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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. Evernote could be a great mind mapping app if only it supported the graphics - and it could deal with images if only it had the same sort of tools as Adobe Lightroom - and calculations would be much easier if it handled formulae like Excel... there's a limit to how much specialization it's possible to include.
  2. Hi. Apparent font size is a feature of screen size and operating system, and some of the options tend to be teeny text - if you make the text bigger on a PC (say 20 point) does it help?
  3. The guy posting immediately before you was the developer...
  4. Hi. Are you talking about notebooks and Stacks? Stacks contain only notebooks, so can show only those names. Notebooks contain notes, so can show a long list of notes...
  5. Hi. You're using the free version of Evernote for an -apparently- business critical purpose, which does not seem to be a wise choice. Also we're a (mainly) user driven Forum, so it ain't us that can change things. Plus - guess what - you get email support with a subscription...
  6. Hi. New Beta web version versus established installed apps - change back to an older web version in Settings if you need it...
  7. I'd think the theory is if you're automatically checking for updates, you're open to them being downloaded when they're available - but in any case you're better off not checking if you have any reservations about updates - and you can always use that 'remind me later' option...
  8. Maybe you had a Windows issue that the updates fixed - glad you got it sorted out, anyway...
  9. Not sure what you're looking for here - if (for instance) I have a folder full of scans that I've titled with some showing "One", others showing "Two" and still yet others showing "Three", I can dump that folder of files into DropIt and it will send all the "One" files to a specific folder; all the "Two" files to another... etc. If the One, Two and other folders are Import Folders connected to specific notebooks, then the notes will be imported accordingly.
  10. Hi. I assume your Tools > Options choices are set to 'download updates automatically'? You could change that setting and just choose 'remind me later' when this window pops up?
  11. Hi. I can genuinely say that I have never regarded 'long notes' as Evernote's strong suit. Short notes are good, even long documents split into short note paragraphs are possible: but long narrative notes are slow to load, hard to edit and liable to sudden and catastrophic loss if something goes wrong during sync. However. In most apps this not scrolling thing has been fixed. So what OD and device are you using?
  12. Hi. There are specific feature request threads for all apps and for the iOS app where this request would be better posted. On a quick search I can't find anyone else raising the issue - which may be why Evernote hasn't done anything so far. They are in the process of redesigning the app, so the new version might surprise you... later this year.
  13. Hi. In my Win10, holding Shift while clicking the link gets a new Window.
  14. Hi. Question to ask the Teams forum I think. Have you tried cut/ paste and screen shots as options?
  15. Hi. Might be a question of cookies in your browser - but are you using the app elsewhere any the web version only on desktop? Could be that the (beta) browser version isn't yet including this option. Try the installed desktop version?
  16. Hi. I don't use Moodle, and I'd think this is a question best asked in one of their forums, but on a quick web search there seem to be facilities to import from Moodle to Word and vice-versa, and Notes can be saved (or printed) to Word... http://www.moodle2word.net/
  17. Click in the table - use dropdown: 'match note width' ??
  18. Hi. Always best to post in the update thread where the developers are watching for issues, but this one has come up before - the error seems to mean the existing MSI file which allows the updater to uninstall the older version of Evernote has been corrupted somehow. The 'easy' fix is just to reinstall the old version of Evernote, then uninstall it and try the new one again.
  19. My humble(ish) opinion - it's a mind-set difference, not a real-world issue. Everyone is used to Folders (Notebooks), because that's the way classic computing works. You have pigeon holes for apps and documents, pictures and music, because that splits your otherwise random pile of thousands of operating files into smaller portions. The list of possible hits is reduced to human-manageable lengths by segregation. Users extended this to manage files into work vs personal / insurance vs recipes and so on. Practical problems arise though when you get to some level of specialization - do you file that business meal receipt in your expenses folder, or the tax folder, or the Acme Industries (that's who you ate with) folder... and how about the next meal and the next one - do all the receipts wind up in the same place, or did you file one in each option because you forgot what you did last time? Then you use a search to track them all down. Then there are tags. Everything is in that one incomprehensible pile. I have 49.3K notes and until recently (more on that in a moment*) they were mostly all in one notebook and identification was done by tags. (Actually I use title words as tags so I can search intitle:<keyword>, but it's the same thing really - I find that more convenient than tagging.) My three receipts would all have <Acme>, <receipt> and <food> tags, but would otherwise be floating around in my default notebook along with thousands of other receipts and other tagged items. Finding my notes requires a search first. I think most long-term Evernote users took a while to get used to the lack of folders. I know I tried to start using the service several different times over a couple of years before I 'got' it and piled on board. Then I tried several different tagging schemes and forgot lots of tags - at one stage I had <banks> <bankers> <banking> options (don't ask) until I gave up on tags per se. *Most of us 'old noters' have adapted things so Evernote fits into our activities in the way we feel most comfortable. My system now involves a notebook for each contact point - suppliers / friends / projects - they all get a notebook to themselves so my 50K pile of notes is split into a smaller chunk of a few hundred. This is mainly for search efficiency - I don't have to add that one term to my searches - all my notes related to Acme are in one spot, regardless of what they contain. I add tags to show <receipt> etc so I can winnow the 300-note pile down as necessary - but at least Search doesn't have to find 300 notes out of 50,000 to start with. So: TL:DR - Nestable Folders are familiar, tags requires a system. Big advantage of Evernote - it's adaptable to pretty much any system: except for nestable folders... I wouldn't use them now, but lots of people would, because they understand that process and don't need to develop new systems to use their data.
  20. Hmmn. OK - I guess we'll have to hope the newer versions include a fix for this. I seem to remember from one of the videos Evernote saying something about the original method of 'sharing' being a problem they were looking at...
  21. Sorry, did I miss a punchline? You can hide the thing that annoys you by unticking an option. Or you can leave it be. Seems like an easy decision... Granted Evernote's original architecture was designed a bit shortsightedly (or maybe it was about the tools they had then) but they are apparently currently changing that...
  22. The "because Windows" defence eh... 😄 ..anything you might share? I'm always on the lookout for insider tech tips... - Actually the thing I like most about Windows 10 is the fact I can click on the Start menu (or hit the Windows key) and type the first few letters of whatever app name I like, and the search feature pops up a little box with the full app name like an instant icon I can click. "Ev" forinstance gets me this - A click or <return> starts things going... All the apps I generally use get started that way - other than a few daily standards (browser, Evernote, mail...) which get opened via a scripted batch file.
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