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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Weird. The installed Evernote executable runs the app; the installer file gives you that message - they're two different packages. If you navigate to the Evernote folder and run the Evernote.exe file, does it run correctly? If so, just create the shortcut as (I think) above - right-click / send to desktop / create shortcut - and use that to start. Bin any other shortcuts that you see. Worst case I guess windows might have a crossed wire somewhere that diverts the startup command to the wrong file - best option then would be to nuke the current installation with Revo Uninstaller Free (you might want to back up your database folder first) and install Evernote again as Admin.
  2. Hi. That post is 4 years old... you can stay slightly more up to date with the Evernote blog... https://evernote.com/blog/
  3. I do see Evernote rolling out some new support material - specifically YouTube 'how to' videos here > Current list: Internal Note Links Note: The New Note button Search & Save Share a note Tag: Create a tag Checkbox vs Checklist
  4. Hi. New install? New tablet? Meantime in increasing order of desperation try File > Exit Evernote and close / reopen the app; as above but throw in a device restart before reopening; File > Exit and then uninstall / restart / reinstall and check this: Understanding the device limit Good luck!
  5. ...and I killed your two other posts in different forums asking this same question. Please don't cross-post.
  6. Hi. Pete Kvitek (a former Evernote tech guru) saved some personal resources quite a while ago for really old databases. This is my note of the use of the files plus the link where they (or maybe more up to date versions) might be found. There's a readme file on the site too. http://www.kvitek.com/en/ EN2Export.zip -- EverNote 2.x to Evernote 6.x database conversion tool. EN2GBPatch.exe -- patches Evernote executable to support large memory addresses. ENAPITest_120904.zip -- Evernote API sample source code. ENImport.exe -- command line tool to import stuff into Evernote. ENRepair.exe -- command line tool to repair EverNote 2.x databases. EverNote_2.2.0.383_TP.exe -- EverNote 2.2 technical preview, original installer. Evernote_3.1.0.1225.exe -- Evernote 3.1 original installer. EverNote2_SxS.zip -- Evernote 2.3.401, modified to run alongside newer Evernote versions. Sorry none of them quite fit your spec, but I hope some of that might help...
  7. If you're looking for a Windows app, then consider the previous version 6.25.2 which is still available as the 'legacy' option. That does support Import Folders. Don't know if the new v10 will ever add them back, but you'll have a year or two before Evernote stop the Legacy app from syncing with their servers, which will effectively render it useless. If you are adding clips from web pages, then both Legacy and v10 support a browser Clipper which will do so.
  8. Don't know how many active users of EN there are - out of 250M(?) downloads, maybe 25M actually use the app, and 1-3% would be 250,000+ (presumably) paying users. That's a lot of subscriptions to lose...
  9. Check this out It gets rather interesting from 32 minutes in...
  10. Hi. Evernote v10 does not support Import Folders. What were you trying to accomplish?
  11. Hi. Both old and new versions of Evernote will access the same server database, so there's no 'official' reason to wait to update your computer - but notes made on one version do not (apparently) always play well with the other, and Evernote v10 seems to lack a number of features, most of which will be added in coming weeks. If those features are critical to your use case, there could be problems. Unless you have a desperate need to update, you might want to wait a while on both computer and Androids, while Evernote polishes the both applications.
  12. Hi. The latest update is in process of being brought up to the standard of the app it replaced, but that will take a little time. If it's not behaving as you would expect, and some basic fixes like logging out and back in or restarting do not work, you could reinstall the Legacy version from here: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314 and use that until the latest version is caught up.
  13. V10 is being improved on, but still lacks a lot of classic features. In Windows / Mac and (from a repository site) Android it's possible to step back to the previous version. iOS updates aren't (yet) reversible. Desktops can run the legacy app alongside v10 so you can try out the new app but use legacy when you need to. This is the desktop link - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314
  14. Hi. Obviously not good. If you haven't already done so, I'd suggest (re)installing the desktop legacy version and using that where v10 isn't yet ready. Install an older version of Evernote
  15. Hi. I'd suggested raising this with Support - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  16. Hmmn. I wonder if this might explain some things...https://9to5google.com/2020/10/12/google-chrome-windows-10-may-update-issues/
  17. Hi - have you tried all the usual fixes? File > Exit Evernote and close / reopen the app; as above but throw in a device restart before reopening; File > Exit and then uninstall / restart / reinstall Re-install the legacy version and use that where v10 isn't yet ready. Install an older version of Evernote Good luck!
  18. Hi. I think that was reported here - https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/128915-unable-to-copyduplicate-a-shared-to-me-note/
  19. I saw another tech post (different forum) that said a recent Windows update has temporarily 'broken' Chrome. If that's your OS it'll fix itself in a few days probably...
  20. Hi. V10 is being improved on, but still lacks a lot of classic features. In Windows / Mac and (from a repository site) Android it's possible to step back to the previous version. iOS updates aren't (yet) reversible. Desktops can run the legacy app alongside v10 so you can try out the new app but use legacy when you need to. This is the desktop link - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314
  21. Hi. This is a -mainly- user-driven forum so responses happen when they happen. I'm not seeing that issue - have you tried exiting the page and reloading / clearing caches / another browser? And is your account updated to v10 now?
  22. This may become a theme... There's zero communication out there from Evernote at the moment...
  23. Hi. No clue. I'd suggest raising this with Support - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  24. Since it's still possible to go back to the 'old' version of Desktop and Android. I do think the best way to deal with the v10 update is to ignore it for a few months until it's more usable and stick with what we know and -kinda- love. I am worried that Evernote seem to have an "I wonder if we really need that" attitude to some currently missing features - it seems to have been a surprise that users would need to email notes to others, and use the Presentation mode to share data - so silence from the user-base might confirm their view and doom some previously standard options to oblivion. But I see no reason to march over bridges before I have to - as long as the legacy version has support I'll be here.
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