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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. As you may have seen from this lengthy thread, it's not an option in Evernote, although there are any number of work-arounds. That doesn't seem likely to change. In moving from one app to another there are always differences in how things work - up to you to decide whether the advantages outweigh the differences...
  2. There's no way to add a screen shot just using Evernote's toolbar, but I find the easiest way is to use the keyboard shortcut (which you can alter as necessary) - see Evernote for Windows > Tools > Options > Shortcut Keys and "capture screen". Windows tends to hijack some options so I changed mine to a non-standard Ctrl+Alt+S Holding Shift will paste the picture to your desktop, Ctrl will add it to your clipboard.
  3. Hi. How and where do you get you screenshots? It's easy to attach external images to an Evernote note, and if Evernote is running, a keyboard shortcut will take a screenshot or an area of the screen and add it directly to a note...
  4. Them's the banana - not sure myself. Question I should maybe have asked earlier.. is it really important to find orphaned (?) tags? Unless there are a LOT of unused tags they shouldn't be a major problem...
  5. Hi. This formatting bar? Try clicking in the note body - it only appears when you're editing the note.
  6. Hi. Please check the other threads. A former Evernote Windows project coder has advised (multiple times) that dark mode is not possible in the current code base. Work-arounds are detailed elsewhere...
  7. Hi. In the Windows desktop and Android applications you should be able to see the numbers of notes connected by each tag on the 'tags' page. It's possible to view the '0' note tags and delete them there. It's also possible to get an advanced Help menu on the desktop versions which (if I recall correctly) offers an option to delete unassigned tags. (I'm working in the web version at the moment so can't check.) What OS and version are you using?
  8. It's been gone 4+ years. I think at some point you have to let go...
  9. Hi. This is a (mainly) user supported forum, so I have no idea where that address terminates. Does your email client allow you to recall / delete sent emails? If not and as you're a subscriber, you could reach out to Evernote Support to see if they can do anything?
  10. Hi. This loads fine for me - Difficult to know how different browsers on different devices via different network connections will deal with it - you might need to collect some more details from the students, including which option they chose - 'Join' would mean their system starts to try and load Evernote, which might cause some problems...
  11. Hi. In general you can add extra rows and resize columns, but that's about it...
  12. I agree - don;t know of any way to check for broken links within Evernote - and you may find there's a problem using a lot of external links - you'll be reminded that you're leaving Evernote each and every time....
  13. Suggestion: attach a copy of that file to a note when you finish a session with Evernote. When you start again on a different machine, either overwrite the current file on that device, or just open and edit the dictionary file. Adds new terms to the local dictionary in one operation.
  14. OK - you may be able to find and edit the user.dic file - not sure where it is on the latest installations, or whether you can edit it, but it's worth a try... (currently searching my system to see if I can find one, but it's taking a while...) EDIT: and of course as soon as I hit 'return' - try C:Users\<you>\Evernote\Dict....
  15. Hi. Slight nitpick - you don't get stacks 'in' notebooks, you get notebooks in stacks. And each stack, and the Notebooks link in the sidebar all have little caret icons to expand and collapse them. Did you need something wider than this?
  16. Wow - are you using foreign or technical terms? I normally find that it's a pain for a day or two, but the dictionary gradually retains all the terms I need to use. What device and OS are you using? (and are we talking about the installed or the web version?)
  17. Hi. Since you're the first person to mention this (AFAIK) since the actual change, it doesn't look like user experience has suffered unduly from the lack... New versions are due out soon, we'll have to wait to see what (if any) new features are included.
  18. Hi. In most clients you can right-click a word and use 'add to dictionary' for any words it recognises wrongly. Which client/ device are you using?
  19. Hi. You're posting in a bugs/ issues forum when this isn't. And you're starting a new thread for something which actually already has a long discussion...
  20. Hi. Sorry but we're mainly users here - plus a few independent but mostly zero Evernote developers. I doubt we can help with anything other than guesses. Try https://dev.evernote.com/ if you haven't already... Evernote uses StackOverflow for developer support now; post developer questions there and tag them with "Evernote". http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/evernote
  21. Hi. I'll move this to the general feature request thread since it seems to relate to all versions of Evernote. Whatever support it gets there, I can't see it being practical for Evernote - they'd have to monitor the website of every clip made by every user every day. At a minimum that could be 200M queries a day with a lesser number of potentially large downloads for clips to be updated. (And how would Evernote see differences between a clipped and much-annotated page and the current version?) This would probably make Evernote very unpopular with every other web user as traffic ground to a halt. It should be possible to cope with your requirement in normal usage anyway - clip a page and comment away, then next time you need to use that note use the embedded URL to revisit the page, and re-clip it into a new note. Use a note link to attach that to your existing notes.
  22. Hi. Is this the same browser on the same device? Unless you're using different versions of the web client (check in 'settings' by clicking the 'A') they should look the same.
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