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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. Please don't bump posts - it's against Forum rules. The general silence on this might be something to do with the ongoing work on new-style apps that are due to be released later this year. The stated aim was to give a standard look and feel to the app across all devices. This may have been one of the issues taken on board to be part of the new releases, but it can't be released on its own - the whole package has to be completed. If that doesn't include changes you require, then is the time to make noise - and hopefully Evernote will be able to react more quickly with a modern architecture. Meantime though they're not going to give an increasingly competitive market advance notice what their new features will look like... no comments before release.
  2. Hi. I haven't seen the same on my Android, and I don't think there have been any other reports in the forums here. Difficult to know what might be causing this without much more information and some logs from the device affected, which we - as a (mainly) user-supported forum don't have access to. As a subscriber, I'd suggest you contact Support and (if they ask) send in your logs etc. The only thing I can suggest as a possible cause is the size of your note(s) and/ or the strength of the device's network connection - all notes have to be downloaded to the device; nothing is saved locally - so large notes and slow connections can mean waiting for a while for content to appear...
  3. I'll vote for that - with a rider that (AFAIK) we're still limited to a small number of templates in total - would be nice to have someone review the Template process, increase the numbers permitted, and make it easier to edit existing templates. Changing an existing template (again AFAIK) means creating and editing a new note with the old one, saving a new version and deleting the older version.
  4. Hi. When I tap a PDF (Samsung Note) I get a 'please wait', then the file opens in Xodo which is my default PDF reader. Not sure how you assign (or re-assign) file priorities, but if you uninstall and reinstall your PDF reader, that might re-set the default...?
  5. Hi. Not that I know of - if you shared by email address, you should be able to unshare the same way. The only other way I know of to exclude a user would be to create another notebook and move all your current notes into it, then delete the original. If there are other users with the same share, you'd also cut them off and would need to re-share. If you're using the web client it would be worth changing to another version (in settings) to make sure this is not just a glitch with that version...
  6. Hi. For reasons of speed and efficiency your browser will only display the text & image part of your server-based note immediately - like any other web page. PDF files could be very large files, so do not display - which would require a download of the file first - unless selected. This is normal behaviour for a browser-based system. The desktop version already has access to the file - it's saved on your hard drive - so can display it in line.
  7. If that's your personal experience, then it's absolutely fine to use whatever method you prefer. It's a fact that Evernote does not currently directly support 'nesting' notebooks beyond Stacks > Notebooks > Notes. There have been hints that they might change the system used for the application's administration of notes to allow more flexibility, but we don't yet know what that might look like. Meantime there are 'work arounds' like tags, tables of content etc which may or may not apply to your use case.
  8. I don't think Evernote throw things out, but they do translate note content into a bespoke HTML version for their Editor which can then be displayed in several different operating systems plus the web. Either that language doesn't support the character set you're using, or it gets (literally) lost in translation when the browser gets the content back again. ☹️ -I'm just guessing here - if you want to try and get some comment from Evernote try https://twitter.com/evernotehelps
  9. Hi. We're a -mainly- user supported forum here, so the short answer is: I have no idea. If you'd like to share your questions we do have a fair amount of user experience to draw on, maybe we can assist. There are also several help pages which might be relevant... Evernote Business FAQ Compare Evernote subscription plans How to sign up for Evernote Business
  10. Hi. I have occasionally accidentally highlighted an image while editing and managed to delete it by replacing the image with my typing, but images don't disappear on syncing. I recovered from my fumble-fingered typing by hitting Ctrl-Z immediately afterward to 'undo' the last action. But that option expires fairly quickly. I also have a daily local backup of my database in case of serious loss. If you have no backups, the only other option might be Note History, which requires an upgrade to Premium, even if only for one month. But beware that since your 'Plus' level of subscription is no longer supported, you might have to choose between continuing as Premium, or reverting to Basic. As a subscriber you do have access to Support - you might want to check with them to see whether you would be able to upgrade temporarily, then revert to Plus - or whether they can suggest anything else...
  11. Hi. This is Evernote's general help page on Stacks - How to organize notebooks into stacks If you wish to change the version of the browser-based app, click on Settings and switch to another from there.
  12. Hi. You can reach out to Evernote via https://twitter.com/evernotehelps - or you could describe your issue here to see if we can assist...
  13. Hi. This seems like a fairly complete introduction to the concept - hope it will help... How to use templates
  14. Hi. I moved this to a votable feature request forum to see how many others want to support your suggestion. Evernote is already working on making the full service available across all platforms, so you may see this sooner rather than later - but that's 'sooner' as in later this year, just not (probably) next year... Meantime you may have to use a desktop for linking and tables of content.
  15. Hi. Obviously that's not a frequent or expected behaviour - how do you shut down Evernote and your laptop? Do you exit Evernote first? How do you attempt to start Evernote when you restart your laptop? Is it possible that you have a link to the 'install' executable file as a shortcut somewhere?
  16. Sadly, the answers to your questions are no, no and -no. There is an amazing amount of material in Youtube and Evernote's help pages that might help you as a new user, but I don't recall seeing anything specific about which browser is preferable. If you run into any issues a web search for Evernote, your OS and your issue will often find someone has posted something on the subject already. For information, Chrome is not the only 'chrome' browser. There are two notable recent(ish) additions - Brave and Vivaldi. They both use add-ins from the Chrome store, but boast that they use less resource on your computer, are more secure, and faster. It might be worth trying one or other out just to see. These two links might help get you started... https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208314458-Using-Evernote-Quick-Start-Guide https://dottotech.com/evernote-quick-start/
  17. Hi. The current web client is a beta with some missing functionality and I'm not sure whether it will actually show shared notes. Try changing the version you use in Settings to see if that makes a difference. If not, can you go back to the link that invited you to join the notebook and check whether you're still being invited?
  18. Hi. There are heavy hints flying around that Evernote might have a Linux client in development, which would please a lot of people and solve your issue, but until that happens you may have to find a work-around. Purely for interests sake can you say more about why you use unicode specifically and whether it's possible to use a different character set?
  19. Have to agree - if you have 1,000 notebooks, you're doing something wrong. I used to have about 5 notebooks for 48,500 notes - the majority in the default notebook, the rest in 'shared out' or 'work in progress' notebooks - the latter being temporary anyway. I recently embraced another organisational method and threw caution to the winds to give a separate notebook to whatever the 'focus' of the content might be - a person or company, a project or a specific event. I was convinced I'd be running out, but surprisingly there must only be around 100 notebooks now... As a subscriber however, and assuming you use a desktop, it's fairly easy to switch between two or more accounts, and even have two (maybe more) accounts open at the same time to drag and drop notes between them. I've done that (two accounts) with one premium and the basic account I use for testing. Switching between accounts on mobile devices is a whole other issue and not (IMHO) at all practical. A business account is also a whole new level of complexity that might be fine for a group, but is probably impractical for an individual.
  20. Thank you for sharing. I don't use this technique personally but it's always interesting to see options. I've collected quite a few links on Spaced Repitition over the years - as a matter of interest: did you find the existing options difficult to use, or too expensive? Wikipedia forinstance listed (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spaced_repetition) Anki Brainscape Cerego Course Hero Lingvist Memrise Mnemosyne Pimsleur Language Programs Pleco Software Quizlet SuperMemo Synap WaniKani - and I was aware of http://revisy.com/ | https://www.alfredforum.com/topic/917-reminders/ | https://supermemo.guru/wiki/Spaced_repetition - there's even an Evernote integration - https://www.revunote.com/ (although you may get an error from your browser on that site)...
  21. Hi. Evernote isn't designed for any specific task, but it's easy enough to create a template for a specific type of note like a diary, or a recipe, or a meeting note - and to copy that note each time you need to create another note in the same format. There may be some options on the web if you search for them... https://evernote.com/templates
  22. Hi. You've not said what device(s) or OS('s) you're using, which is a relevant factor in that some OS's show tags in slightly different ways, and mobile OS's generally don't support a tag hierarchy (TH). You'll get a flat list of all tags regardless of parent/child relationships. TH's are otherwise pretty simple - it's possible to 'nest' tags as deeply as you'd like, so subtags down to 100 levels could be set up, if rather impractical. Plus. searching for a sub-level tag can also display all 'parent' levels. Or not - it's an option. The Note options you have are: Stacks - contain notebooks only: no notes (selecting a stack gives you a listing of all notes in the notebooks in that stack) Notebooks - contain notes only - no 'deeper' level Notes - various types of content - can be linked directly to other notes Tags and note titles add extra dimensions - forinstance I always start note titles with the date the contents were created in yyyymmdd format. That date is likely different to the created date of the note, Another grouping of notes can be engineered by Tables of Content - also referred to here sometimes as 'dashboards'. Maintenance is an issue, but I use an app Filterize to automate that. I have one notebook for Dashboard notes and one dashboard note with links to all the others which is the ultimate parent reference point. From that note - call that 'level one' - I can choose any of the others (level two) which contain links to notes anywhere in my database (level three) which can also be local dashboards for more specialist subjects (level four) which can also be dashboards... ad infinitum until you eventually get to an actual note containing data!
  23. Hi. No answer recorded here, but the suggestion seems to be that it might be your phone's user details that are being quoted. Evernote obviously has your contact details too - are both up to date? As a subscriber you could ask Support about this directly - when you do get an answer, please post it here...
  24. Hi. There's nothing that I'm aware of within Evernote, and I don't know of any hashtag add-ins specifically for the app. Evernote doesn't recognize classic hashtags as an entity, though there are 'tags'; many of the special characters used to define a hashtag won't be searchable either - looking for #testhash will generate results for testhash only. If you have a process to generate external tag information and can graph it with Tableau you could attach the graph to a note as a 'snapshot', but there's no way to include updates other than as new notes or new graphics in one note. Don't know exactly what process you have in mind, and if you can share more information about that you may get more practical solutions. Forinstance:a number of automation tools allow different apps to be linked together - there's one called Integromat which can link two or three operations in a process - https://www.integromat.com/en/ - you might be able to grab hashtag data, graph the results and add or update the visual snapshot in a note. (Disclaimer: I only just started looking at Integromat for myself and have no insights into how practical it is to use in your scenario!) Other automation options include: https://evernote.com/blog/ifttt-automate-evernote-with-these-applets/ https://appcenter.evernote.com/ http://www.jamierubin.net/2012/11/13/going-paperless-examples-of-paperless-automation-using-evernote/ https://filterize.net/ https://zapier.com/apps/evernote/integrations Hope that helps... Edit: I forgot rather an important option if you're using a Mac - scripting! (I'm a Windows/ Android guy) Colleagues here may be able to help you more with that...
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