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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. This recent one was a 'proper' image file from the desktop - a JPG rather than a MSG file. Everything else seems to be working, so I assume this is just Ganesha having a laugh... another restart might cure it...
  2. ...and further to the previous note, another EDIT: While Evernote was back, it now seems I can't drag and drop images into my notes now - I have to Attach them via the paperclip... (The reason for this extra comment being, the Forum won't let me edit the previous note?!?)
  3. Hi. OS? Firefox version? Screenshot? - In Windows 10 / Fx 74.0 I just get a standard description of the Evernote clipper as an add-on. There are 1,695 reviews varying from 'brilliant' to 'terrible' as you might expect. Don't see anything about Firefox recommendations...
  4. Hi. If all your notes are present on the server you will be able to restore the installation on your desktop if necessary. It seems like the local database is corrupt. As far as I'm aware there have been no recent updates or changes which might have caused this problem - did you upgrade or change anything on your system?
  5. Hi. Typing into any browser window - including this Forum - is never without risk, because rather than dealing direct with an installed app which is saving your input to the local hard drive, you're relying on another application entirely - the browser window - to keep your work safe until it can be sent back to the server (synced) into storage. If anything disturbs your system - internet traffic, the network link, another busy web page - you could get anomalous results or lose data. I've never heard of such a major transformation as the one you experienced however. Evernote doesn't format or change note content, it simply (in an ideal situation) stores the input you provide. Unfortunately if something goes wrong there is, by definition, no way to see a history of the changes / losses. If this issue arises again you might consider using a local app to draft your notes, and then store the output file (a PDF or DOCX or whatever) as a note attachment. That way you have an instant local backup of your work, and your note can hold as many version history copies as you require.
  6. Hmmn. First oddity in behaviour - had the main app window and 2 notes open separately while I edited a summary of actions in one of the notes. Drag & Dropped 2 .MSG files from Outlook and edited the heading of the item to add two words. The entire note froze and Task Manager showed Evernote using around 20% of my CPU resource. It's happened before that Evernote had a 'panic' but steadies down after a few minutes. I went for a coffee and got sidetracked. Came back a good 10 minutes later - same usage. Tried to close the separate note windows and another app to free up some resource - no reaction. Tried to exit the main Evernote window - CPU usage goes up to 35% and stays there. Tried again to close a note window - windows says 'not responding / close app?' which I did. Gave it 10 minutes and restarted Evernote - no fatal error window, but while I am seeing Evernote in Task Manager and it's using around 18% CPU, I'm not getting an app window. System restart may be necessary. I hate computers. 🙄 EDIT: Evernote ran for another hour+ at around 20% CPU but never showed an app window. Restarted the laptop and I got an app window... though it took a full 5 minutes to go from blank to (I think) the full set of notes. Clicked on the trouble note from before - which I had updated meantime via the web version... and it all seems in order! Blessed if I know what happened. Checked logs - lots and LOTS of - ??? Everything else seemed to be working - maybe because the web is stressed about by everyone home working... I hate Covid 😷
  7. If you play with the latest web version for a while you should notice that it has a different layout; the search feature will suggest options as you type to help you find what you need and there are various other tweaks that might be helpful. See https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209006027-What-s-new-in-Evernote-Web for more on that... The intention - as we currently understand it is that the web version will be developed into a common interface for all Evernote's apps and clients. As to continuing to fix the old version, that's an investment of unknown time and effort into something like Microsoft fixing bugs in Windows 7...
  8. Hi. You're posting in a 2-year old thread about installation issues. Safer to start a new thread with full details of your OS and the steps leading up to the error...
  9. Hi. Sympathies that this particular 'feature' of Evernote's current operation is a major issue for you, but as I posted 2-3 months ago Evernote is in process of reinventing the app across all clients. The most recent Web client is a precursor to behaviours being introduced across their account. The ongoing work means they can't step back and fix the 'old' editor while working on introducing a new version: so short term nothing much is going to change. Longer term we'll have to wait and see. What we as users need to do in the meantime is up to us. Stick it out if you can - look elsewhere if you can't.
  10. Hi. This is a -mainly- user-driven Forum. Evernote don't (usually) comment publicly on what may, or may not be, in development - and they tend to be particularly reticent about security issues. As you're a subscriber I'd suggest raising this as a Support question for individual feedback - although the most likely response is "we're looking into this but have no timescale for any changes..."
  11. Hi. You can define any period by searching for notes created on or after <date1> but excluding those created on or after <date2>. As in "created:20200309 -created:20200316" That's a Monday to Monday range but you get the Monday to Sunday notes.
  12. Hi - I'm not sure there is an official ideal pixel size. For my own reasons my images get sized to 1080 or 640 wide and 96ppi and they seem to work out correctly most of the time...
  13. This thread is to do with words highlighted by a search on an Android device. Is that what your query is about?
  14. Hi. https://www.evernote.com/secure/SecuritySettings.action to change email address.
  15. What exactly is there to resolve? Several of us have local notebooks and like the others I have no trouble backing them up. I could, if necessary, easily transport them to another drive.
  16. Glad you found the answer. Thanks for confirming!
  17. Hi. In my experience Evernote for Android does not 'change' notes automatically, and until you click the pen icon in the bottom right corner of the note, it is locked against editing. Exactly what is getting changed? Can you post a screen shot of the original note on your PC and the same note in Android to show the change? EDIT: Actually I may have answered my own question... If the note has been generated from Markdown text by external software and is then interpreted by Evernote's own HTML engine it is quite possible that the results will be different from what you expect. I'd say you need to talk to Mark Feixiang or his support team to see whether there is a fix.
  18. Hi. I believe the save a template option in Evernote is only available to subscribers (and I'm not even sure whether they get it in the new web browser). If you use the desktop version of the app it is possible for all users to export a note as an enex file, then doubleclick the file to create a new note with the same content. On a desktop that works better for me than the in-app option.
  19. Support for this has doubled (24 votes!) but my comment still applies...
  20. Hi. Evernote is in process of rebuilding its app in all the available operating systems to improve efficiency and allow for some of the other major features requests they've received. They don't (usually) comment on what may, or may not, be part of that exercise - but anything that it misses out will likely be easier to create in the future.
  21. Hi. If you read any part of this thread (or many other related ones) you will know that Evernote has never commented on when, whether, or how they would try to implement any kind of a further hierarchy in Notebook structures. There have been many requests and arguments, but this is a normal user-provider situation; users can request any and all features be added, but the provider is not obliged to listen or comment. A major refit of all clients is under way, but we'll only find out if a hierarchy is possible when it's available to be used.
  22. Hi. As a user and not a staff member I tend to follow the various updates and videos that float through here, and recently - although my vapour brain can't remember the where or the when - I saw a comment by Evernote's CEO that the way that sharing and/ or chat was set up initially may not have been the ideal way for today's software environment. Evernote are getting to the end of a yeas-long project to redevelop all the various clients so presumably with be updating the mechanisms of chat and share along the way. With some (or a lot) of ground-up work going on however they wouldn't have been able to look at improving those services until the basic user-facing interface is nailed down so I'm guessing that's last in the queue for attention. Evernote though don't generally make comments on what may or may not be in development and when or if it will be released, so it's just a waiting game...
  23. Hi. What did you want to use Scannable for on your Android? If it's to get content to Evernote, the standard Evernote app does exactly that. If it's to get content for other applications or sharing, there are a zillion existing apps that service Android users, not least Adobe Scan and Microsoft Office Lens which do pretty much everything - (including share to Evernote...)
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