to be logged out, and others would not; and still others might change their mind and move between the two - and if someone's account got hacked and they blamed Evernote for it, you can bet that no user would ever admit to having left their account open in a browser - even if they were aware that happened... Anyhoo. Rightly or wrongly Evernote designed things this way. They'd have to recode part of the browser app to change it. You've posted a feature request, and anyone who agrees with you can add their vote at the top left of the thread. If you get enough agreement they might consider doing that...
  4. ...And I use Titles as tags (kinda) - my evolved practice is to use <date> - <type> - <source> - <keywords> as a standard format. Lots of reasons but the outcome is that I can find the email <type> I had last month <date> from my internet provider <source> about a faulty router <keywords> with very little effort. That's leveraging intitle: searches too, obviously. Where my searches generate false positives I might edit titles or add tags to help resolve my positive hits more quickly. It used to be that 99% of my notes (excluding only shared or local notes and some work in progress) were in one notebook. I've recently moved however to a system where the <source> defines a notebook - so all my interactions with that ISP are in one place. Since the notes are all listed by their dated titles, this pretty much halves the search term I need to create. Plus if I select that notebook, there's a short enough list of notes that I don't need to even search. With over 49K notes now, and over 100 notebooks (I'm nearly finished creating new ones) I still only see an average of around 150 notes in most notebooks. That's enough for a quick eyeball search a lot of the time, which is often much faster than creating a bespoke search for a specific item. However: while this suits my lifestyle (I have this 'laziest person' ideal in mind) and the way my mind works, it may not work for you. If whatever you have works for you - don't 'fix' it!
  5. Don't see that an upgrade will fix your issue - it's not a recognized 'bug' therefore will not have been fixed - unless by accident. I'd suggest a support request to at least get it on Evernote's radar...
  6. The point with older threads is that fixes and work-arounds can get out of date, and using comments and suggestions from more than a year ago can cause more confusion than anything else.
  7. Seems we're discussing the Forum administration rather than an Evernote issue, but when you found the original wouldn't accept your post, you could have started a new thread by describing your specific issue, posted a feature request of your own, or if you could find another post or request (as clearly you did) you could post a follow-up there. Feature requests are voting threads (see the count and arrow at the top left of the other thread) where other users with the same issue can add their support and (hopefully) boost the priority for Evernote developers to look into the situation. That thread now has 1 (one) vote after 6 months, which doesn't seem to indicate a major issue, even though this restriction apparently has existed (in some operating systems?) for a long time. I haven't ever noticed any issues. My typos (if any) don't seem to cause me problems - and I think it depends on whether you're using Evernote Web / Windows / Mac / iOS / Android as to how much of an glitch this is. In some apps typing the first line of the note will populate the title line anyway, and that is subject to spellcheck. If you have some specific issues with Evernote can I suggest that you post the details in separate threads relevant to the operating system(s) you use and we can try to help with those? Decisions about archiving threads are made by the Forum Admins or possibly by some existing rules that will close a thread after a year or two without new traffic, and not by contributors here, who are mostly just users like you and me.
  8. Hi. Your support request 2 years ago will have been closed, and Evernote (and the Internet) has changed since then, so I'd suggest you contact Support again to get led through their process. Short term, best I can suggest is a work-around. When you copy and paste from one window to another, you're getting the words, plus the invisible coding that explains to your computer how to display the italic and bold and listed items on your screen. If you then add your own new text by editing that copied section, you're confusing the system, which is trying to show the original layout, whilst also adding your new contribution - which might get forced into that layout, or some variation on it as a result. You would be protected against this confusion if you posted your content to a 'text only' editor to strip out all the "layout instruction" codes and edited it there, before you copy and paste it (again) into a note. (Sorry, I'm not a Mac user so I can't suggest any text only apps to try...) Alternatively, when you come to paste your copied text into a note, use the "Paste and Match Style" option which -should- strip out the codes. If you get anomalous behaviour after that, Evernote offers 'Simplify Formatting' and 'Remove Formatting' as further text options - use these sparingly, because your overall layout may suffer! See the Note Editor shortcuts here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313358 - for more, including: ⇧ ⌘ V Paste and Match Style ⇧ ⌘ F Simplify Formatting Hope that helps...
  9. Because the posts are 6-7 years old and Evernote has changed multiple times over that period...?
  10. Doh. Sorry - must read slower!! Still think a (potentially) effective 10GB limit might be untenable. It's gonna take a long time to upload and sync! But that's Evernote's headache to evaluate not mine...
  11. Hi. Tags should be shared to others - don't know why yours aren't visible; best I can suggest are tyre-kicking activities - sign out of and back into Evernote, restart devices, force a sync if that's available in your apps; more than that - cancel the share and renew it, change one of the notes (add another tag!) from both ends of the share and see if that trips the system. If none of that works, please come back and tell us what version of Evernote you're using and on what devices.
  12. Evernote (briefly) tried the 'no limit' approach, and the usual suspects started backing up their networks to the server, adding video libraries and generally abusing the system. All that activity tanked the sync times for everyone on the system. The limits came back. The ultimate limit is the capacity of the internet to deal with 250M customers syncing their accounts at all hours of the day - who will whinge like troupers if they lose data or find it slow to load notes. Plus the additional clerical overhead of keeping tabs on the (likely large) number of people who exceed their limits and making sure they pay for the privilege, collecting payments subject to various exchange rates and taxes... you'd need a lot of extra staff to handle it. Not to mention the development cost of rejigging the system to allow higher limits... Anyway. I'm generalising madly here, but you get the picture: the current system works (mostly) - it could cost a lot to change! PS in case you're not aware, I'm just a user and all of this is just my opinion - I have been known to be wrong...
  13. Best comment so far is Cal's first line... We can all share versions of different - and more and less crazy - systems that work for us individually, and you could try them all out. And in a month or three you's probably back with the one that you feel most comfortable with. No prizes for guessing which that would be. If it works - don't mess with it!
  14. I use an external audio recording app on my Android, and best as I recall that recording continues even if I also use Evernote's camera to take a picture or the app to type notes. I save the recorded file into my note when finished to complete the record (vague pun intended) of that session. I also prefer to be 'present' and not distracted by taking notes or messing with tech, so I use an audio app - Cogi - which records audio continuously until you hit 'record', when it saves a file of the current audio including the 30 seconds before you hit record. So when someone says something which you suddenly realise you need, hit record and capture the whole thing from the start. (See their website for a more coherent explanation...) -So I can take pictures and record sound sequentially rather than at the same time.
  15. I think it is. There's quite a lot on templates in the help pages, but on a quick look I couldn't find anything dealing exactly with your use case. I've created some templates of my own but they're held in the template 'system' so when I create a note I click 'use templates' and switch to my saved original and go from there. The new note stays where I created it. Tools: Templates
  16. As a matter of interest what limit would you consider useful? Bear in mind there's a monthly limit too, so if the note limit were raised to 500MB you're (currently) limited to 20 notes in a month (10GB). Plus there are already workarounds to reduce the size of large images and PDFs, store files in the cloud with links back to Evernote, or upgrade to Business for higher limits. Also on an external device or a mobile, really large files sizes could take forever to sync or to download...
  17. If this is still an issue I'd suggest restarting everything as a first step.
  18. This is a third-party forum and AFAIK no other issues have been reported. Could this be connection related? Do you have a fast, solid link to the network?
  19. Background sync can be affected by app settings / preferences - if they don't seem to be working I'd suggest reaching out to Support for a little server-side help.
  20. Hi. In all their apps Evernote's current editor uses modified HTML to show the layout, apply tables, show bullets and bold. If you're pasting into an existing table, you're adding more HTML from that text - some of which may conflict with the code surrounding the main part of the page. Evernote is set up to show note content in a wide variety of OS's and screen sizes. It can't also show text in the same way as a word processor to allow you to construct a new table from bits of other documents and tables, and alter the layout and style of the text to suit. Best advice would be to use a seperate word processor to assemble the note text and then to copy and paste the finished item into your note. You could also attach the WP file to that note so that any necessary further edits are easy to carry out.
  21. Hi. The issue as you describe it cannot happen. Your laptop has to sync with the server to send/ receive updates entered on your other device, and the iPhone has to do the same. The server is the only service which must contain all your synced notes. Are you sure they're all logged into the same account? How does sync work within Evernote? How to troubleshoot syncing issues
  22. Hi. Not exactly an answer to your question, but my Windows clipper includes the URL with a 'bookmark' clip. If that includes enough information for your purpose, that's great. If not, the option would be to clip a page twice - once as bookmark, again as full page or whatever... then merge the two notes later... Alternatively the Add Remark section of the clipper dialogue could be used to copy and paste the URL from your browser... Maybe?
  23. Hi. Have you restarted your browser / your computer / checked your connection?
  24. Hi. Your issues seem to be with sync - your devices are either only syncing when you edit, or when they're otherwise prompted to take action: nothing seems to be happening in the background. All the clients have sync options - how, when and how frequently to update - and obviously sync is dependent on the quality and speed of your network and internet connections, and whether they're travelling through a VPN or business firewall of some sort. Evernote has some generic help for this - How to troubleshoot syncing issues
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