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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. A blurry image is unusual - have you checked this in a browser or on a desktop? Is this the app not displaying an otherwise sharp image properly, or is it not taking a focussed picture? Have you tried using different lighting conditions? More illumination is usually better...
  2. I'd actually doubt that unless you have experience with Android / iOS / Mac / Windows and Web browser operating systems and can confirm otherwise - this doesn't just apply to Macs remember; any change has to work in every environment. And even if it were reasonably quick to implement (as in weeks or months) - there are those 'priorities' I mentioned. Whose much better supported change are you going to delay or cancel because this one gets actioned? Not arguing against you, just pointing out that magic wands are in short supply around here.
  3. Ah. If you take a picture on 'manual' instead of 'auto' it's possible to crop manually, and if you find a document isn't being recognized fully in 'auto' mode it can help to add or adjust lighting and/ or use a better contrasting background. Adobe Scan and Office Lens are also alternative scanners that can save to Evernote. I agree though - the ability to edit cropped edges is not presently a feature.
  4. Given the half-dozen or so users who've expressed an interest over the past few years, I'd say it's more a matter of prioritizing other features that have more support than just ignoring this one. You may get more feedback if you raise a support ticket and look into your app's performance, plus - if Support aren't able to help - opening a Feature Request thread in the General or Mac forums to accumulate votes from other users keen to see this added. Personally I struggle with 'actual size' as I use desktop / tablet / phone devices where that means very different things.
  5. Hi. What everybody said so far - but if you have any personal information in those notes you should be aware that AFAIK Evernote is not HIPAA compliant - https://www.hipaajournal.com/evernote-hipaa-compliant/
  6. Hi. Agreed, it's absolutely not normal. You could try uninstalling and reinstalling the app to see whether the update (if that's what caused this) got corrupted somehow...
  7. Hi. This is a mainly user-supported forum, so we don't have any demands at all. On the bright side Evernote has said that it's developing new versions of the app for all its operating systems, so you might get your wish this year...
  8. Hi. I'm confused. The FREE account is limited to 2 devices (+ browser access) and more than that number will be locked out. There's no option to add extra devices for a subscription. The Premium service, which you seem to have, has no device limit at all. You should be able to connect with Evernote on whatever device you choose. I have one tablet, one phone and one laptop and no problems. There's also no extra charge for single devices. I don't know how you came to be paying additional costs that are "not the annual subscription". As a subscriber you should have access to support by email - I'd recommend that you use that to check with Evernote to see what's going on here. For the record most cloud service Evernote competitors have some form of Import from Evernote feature should you still want to move. The success of the process will depend on how you have your existing notes set up, and will vary from one service to another, so test them out before committing to any single one!
  9. Sorry - didn't realise the extension was the issue. As well as the option suggested by @jefito I use third party app Filterize to tag and move new notes to different notebooks depending on their content or title. Don't know whether it would be possible to use it as a glorified spell check to simply remove ".PDF" if it appears in a new note title, but it might be worth looking at. Edit: Turns out it will replace parts of the title. (https://filterize.net/doc/actions/)
  10. Hi. If you are using Windows, then Import Folders work exactly as you have described. A PDF file dropped into the folder will generate a note with the same name. How to create import folders in Evernote for Windows
  11. Hi. Exporting to ENEX does not save the notebook structure. It's necessary to export one notebook at a time to link the notes together - though I appreciate with 500 notebooks that's not a trivial task. However a copy of your database and the notebook structure (excluding Local Notebooks and their content) is already present on the server. In the event of disaster, reinstall Evernote, log in with your usual details, and if Evernote doesn't find your copy of the database on the local drive, it will create one by downloading from the server. If you find that some recent updates have been missed because they were not synced with the server, you will be able to recover edited information from your own backups.
  12. Hi. There are dozens of options to clipping a page if that's not available for any reason, not to mention the possibility of trying another browser.. you could try printing the content to PDF, screenshots, other websites that will deliver images or PDFs of pages, other browser add-ins like Nimbus Capture which offer various choices...
  13. Hi. You show up as a Basic user in the Forum, but if you are a subscriber I'd suggest you contact Support direct - this is a mainly user-driven Forum and we aren't always up to date on what's happening with which browser. Since each one is like an independent operating system which is updated and upgraded frequently on their own schedule, features can come and go until the Evernote team catch up with the latest version. Relying on searches doesn't seem very reliable in a notebook shared so widely - particularly since tagging, on which some searches rely, also depends on everyone syncing their devices regularly so they have the latest tagged version of the content. The search skills of your users will also (presumably) vary giving some more access than others. I prefer to rely on Tables of Content to 'drive' shared out data. Grouping notes together at various levels in an overall hierarchy can create a notebook that acts like a small website - links from a main page note going to index notes which themselves contain links to different sections.
  14. Hmmn. I don't have any answers for you, but hopefully someone else uses the same set-up and will be able to comment.
  15. HI. This is a mainly user-supported Forum. You need to contact Evernote customer service - see https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action and choose 'continue as guest' to raise a payment issue. Not sure how much help Evernote can be without even a name or email address - there are a lot of subscribers! - If you have any problems with the web page, try https://twitter.com/evernotehelps
  16. Hi. Hope this helps... How to create ink notes in Evernote for Windows
  17. A lot of requests apply to all operating systems - Android / iOS / Mac / Windows - so there's a 'general' section too which has most of the 'big' votes, plus all of those individual requests still affect the overall app. Something which works only in iOS has to be engineered so that it not only doesn't work in Windows, but also doesn't stop something else from working correctly. -And Notion (and the rest of the market) have the advantage of working from a blank slate. They re-engineered Evernote's current app without having to go through the last 10 years worth of development. They can just add new bells and whistles on their own schedule. Evernote have to deal with 10 years worth of old code (which is in active use by over 200M people) so adding something new is a bit more difficult... Anyhow. Sorry if you feel ignored, but Evernote try their best to keep us advised - https://evernote.com/blog/
  18. Sounds like you might need Evernote Business - it still doesn't support nested notebooks, but there's an additional option called spaces that might help...
  19. Hi. Well... what can I say: Evernote does not 'do' super-long notes well. It's possible to create them, but the risk of accidentally deleting some or all of a year's work / the difficulty of finding places to edit or continue the text / the tendency of editors to jump to the top of the note when closed, all make the job harder than it needs to be. There is no 'trick' to linking back to individual sections, it's just not currently possible. However (as they say) there's no bar to using another app like Word which will support long documents, then attaching that file to an Evernote note to be available to edit anywhere you have a device that can open the attached file. The shorter notes thing is doable if you keep a Table of Contents note* with links to the headings of section notes, which can themselves by ToC notes with links to even shorter passages, so that a specific paragraph is only a couple of clicks (or a quick search*) away... * ToC notes can be 'automated' by external app Filterize. Every time you save a new note tagged <Story07> it can be added to that note's ToC with the entries optionally sorted by creation date or title. ** The search thing is possible if you have a unique code for each individual section - 'Story07_001' forinstance. I have a couple of note 'trees' like this - they're kept in their own Stacks to avoid confusion with the rest of my content...
  20. Hi. Not sure where you're looking, but there are thousands of requests across all operating systems - some with over 400 votes. THis forum is not the only place they get feedback, plus - One reason for users feeling ignored is that Evernote can't deliver on all of those requests - even the ones that make commercial sense - all at once. - They've already promised a much-improved app for every device during this year. There are lots of reasons not to give us a detailed list of what improvements are in progress. Evernote are under no obligation to justify their decision on which requests get developed...
  21. Yay! Currently on Linux 😒 but back to Windows later 😎 will try it then. The crash/ end task thing has been a bit of a pain - let's hope this kills it forever....
  22. Hi. I can't think of any integrations that would directly replicate the Mohio or Carddesk experience, though options like outlining (Workflowy) or Mind Maps (lots!) allow you to create more visual layouts for your notes. Is it possible for you to give us more detail about why searching visually is preferred here, and why a note / notebook system doesn't cut it for you? There is one option which might help you - see https://infranodus.com/ It's a stand-alone app that can import Evernote files. I haven't used it for a while so can't offer much more in the way of accurate product description - but check it out for yourself!
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