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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. That would be a generic "more features coming in the near future" thing I would guess...
  2. The change should be in your 'settings' menu in Evernote Web. If it's not there, there may have been another change...
  3. I'd worry that it may not be compatible with your new setup - that's (presumably) a Business account .exb file and you will be trying to open it with a normal premium account with - also presumably - a different ID. Keep it as backup by all means, but if you can possibly wait I suggest you get some advice from Support. There are a few other Business users around here - maybe they will offer some advice.
  4. Evernote has been released less than a week. It is not a Microsoft product. As released, the current version will probably not allow a huge number of files to be imported - and as a Basic user you have limits of maximum 25MB per note, and 60MB per month upload. I'd suggest you try making new notes in Evernote to see whether it fits your use case, and if so you could become a subscriber and convert your existing notes by exporting them from OneNote in one file format and importing them or copying them into Evernote. You might need to install an older version of Evernote to do so - those instructions are here: Install an older version of Evernote
  5. You could definitely say this update has not been universally welcomed. And yes we all share your hope!
  6. Hi. You show here as a Premium user. Business accounts were recently updated to be separate from the connected user account with a different login. This page may explain some more. We're mainly users here in the Forums so you do really need to contact Support. Update your Evernote Business account https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  7. Hi. This may explain a bit more - How Evernote makes text inside images searchable - but we're mainly users here; if you;re having issues, best to report it to Support. https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  8. v10 for iOS is now out. I doubt your current version will see any updates from this point on. Please check the iOS forums for more one what's included there...
  9. Please post in a new thread and give us full details of this issue for more advice.
  10. Evernote have been concentrating on v10, so if there's a fix out there it will come to that version - but you might want to look at the v10 forums before jumping in...
  11. I'm not running the new app but you might need this if you jump that way... Install an older version of Evernote Edit: Sorry - Welcome back by the way!
  12. Hi. In increasing order of desperation you could try File > Exiting Evernote and closing / reopening the app; as above but throw in a device restart before reopening; File > Exit and then uninstall / restart / reinstall Re-install the legacy version and use that where v10 isn't yet ready. Install an older version of Evernote Good luck!
  13. Hmmn. Very strange - the 'phone doesn't store notes locally (AFAIK) and if you've removed the app and reset the memory on the device (by restarting it) there's nowhere (that I'm aware of) for the note to hide. I can only suggest you give Twitter and @EvernoteHelps a shot to see whether they can help - although with all the fuss going on at the moment it isn't going to be a quick response. Hopefully one of the others here who has more iOS experience will be able to suggest something...
  14. Hi. Short answer - no. I can't think of a way to allow multiple users to add content to a single account online - which might duplicate their own Evernote account if they have one. I'd suggest that you could encourage your users to get their own account if they don't already have one, and maybe offer some Evernote note templates to guide them in structuring their study and the notes they take. Don't know if Evernote can help with this - we're mainly users here - but I'll flag the Forum Admin to take a look and maybe reach out. Good luck!
  15. Hi. While we're happy for you to share, please be aware we're all (probably equally frustrated) users around here. A Support ticket is the way to go if you have serious issues, but if you explain what's going on, we can maybe help...
  16. That's the big boy version of Outlook-in-the-cloud that you pay for - I use the old cheap "installed in 2013" local version that (previously) was natively supported by Evernote. Losing the clipper is an issue.
  17. Please post a new enquiry - this is an old thread about a different issue.
  18. If you force quit and uninstall the app, power your phone off and back on, then reinstall - is it still there?
  19. The old version is still on Google Play (for me anyway...) if you can't get it from there, try https://evernote.en.uptodown.com/android/versions
  20. Hi. If you haven't already done so, I'd suggest (re)installing the legacy version and using that where v10 isn't yet ready. Install an older version of Evernote
  21. Hi. Lots of updates in the pipeline. If you're on desktop and if you haven't already done so, I'd suggest (re)installing the legacy version and using that where v10 isn't yet ready. Install an older version of Evernote
  22. Updates and improvements are - allegedly - coming... meantime if you haven't already done so, I'd suggest (re)installing the legacy version and using that where v10 isn't yet ready. Install an older version of Evernote
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